Chapter Six

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Ogmios Tykonion made his way to the foyer of the Tykonion palace. 
"Do not keep me waiting, children." He said as both Choko and Simz soon appeared.
"You won't be needing your scythe, son," He looked at Simz, who then looked shocked.
"We're royals, father. Would it not be wise to--" Simz started but was interrupted.
"WE ARE the most powerful royal family, Simz. We Tykonions are able to rearrange essence and matter literally. So long as our cores glimmer with essence, we're already a weapon." 
That last line was something that every royal has probably said at least once in their lifetime.
"Besides, we have protection." Ogmios stepped out of the palace and was greeted by Captain Trent and his acolyte Robyn.
As the family walked down the stairs to a palanquin which floated using essence, Ogmios eyed the large covered object behind Trent.
Grinning from ear to ear, "I believe that is the item I asked you to retrieve?" Ogmios asked the captain.
Trent nodded and forced a grin, "It is, Your Majesty."
As the captain bowed, Robyn stood and eyed him. Never had she been in his presence before.
Moreover, she was unable to move in his presence. 
A hand touched her shoulder and she snapped back to reality. She looked at the hand which was Simz.
"Sorry, Father has that effect on people." He said to the acolyte. 
Simz lowered his head to Trent, "Captain, it is a pleasure to meet you. Understandably early, but it's an honour to have you accept my submission into your division."
Ogmios kept quiet, gritting his teeth as he made his way onto the palanquin.
"The honour is all mine, young prince. Please, no need to lower your head to me," Trent said, almost apologetic in tone.
Trent and Simz were the same height but their power levels were worlds apart. Trent could feel the pressure from the prince, standing close to him.
He held out his hand with a smile, "I cannot wait to formally have you as part of the Fifth Division."
Simz grinned and stretched out his hand to shake Trent's.

"Can we go, please? I'd hate to be late for the Summit." Ogmios called from the palanquin, where Choko was also seated.
Simz let go of Trent's hand and made his way to his family. As the palanquin floated higher into the air, it vanished quickly.
"I'll open a rift, Captain," Robyn said and began chanting. 
Trent, who still stood with his hand stretched out, was beaming with glee. The surge of power that flowed through him summoned the scales on his back.
"Are you alright?" Robyn asked, standing next to a portal.
He nodded, "I'm fine. Let's head to the Summit."
He would hide the fact that he needed to hold back from shape-shifting when he shook Simz's hand, as his power level was so high that it kicked his defensive instinct into play. 

The Royal Summit is always held in the ninth realm. As that is the biggest realm to exist in the reaping world. What stands out about it is that it is the only reaping realm where no royal family holds dominion. As such, the Council of Five uses that realm to resolve matters with the royals and many of the reapers within the Citadel graduated from the only reaping academy located in the ninth realm. Most of the civilisation within the ninth realm were aspiring reapers for the Citadel. Imagine it to be Hogsmeade from the Harry Potter books and films, but an entire universe big. The ninth realm was also where the Great Guild Games took place where guilds from different realms would face off in a competition of strength. Royals would often attend these games to see which is the strongest guild and hire them to do work for their family. In most cases, guilds would establish themselves within the empire of the royal family that purchased their services or be granted land of their own in exchange for fealty.

Since no guild resided in the Underworld, where the Tykonion and Fulmen families did, the very Council of Five would serve those two families as they were regarded as the most important and powerful families in existence. Where the Tykonions could weave reality with their very hands and weave the very barrier protecting the Citadel and the Mortal realm, the Fulmens are invulnerable to any type of essence - meaning only physical strength could kill them. 
There are, however, other royal families whose feats are to be reckoned with.

As the Tykonions appeared before the Great Hall where the summit is held, Trent and Robyn sat waiting.
Simz peaked out and saw the captain and acolyte using a portal.
"That's so cool," he mumbled. Ogmios eyed his son intensely with a scowl. Not once had Simz found anything about being a royal to be 'cool'. His interest in the Council made him sick.
As they stepped out of the palanquin, other royals were arriving. 

First, from the feral fifth realm, was Andreyus - the lion king. Trent had been serving the Council for so long that he was not sure who was leading his realm. Dressed in black silk pants with golden embroidery, the king walked barefoot and topless. With extremely defined muscles, golden eyes and auburn hair, he stood tall with a beard that covered his entire jawline and neck. Like a lion's mane. With him was a shorter man, but also burly. Also topless and walking with just pants, there was no gold embroidery on them but his skin was a dark grey and his back was completely silver. 
"Harambe," Trent called out and the man grinned.
"Trent, still a white collar, huh?" Harambe jested and Trent smiled back. 

From the sixth realm, two women walked towards the great hall. Gaya and Venti, earth and air elementals respectively. With their missing sisters being water and fire. They are the foundation of the four elements. They were accompanied by two men, Ridi and Advo, who served under Royce from the Bludkniv guild. As Royce is still a wanted criminal, he's suspected to be in the Citadel prison.

From the seventh realm walked a tall giant, almost always wearing a bored expression on her face. Queen Mthaniya was accompanied by five women who all wore the same masks resembling a porcelain doll. They were the guild masters of the largest guild in existence, the Matriarch. It is said that the guild is also the royal family, whereby the Matriarch taught others of her royal abilities which is usually only meant to be handed down through a core line created by the main family member. Mthaniya would grant her power to anyone who displayed the same values as her. As for why the five masters wore the same mask so that they all embodied one being. In battle, you wouldn't know who you were up against - just that you were fighting the Matriarchs. If ever Mthaniya was called to battle, she too would adorn herself with a mask and alter her body to the height of the women in the guild, who were all the same height and features when donning the mask. In the privacy of their realm, they would assume their original appearances. But notably, the entire guild and royal family consist of only women and those who identify as such. And they make up ninety-five percent of the seventh realm.

Nobody from the eighth realm arrived. And so, the summit would begin.

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