Chapter Twelve

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The sixth realm was ruled entirely by the elements where the lands, skies, waters and suns would house the elemental goddesses. For earth and all of its advanced evolutions like metal,  glass, sands, soil and plants - Gaya was the goddess of the element. For air, the goddess was named Venti who was omnipresent and often unseen unless she chose to take form by swirling bits of earth or water or even fire around her. Maél was the goddess of water - regarded as one of the most ice-cold goddesses, no pun intended. Many of the captains and those who came before them have some story to tell about encountering the goddess. Some have called her the goddess of essence, as water embodies all of the characteristics of essence in being neutral, destructive, healing, and unpredictable—lastly, the goddess of fire - Aviannas. Commonly known as the phoenix, it is only known for destruction. Embodying life itself as most living things in the mortal realm need heat to exist, the same never translated in the Underworld realms. The fire was untameable but could still be controlled. In the path of destruction that Aviannas could bring, it could only take another fire to defeat her. Fire was the only element that could bend the laws of physics and even erase existence. 

One of the prominent cities in this realm was Gladys, located between the earth and air domains. Gaya and Venti built the city when their elemental creations needed to establish civilisation. People made of different rocks, metals, vapours, waters, and much more -  the city did not have anyone who hailed from the fire domain. And the reasons for that go far back in history.
Simz and Robyn stepped through a portal into the city and Simz was in awe of the architecture. The entire city spanned extremely far and wide, with some landmarks floating here and there. The lifestyle was buzzing like a modern-day New York City. Some of the elementals wore reaper robes and wielded a scythe.
"There are elementals from the Citadel here?" Simz asked.
"Of course, " Robyn responded, "The Council doesn't discriminate."
But much could be said about the citizens as they looked at Robyn disgusted, while others froze in place and stared at her.
Simz thought that he was the spectacle, however he could hear people mentioning her fiery hair.
Robyn sighed, "It's good to be home." She said sarcastically.
"You're from this realm?" Simz was amazed, though her hair made a lot of sense. "I thought you being a salamander, that you'd come from the feral realm like Captain Trent."
She shook her head, "I can take the form of a salamander only because I don't have a big enough core to shift into a snake like our captain can."
Two large golems appeared with weapons drawn. Simz and Robyn stood up the rock creatures' knees in height.
Simz was immediately nervous.
"What is your purpose here in Gladys?" the one golem spoke with a voice like thunder.
They completely ignored Robyn's acolyte cloak and were more concerned that a fire elemental appeared in the city.
"We were just leaving. We seek passage to the fire domain," Robyn said.
She introduced herself as the acolyte of the Fifth division of the Council.
"It matters not of your accolades. Your kind are forbidden," the other golem spoke.
"If I may," Simz interjected and his robe changed into the royal attire of his family. 
Once again, the surrounding citizens gasped in shock as the attention was now fully on Simz.
The golems immediately sheathed their weapons and knelt.
"We were unaware that a royal was among us, and a Tykonion no less. Apologies, Your Majesty!" Both golems spoke in unison.
"Thank you," Simz said, finally feeling calmer, "As my superior mentioned, we need to see Aviannas, please."
"We will arrange a ship to take you there immediately."
Robyn was impressed by Simz, warming up to having him in her division. Trent always seemed to pick the right people.

The fire domain was what most would imagine it to be. The first indication was the unbearable heat, as Simz looked outside the window of the ship and the lands had geysers which spewed vapour and some spewed lava. There were oceans of lava and lands made of fire that one couldn't tell if there was even ground. Looking at Robyn, Simz could see her form losing its human-like appearance as she embodied walking flame completely.
She looked at him, "The queen's not fond of 'fleshling' souls."
"Should I also change my appearance?" Simz asked and Robyn shrugged.
"As a royal, you can do whatever you want."
Simz put his hoodie on and shrouded his face in black mist. 
As they neared the centre of the fire domain, cities and spires floated in the sky and above a giant palace was a blue sun.
"This place is incredible," Simz marvelled at the sight. In his mind, the sixth realm was now the most beautiful place he'd ever visited.
The ship ascended to the palace where the queen and goddess of fire resided. Most ships were not permitted to even make it that far. Given there was a royal in transit, they were given passage straight to the palace.
And Simz and Robyn disembarked, Simz felt immense pressure all around him. Far more than what he's felt Trent give off. Just taking a step forward proved to be a challenge for Simz.
He looked to Robyn who was now a child-size flame. 
"This is the best I can do with this much pressure," she explained, "We are within her proximity. This is the presence of a goddess."
Simz resized his body as well, lessening the strain on his core to put out enough essence to maintain his body.
"This is why the captain hates coming here," Robyn said.
Massive statues stood to the sides of stairs leading to the palace door. Each of them stood at about a hundred feet tall, with the head of an eagle and the body of a man.
These were sentinels, guardians of a realm that could not be destroyed by essence, light, or corruption. And not even elements.

"Is it natural to have this many? I thought only one per realm was created." Simz said as they made their way up the stairs.
"These were special orders by Her Majesty. Of all of the goddesses, she's the only one who assisted Grim during the war and was made a royal. And you know now with someone having murdered a royal, she's taking extra precaution." Robyn explained.
Each of the sentinels eyed Simz because he was not an elemental which struck fear into his core.

They reached the palace and were welcomed in by servants of flame, and made their way to the throne. Notably, there were a lot of people inside the palace. Some dressed in incredibly woven fabric, and discussing matters of business. It reminded Simz of how many people would come into the Tykonion palace to meet with his father. Supposedly being a royal was like running a business. From advisors to guild masters to captains - the list goes on - there would always be people in and out of the palace. Ogmios barely had time for his children, and when he did, it was always a test of how much they'd improved their weaving. No wholesome upbringing whatsoever.
 The throne room was sealed off by a curtain of white flame, and both Robyn and Simz noticed their bodies slowly disintegrating at the surface. 
"This is some serious fire," Simz said.
"Not as hot as the sun outside," Robyn said.
As they entered past the curtain, the pressure that was felt upon arrival was gone. Both Simz and Robyn returned to their natural size.
And there she sat.
Queen Aviannas sat upon an obsidian throne, the hem of her gown trailing flames that danced but never burned. Woven from threads spun from volcanic glass, the fiery fabric shimmered, mirroring the inferno in her fiery red eyes. Her ebony skin, the colour of cooled lava, gleamed with an inner heat, and her obsidian hair, adorned with a crown of smouldering cinders, defied gravity in a permanent corona of flame. Beauty, terrifying and enthralling, clung to her like a second skin.
Yet, beneath the fiery facade, Aviannas possessed a cunning intellect that rivalled the desert sun. Her pronouncements, though delivered in a voice that crackled like embers, held the wisdom of ages, forged in the heart of a volcano. She was a goddess not just by birth, but by the sheer force of her presence, a leader who commanded respect as readily as she inspired awe. As she surveyed her two guests, a flicker of amusement danced in her fiery eyes – a spark waiting to ignite.
"My goodness, you're just like your father," she said to Simz.
Robyn immediately bent the knee and greeted the queen and goddess of her very existence.
"Robzy, must you always do that when you see me?" the queen said and walked up to her with open arms, pulling the acolyte to her bosom and hugging her like a mother would a child.
Simz was in awe - this was the being giving off such immense pressure?
Aviannas looked at Simz and put her hands into the dark misted hoodie. She held Simz by his cheeks and the mist cleared as they looked into each other's eyes. 
"Ah, Royce is concerned about me. Cute," she said as she had just combed through Simz's memories just through eye contact. That scared the Tykonion price to the core - an ability like that is powerful, considering that he hailed from a core line of powerful weaving, she was able to bypass his woven tight mind with such ease.
"Indeed, I'm concerned about the royal killer. But the Citadel knows that I cannot be killed nor die." She said and gestured to the floor with her gaze.
Simz looked down and noted that the floor had the image of a phoenix. 
"Your Majesty, we wish not to waste your time further," Robyn said and handed her a scroll from Trent.
She read it and murmured, soon setting it aflame. 
"I see," she said. Her eyes glowed and Robyn was overcome and put into a trance. This lasted for only a second then Robyn nodded.
"By your will, my queen." The acolyte said.
"Enough with the formalities, honey!" The queen rolled her eyes.
"I tell her the same thing all the time," Simz responded, giggling.
"Yes well, she better keep you in check," Aviannas said, looking to Robyn and said, "You're his superior Robzy. Tykonion men can be unruly and full of pride. I know enough about my time with Ogmios to give you this warning."
The queen winked and Robyn immediately shook her head, "Your Majesty, no! Yuck!"
Simz shot a look at Robyn.
"No offence, Simz," she quickly responded with a shaky voice.
The queen laughed, "Ah, young souls. I adore you."
She asked if that was all that needed to be discussed as other flame officials walked into the throne room.
Robyn and Simz bid farewell and left the palace.
As they descended the stairs, Simz asked, "What did she do to you back there?"
"She imprinted a message onto my core. I have no idea what the message is, but the captain will be able to find out. It's so that if I'm captured, the only way to read the message is to kill me without shattering my core." Robyn explained that this was a norm for her.
"How will the captain be able to read it?"
"The captain has his ways with his venom. Enough to reduce me to my core but not kill me."
"What if someone just rips your core out?"
Robyn looked at her junior, "You're the only one who knows it is on my core. I dare you to so much as try."
Fair enough, Simz thought to himself.

The two of them made their way back to the Citadel, bringing the end of Simz's first day as a reaper.

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