Twenty Three

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I heard beeping sound, Where am I? That was the first thought when I opened my eyes. I was in a white room , many wires were attached on my body and strong smell of disinfectant confirmed that I was in a hospital. I groaned in pain when I tried to move. How long have I been out?. God! My throat feels like Sahara......I glanced around and found a glass of water on my side, I tried to take without making much movement. Still I slightly winced, just then the door to my room opened and my brother entered. He looked at me shocked like he has seen some ghost then like something clicked and he was out of trance. He ran towards me and hugged me tightly. I groaned and he quickly moved away from me. But kept his hands on my shoulder gently.

"I'm sorry! All!!!! You are awake!!"

Now tears were coming out like  a waterfall from his eyes. I looked at him concerned, he looked like he hasn't slept for days.

"How are you feeling?" He asked somewhat hesitant. Suddenly everything that happened came to my mind like a movie. My eyes filled with tears. I saw his clenched jaw through my blurry vision. He gently pulled me to his chest, I flinched a first but then I started crying my eyes out on his chest. He rubbed my back and kissed my side of the head. I couldn't hold it anymore, I never felt this vulnerable ever. I tried to speak but my throat was dry. He gently moved and grabbed the water. He helped me to drink, I felt better.

"What happened? How long have I been out?" I asked.

"We all were trying to find you after you went missing for days! I went through the road and you stumbled from the forest. I never thought it was you but when I saw your face relief  washed over me at the same time I was devastated to see you like that. We thought we lo....." he couldn't complete it he started crying.

I hugged him, now it was my turn to comfort him. After a while he regained his composure and said..

"Its been two weeks since you were here. You were in coma due to the injury and panic" my eyes widened two weeks?!

Just then my parents came inside and they were shocked and surprised at the same time just like Shawn. My mom is the one who started to cry and soon she was by my side.

"My baby!!..." she cried hugging me, I bite back the groan that was threatening to escape. I was in lot of pain, thankfully Shawn gently removed her from me.

"Mom you are hurting her"

"Sorry baby...." she was still crying. Dad came forward, his own eyes were filled with tears. I have never seen him cry, The Markus Hemsworth was crying, that made me tear up again. He bent down and kissed my forehead.

After that everything was in a blur for me. The police took my statement. I flinched when ever someone touches me. I cried silently at night. Then after few more days I was discharged. I was  a bit relieved by that.

Mom made all my favourite food to cheer me up. Dad would try to crack some jokes for which I would smile. I get zoned out a lot. I have nightmares at night and I would scream . My family were very concerned about me. Shawn being the sweet loving brother would come and sit by my side gently gliding his hands over my forehead to make me fall asleep. He stays till I sleep, I sometimes find him sleeping still in the same position which is leaning against the headrest, a hand holding mine. I'm blessed to have them as my family. The police informed about who it was as I didn't know his name, not like I want to know. I would rather be in the dark but after seeing the horrified expression of my family when they heard the name I knew this person should not be taken lightly.

When I was healed Shawn took me to the gym and taught me kickboxing to take my mind off. I even started to go for therapy. I was getting better but then one day I got a message. A message that send chills to my spine.

"Hi sweetheart! Did you forget me? It was very foolish of you to inform the police but guess what? They can't do anything! And no one gets away from me that easily. So come back to me.... see you soon sweetheart.....And I hope your brother is fine"

My heart was hammering against my chest. The last sentence made panic and I heard screams. I ran downstairs to find Shawn on the floor, mom and dad were beside him I ran towards him.

"Shawn!!! Shawn!!!" I shouted shaking him. He groaned and opened his eyes.

We took him to the hospital, thankfully it was nothing severe but he had broken ribs and hand. I know this is a warning for me, if I don't go he will do the worst. I have to do something, I need to protect my family.....

My thoughts were broken by a knock on the door, yes door! Did I forget to mention that Arthur has given be an office so that I could have privacy.....This man!.....And speak of the devil, It was none other than Arthur. He smiled at me shyly, the same smile that weakens my knees. Thank God I'm sitting....



"How is it going?"

"Good" he opened his mouth to say,  I know what he is going to ask next so I cut him.

"I'm completely fine Arthur" I sighed and stood up to lean on the desk then folded my hands in front of my chest. He moved closer and closed the door behind him.

"Are you sure" I smiled and nodded.

"Go back to work Mr William otherwise Cinderalla will be late and Fairy Godmother will be waiting"

I winked, he narrowed his eyes and I started to laugh when the memories came back to my mind, after sometime he also joined. I don't know when we came closer but we were standing face to face right now. He looked at me intensely and I stared right back at his eyes, those eyes which never fails to catch my attention. He moved closer, our lips were just an inch apart. I can feel his mint breath on my lips.

"Arth..." I whispered our lips brushed lightly, I felt like electricity passing through me, my breath hitched. He was leaning forward when a sudden knock interrupted us. We pulled back quickly. I felt breathless and lightheaded. Lucy came inside, Arthur went outside with his usual straight face but I saw light blush on his cheeks well it's not like mine. Mine would be red as a tomato. God!!!! What was that?!!!

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