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The Royal Spy

The world had changed rapidly in the last 50 years. Some say the world moved two steps backwards, some forward. After the third world war everything was damaged, changed. Every country had to fend for itself. Being the leading country no longer mattered. the world moved from a state of technological advances to hardly any technology. Civilization luckily was saved by the world health organisation and the United nations, they had predicted the war and prepared for it. The world was now in a monarchy state. It was established by the world leaders that that would be the best way forward. Many had been killed, traumatised and injured.

The place formally known as South America was know the kingdom of Rhuex. Ruled by King Henry and his wife Queen Sophia. North America was now called the kingdom of Veret, ruled by King Tobias and Queen Emmalia.  The queens from around the world made an association of Queens called Amore. It is mostly unused, only used for situations deemed important. Some ladies tended to get chatty on idle tedious matters, others were at each others necks. it was the best to keep it unused.

Aurora Heart, a law student with a heart of gold, educated and informed . Currently working at a gym ,she was naturally fit. The money she got from the gym was to pay for her school tuition. Law school was very costly. A unexpected turn of events brings the student with a great right hook to the Veret castle.

Where she becomes the spy of some very regal men.


악마 • (angma) (hanja 惡魔) a demon; a devil;
means "Rose of an angel"

Ji-hun Kangjeon, is man of very little words. Being raised in the worlds most ruthless mafia had eradicated his humanity. Most now knew him as Agma. No one had called him Ji-hun in years. His travels around the world gained him alliances amougst  interpoles most wanted  and his fake IDs  made him one of interpoles most wanted.

Agma finds himself in trouble on one of the beautiful Azores islands. One night Roseangel finds him on her secluded part of the island , unknowing who he is. Rosangel the nature-loving beauty has now crossed paths with the devil; Agma.

Can the girl with Angel in her name survive the storm that is Agma a man named after the devil?

(Kim Taehyung fan fiction. You don't need to know who he is to know or understand the story)


Second Chance mate

He was a being without hope. He had lost all precious to him at the hands of his own family . His life was going down hill until he met her. She was broken, lonely and very much a witch. An outcast longing for belonging. They became each others second chance at happiness.

"Relax little mate. She is nothing to me. I would never touch a woman who is not my destined mate." His voice is so deep and and soothing.

His eyes glaze over for a while,  and a blonde haired guy comes into the office. I quickly do an invisibility spell so I'm undetected. As he picks up the girl he speaks, "Alpha , Amber wouldn't want to see you like this. She was a hater of violence especially against wo-"

"Who the hell is Amber?" I now had a fire covered hand. Naturally I was an elemental witch, fire, water, earth and wind were my thing.

The blonde haired guy gasps as he stands infront of his alpha protectively. Cute.

"Vincent, if you do not tell me who the hell is Amber I will burn this place down with everyone inside."



She is on the run from her politician ex. She craves to find a stable place yet she attracts only the most peculiar men. On the run with her daughter she meets a mysterious man with a messy past.

With her name changed, her appearance changed she figures she is now safe. Unlike all the other times, here she feels safe. Its safe to assume that she has no idea what safe is.


*blushes* I am done. If u r interested in any of them check them out. I started writing Agma like yesterday.  Hope your doing better(mental health wise) than me.

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