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The temple is deserted.

A thin blue light beams through the pillared alley, which makes an eerie contrast with the white ring of light beaming from the brass sculpture at the central shrine.

The aroma of fragrance is heavy in the air and the sound of chimes can be heard in the distance.

She edges towards a crumbling door in a corner of the colossal room, hidden behind climbing hydrangea vines and leaves.

Without any thought, she pushes the cranky wooden door open, it creaks on its hinges and echoes heavily across the temple but no one is present to hear or so she thought...

Entering a room filled high with shelves of books, scrolls and various scriptures, she creeps towards an old, rickety chair, and pulls it towards a shelf.

She stands on top of it and begins searching for the history books back to the 21st century...

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