Twenty Six

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I went inside my cabin and started arranging everything in order. I turned on the computer and checked the mails. William's Enterprises is well known for their technologies. They provide the best technologies worldwide. They also have chain of hotels in almost every country. I wonder how Arthur handles all these. Arthur, just by thinking his name brought back the memories of that dream and me being the idiot started to blush furiously. I came early today so that I could prepare myself, I wanted to calm myself before facing him. Thankfully he hasn't arrived when I got here.

"I can do this! It's just Arthur"
Yes Arthur as in your boss and the guy you fantasised.....of course my stupid conscience has to interfere dammit! Just then I looked up from my computer screen to find Arthur coming out of the elevator. I thought I have more time before he arrives....why in the hell is he early! I ducked under my desk......Why am I hiding dammit?! I heard the door to my cabin opening.

"Alissia?" He called. I closed my eyes tightly.

God please god make him go to his office. I'm not ready to face him. If he see my state he is definitely gonna think that I'm a tomato. Damn this blush! Stupid heart.....don't make a concert. My heart is beating furiously. God please.......I heard the door opening and closing. I left a sigh of relief. I was trying to compose myself still under the desk when I heard him clearing his throat. I jumped in my position startled. I opened my eyes and looked upto see Arthur looking at me with raised eyebrows. He must be thinking I was crazy. Well it's your fault mister! Why in the hell did you come and kiss me in my dream! I mentally glared at him.

I reached the office quickly.....I was indeed looking forward to meet Alissia. My eyes involuntarily started to look for her in her usual place. I entered her cabin and called her but I frowned when I didn't see her. My eyes searched the cabin but I did not find anyone. Maybe she is late.

I was about to turn around when I heard a sound.....that stopped me on my tracks. I went towards her desk to find her crouching on the floor with her eyes closed. She was praying.....I guess?. My frown deepened. I cleared my throat, she was startled. She looked at me with her eyes wide. She looked like deer caught in the headlights.

"What are you doing Alissia?!" She suddenly stood up but her head hit the desk.

She lost her balance and was going to fall but I quickly caught her. I looked at her and gently rubbed her head where she hit to ease her pain. She was not meeting my eyes. Her face was red.....maybe because of embarrassment brought by her clumsiness. I chuckled...

"You are very clumsy Alissia" I stated as a matter of factly. She is looking so cute right now.

"Are you alright?" I asked out of concern. It was a pretty good hit.

"Yes" she said in an almost inaudible voice.

"Are you sure?" I asked again....this time she replied bit more loudly but it was squeaky.


"Alright then" I noticed that she was still in my arms. My arms wrapped around her waist, hers on my chest.

The warmth radiating from her almost made me tighten my hold....almost. But I don't want to scare her away or make it awkward. God knows how I survived without seeing her properly after that almost kiss. She noticed our position too so she quickly pulled away from me. It made me miss her warmth so much that I have to try so hard not to extend my arms and hug her tightly. I cleared my throat and rubbed the back of my neck.

"Um....what are you doing here? Do you need any help?" She asked me.

Suddenly I was speechless. I didn't think this through. I just wanted to see her so badly that I didn't think about a reason. I mean what could I say that I came to see her? Dammit! So I told her the only reason that came to my mind.....

"Angel misses you and she asked about you" What? It's not a complete lie......Whatever but this gained me her beautiful smile. Her smile which lightens the whole place.

"I miss her too" She said still with her smile.

"Then how about....I mean do you want to come to my place after work?"

Ok I was not planning to ask that. She might think I'm desperate or something. Maybe I'm but she doesn't need to know that. She looked like she was thinking about it. After what felt like hours which actually was a few seconds she nodded a yes. I was having a victory party inside my mind. I grinned at her and send her a wink before walking out of there.

I swear I was not planning to say yes. My brain had another plan but my body had another one ....I mean yes I want to see Angel and Arthur was looking so hopeful how am I supposed to say no to him? Ok....ok I wanted to go with him dammit! The day was going smoothly except for me sneaking glances at Arthur and blushing like a tomato. After work as he said he took me to his home.

Hey guys, I know I know I took a long time to update but what can I do? I'm having a writer's block.... maybe it's because of my college work or something. I tried so hard to write so that I could give you guys the update you have been waiting for. But whenever I write something I couldn't complete it but I completed this chapter for you guys who supported me and still supports my work and I can't thank you guys enough for that. I have read all your comments and that gave me some much needed inspiration for me. You guys are my fuel. Your encouragement means a lot to me.
Love you guys so much❤❤❤❤❤❤ Thank you so much guys😘😘😘
Once again love ya❤😘

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