Twenty Seven

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The same maid who opened the door for us when I first came here greeted us with a smile when we reached Arthur's home. I walked straight towards Angel's the sound of footsteps I'm sure Arthur is behind me......God this is gonna be a very long day. Upon reaching Angel's room I heard her talking. We exchanged a confused look, Arthur opened the door quietly and we looked inside to see Angel talking to herself but what she said made me emotional....

"Dear God, if you can hear me it's me Angel! Mama and dada's princess.....yes Angel whose mwommy is with you as daddy said......but now I have another mwommy......she is so pwretty, I love Mama soo much but she didnot came to visit Angel for a while......and Angel is angry" She pouted.

"But still Angel loves mama. I think she is sad, I dont know why? Maybe you know why? Can you make her happy and bring her here? Please make both of my mwommys happy. And oops! sorry.....don't forget to make daddy happy too ok? Love you God"

She smiled and opened her beautiful eyes then looked towards the sky through the window. My tears were falling freely. I couldn't contain anymore, I called her...


She turned around and a huge grin formed on her adorable face. She ran towards me, I kneeled in front of her only to get tackled down by her force. I laughed and hugged her tightly while tears continued to fall. I saw Arthur with ushed tears watching us.

"Mama you came!!!!! You came to see Angel!" She jumped up and down.

I smiled and kissed her forehead and cheeks. She hugged me tightly again. I returned it with the same enthusiasm.  My heart was beating fast with the happiness. This little girl in my arms has given me hope and happiness that I have been lacking for a while. We talked , played, danced, laughed and sang Disney song to tease Arthur. It was funny to see the cute blushing Arthur, he tried to glare at us but started laughing instead with us. We ran around the house, reaching the vast backyard. The sun is going to set soon, Angel was laughing a lot. Me and Arthur shared a look and ran to catch Angel.....she laughed.

We lied down on the grass, the backyard of his house was so beautiful. Everywhere was filled with beautiful flowers of different colours. The floral smell soothed me, the light breeze made it more wonderful. I looked to my side to see the father daughter duo talking. I smiled at them, they remind me of me and my dad. I looked at sky and saw the pink and orange coloured sky and hoped they were fine. I miss mom, dad and Shawn........there is not a day pass by that I don't remember them. I swallowed the lump forming in my throat and blinked back my tears. Arthur stood with Angel and held his hand out for me.

"Let's get inside its going to be cold"

I nodded my head in agreement as i don't want them to get ill. I looked at him....then at his hand, I placed my hand in his warm ones, I felt sparks passing through it, I shivered. I looked at his eyes which were looking at me intensely. We stared at each other for a moment then went inside.

We had dinner together, I laid Angel on her bed, it was a bit past her bed time. I read her stories, the sound of small snores made sure that she fell asleep, I tried to stop myself from chuckling at her adorableness if that's even a word. I gently tried to remove her hands that were wrapped around me without waking her up.

I have to change as I was not able to change from my work clothes. Arthur bought me some clothes when I stayed here last time, so that whenever I stay here I'd have something to wear. Oh yes! Did I forget to tell you that I'm staying here tonight? Oops my bad! Anyway as usual I couldn't say no to Angel's puppy eyes. Trust me that girl can bring anyone to their knees. I kissed her forehead and turned towards the door and I almost screamed when I saw Arthur leaning against the door looking at Angel then at me. Thank God I was able to control myself from screaming.

"Arthur you gave me a heart attack! Don't sneak up on me like that" I whisper yelled, keeping my hands over my heart.

He grinned at me and winked . I looked at him with a glare. The audacity of this man! I shook my head and tried to walk past him. The key word being tried. I was pressed to the wall outside the room I looked at Arthur who has successfully trapped me with wide eyes. His eyes were intense, a shade darker than usual. He leaned forward, my heart started to beat faster. I was breathing heavily. He ran his nose on my cheek, then he placed his face in the crook of my neck and inhale deeply. I closed my eyes, I felt him kissing my neck lightly. I gasped at the sensation. He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me against his chest, my hands instinctively held his shoulders. His intense eyes was making it hard for me to look at him. He kissed my forehead. His eyes roamed over my face, landing on my lips. But before I could say anything I felt his warm lips on mine...........

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2022 ⏰

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