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I smile and admire their moment. It always went like this. He would leave making Liam pouty for the whole day. He would return making happier than he had ever been.  I join the hug momentarily before returning to the house to give them their space.

They finally make a reappearance when I am in the kitchen putting the groceries away. Liam heads to his room most likely to remove his uniform. Jerome stands still at the fridge blocking me from putting away a batch of strawberries in my hands.

“No kiss for your beau?” he asks with an eyebrow raised.

“I don’t have a beau. I live alone.”
“I know I said I would be back last week Sahara I just had to deal with minor issues with the companies. Please forgive me love.” He gently places his hands over mine taking the strawberries and putting them on the island beside us.

He places a kiss to my hands. One to my left wrist- one to right wrist. He places another to my neck riding up to my face. He kisses around my whole face avoiding my lips. He continually whispers he is sorry as he peppers my face with kisses. This goes on for what feels like forever. I find my hands moving to his back pulling him in. He rests his forehead on mine as he gazes into my eyes. A lone tear leaves my eye.  “I am so glad you are okay.” I pull myself into his chest- I wrap my arms tightly around him.

The moment is broken by a topless Liam carrying his sand building equipment and his cute surf board. “EWW.”

We break apart laughing. I wipe away any remnants of the tears. “Are you guys going to swim now?”

“Yes we are. I am going to show Liam some tricks on the water. We will be surfing. Call us if you need us.”

Jerome leaves the kitchen to go to the room to change. He comes back moments later with his abs on display and surfboard in hand. My “Be safe” falls on deaf ears as they are already halfway down to the beach. I grab my tablet and go to the house security app.

I loved the comfort of living in Sáo Jorge- the safety we felt. At the same time, I am not stupid enough to believe that I could ever move fully away from my past. The whole property was wired with security cameras. I moved to the live feed showing the beach. The sound by the beach wasn’t the best. Vaguely every few minutes I would hear laughter making me look at them.

I decided to cook and make some spicy rice and beef curry.  In the background I hear waves of the ocean crashing, I smell the delicious food, I look at my baby and someone I care about- I feel content. I feel happy- a new tailor made feeling just for me.

The night comes as we put Liam to bed and head to our own. As he showers and I do my nightly face and hair routine, we talk about everything. Everything that went down back home. He tells me about his flight- how his business is- how mine is. His fight with Linda. How Knox and Thomas are.

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