Chapter 6

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Hiya all thank you for being patient here's a new chapter hope you all like it.

Loki POV

How could this have happened just a few weeks ago they were having their date. Her smile was so peaceful, but now her features are panicked and unsure, screaming out for help as I watched them take her away injured. My beloved was taken....

(Rewind to the previous day)

Eir's POV

It was just another quiet morning slow like nothing bad could happen today I hope that feeling is true, but even though it's such a peaceful time I can't seem to stop my thoughts from running wild Loki has been very tired he's been called on a lot of missions and even when he's not he seems uneasy.

'I don't know what's wrong he won't tell me' my negative mind was overwhelmed with worrying thoughts such as; 'does he not love me anymore' or 'have I done something wrong' all swirling around my head.

Sighing trying to take my mind away to stop it spiralling into such useless worrying looking to my left I see the subject of my distress sleeping fitfully he looked uncomfortable reaching out I place my hand in his silky locks gently I start stroking his head trying to somehow help him sleep better, after a while his expression softened and his whole body relaxed curling up to my side pulling me close. I smile cuddling was one of my favourite things I did with Loki. He was so cute when he snuggled up.

"Loki my love it's time to get up" I spoke softly while still running my fingers through his hair after I spoke he started to stir from his deep slumber. "Love I don't want to move as soon as I leave those fools will ruin my time with you immediately" Loki speaks with a sleepy tone not hiding his disdain for the avengers in the tower, the only one he relatively gets along with is his brother, but he needs to find compromise cause he's going to be with them for the foreseeable future.

Leaning down I gently place my face in his hair smiling as I do so, "Loki honey I know they are loud and get in your nerves but you've got me I'll always be with you to help and support you" I whisper into his hair pulling him closer trying to coax him to get up.

After awhile he woke up giving me a quick peck on the lips before he got up and went to the bathroom 'I love it when he's embarrassed' I noticed a tint of scarlet appear on the tips of his ears he is so cute when he's shy, when we started dating he used to always be to shy to show any affection to me, 'ahh I miss the simpler days back when we used to snuggle in his chambers it felt like time froze and nothing could go wrong,' I reminisce on our relationship before he went and did what he did.

*Time skip*

After waking Loki up we went down for breakfast. It was delicious as usual no matter who made it. I love the warmth it brings when you eat a meal with other people it will always bring a smile to my face.

"Love, I would like to go out again but, not in the city somewhere quieter... like a forest walk" I suggest to Loki seeing as we hadn't been out since our date a couple of weeks ago.

"Sure darling, we can go to a nice forest nearby" he agreed with me. Taking a quiet day out before he gets called on an avengers job is the best option, "Thank you my love I can't wait to go with you" I say excited to be going out with him.

Taking his hand in mine I smile pulling his hand to get his face closer to my level when it was I gave him a kiss on the lips sending out just how much I was thankful to him, I am happy but the feeling that danger is approaching has not vanished I wish it would just go away I just want to spend time with my husband and not have this crushing feeling in my stomach. "Let's get ready and go in an hour shall we my dear husband" snuggling close to him I feel him nod the smile never leaving my face.

I'm so happy!

*Time skip* to the forest...

It took us an hour to get here but it was worth it the forest was so beautiful the fact that we only walked a little ways into it and all you could hear was the birds singing that's what made it so serene I love it this is the best date we've had, Loki also looked happy with a small smile on his face as we are walking.

"Loki this is truly the best thing I could of asked for just me and you together" I smile up at him I knew that he had planned to also have a picnic in a clearing further up after our walk, he really is the best husband I could ask for I don't know what I would do without him.

"I feel the same my love, nothing is better" He whispers down to me as we continue to take in the sights like any other forest you would see. It was beautiful and peaceful (Image at the top).

Even if it was only a short walk we had reached the clearing where we are going to have our picnic. It was beautiful. I really couldn't have asked for more, Loki always knows how I prefer things to because he is exactly the same. We entered the clearing more heading to find the perfect spot to lay a blanket down so we could finally sit and have our picnic, Loki as always brought all of our favourite foods for the picnic.

"Honey, do you think this would be a perfect spot right in the shade?" I said pointing to a spot not too far from us that allowed us to see the whole clearing while we were eating. "Yes my love I think that would be the right place for our lunch" he smiled looking down at me leaning in for a kiss which I happily met. It was only a soft kiss, but I could feel all of his love poured into it.

Authors POV

Eir and Loki had a peaceful afternoon with each other not quite knowing the tragedy that would strike them the next day. At this moment they are happy and thinking they would never have to be apart again.

But fate is cruel; they were being observed as the enemy created the perfect plan that would succeed without a doubt and with the love birds so focused on each other they knew it would only take a moment. 

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