Chapter One

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Two thousand and seventy eight years ago.

Tykonia was one of three kingdoms in the third realm which housed the Citadel of Reapers where the Grim Reaper resided with the Council of Five. Around the Citadel was Tykonia, being the biggest kingdom, then Imperia and the Sands of Time.
Tykonia was ruled by Ogmios Tykonian, who like most other heads of royalty, assisted the Grim Reaper during the Sovereign War which was a devastating war against the three primordial gods. At the end of the war, the Grim Reaper granted the strongest fighters from every realm a single ability that only They had proficiency in. Above that, they were to be protected by the Council at all costs. Which led to them being treated like royalty.
Ogmios created two souls from his power alone after attaining Grim's boon and by inheritance, they would receive the boon as well. Simz and Choko would become the successors of the Tykonion family. Though in the world of souls there's no death caused by age, royals were quite the target by many who thought to claim the boon from reaping their souls. There were thirteen heads of family that fought in that war, thus thirteen families. But as of this day, only seven remained.
Simz was considered the eldest as his core formed his soul faster than Choko who formed two days after.
Simz would go on to take the shape and image of a male, and Choko would take that of a female.

Ogmios would do his best on raising the children. As a soul would only increase in size depending on how many other souls it reaped, royals didn't really become reapers. Another treat they'd receive from Grim was a soul shard. A giant crystal housed beneath the home of the royal which would feed soul essence to souls of that core lineage.
As such, it was odd to see a royal with a scythe as it wouldn't always serve them purpose. Being a royal allowed you to have a power that only the Grim Reaper possessed and you'd have already mastered it. A tome was given to the family head which held runic writing on its pages, and knowledge of every technique per the power was available to the reader to absorb it into their knowledge. And a soul never forgets.
Simz and Choko had both read every page in the tome and all that was left was to train the use of the abilities in combat.
Just because one royal had an ability of Grim, doesn't mean they're a jack of all trades.
"It's no use having all that knowledge and not know how to use it, Simz!" Ogmios would yell at his son and kick him, "Look at your sibling."
Choko would come to be a prodigy at mastering her ability.
It was one thing for a royal to know how to use their ability, but for some families, the ability would cost a lot of their essence which was like blood to the soul. And the shards granted by Grim were sometimes not sufficient with how much essence they transfer. This is why most royal families only have one person as the essence from the shard would solely supply them.
And the Tykonions had one very powerful ability. Weaver's Vision.
To explain it bluntly, in the same way matter makes up everything in the mortal physical realm, essence particles make up everything in Heaven, Hell, and the Underworld. Even matter is a physical form of essence.
However, as humans cannot see matter individually, neither can souls see essence particles and only when it's a collective to form an object or element in all of the realms. Except the Tykonions.
With Weaver's Vision, a Tykonion can see the individual particles that make up the plane of existence and they are able to move each particle telekinetically, bending and rearranging space within their field of vision. For something that doesn't exist, they can then weave their own essence to create literally anything - provided they know its shape.

Ogmios had cloned himself and the children would have to weave a barrier around them and sustain a barrage of attacks. For every layer that was destroyed, they would have to have their core produce essence enough to weave another barrier without sustaining damage to themselves, or weave the essence around them to create a barrier.
Where Simz would fail compared to his sister, he would put most of this essence into a single layer, but Choko would use both her environment and her own essence to weave barriers per attack.
As Simz's barrier would be the first to fall, he would not have enough to weave a second or to even weave space around him. Even movement burns essence like a human burns calories.
Though Ogmios built their souls exactly the same, each essence particle has a nucleus that determines their type: light, corruption, neutral, restorative, destructive, decay.
Simz's core has a destructive nucleus whilst Choko's was restorative, as such she could regenerate essence from her own core quicker than her father and brother. Simz was able to deal more damage in any attack and powerful defense. But as he was still a child, his core would need a lot of essence to make his defense and attack meaningful.
"And don't use the excuse of being tired. Just utilise your ability better." Ogmios scoffed at him and turned to leave the battle hall. This is where the children were trained once a day by their father.
As the door closed behind him, Choko lowered her barrier and ran to him. Their father's clones dispersed into essence which flowed back to Ogmios, like flowing mist of shimmering black.

"Are you okay, brother?" She knelt down by him and sent restorative essence around his body, weaving skin onto his scratches and restoring his essence in his body.
"I'm okay, Choko," Simz said as he stood up, "Just trying to do the most with the least movement."
"And how's that working out for you?" She smirked.
He gave her a look then laughed, "Shut up. You're annoying."
"Let's go walk among the people. You love to do that." She held out her hand to him and he grabbed it with a smile.
That would be nice.

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