Chapter 3

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I'm sorry for not updating I've been busy, but here the update you wanted it is just a chapter on Eir first day the next one will be weeks later and maybe some action will happen I don't know.


I didn't want to let go of him, but I knew that we couldn't stay like this forever. Thor's friends would want to speak again about why and how we are married, even though we had already gone over this many times today...*sigh* I wish we could go back to our room on Asgard where we would not be disturbed in our peace.

I unburied my face from Loki's chest starting to push myself away from him, only to be held tighter in his arms "don't go it has been too long since we have cuddled like this, I don't want it to end so soon" Loki spoke softly, I hum softly in response loving the silence in till a knock on the door broke the moment breaking us apart and making Loki grumble something about stupid mortals so without any word I answered the door not giving much notice to my husband.

When I opened the door I was met with arguing from the two people that had knocked on Loki's door 'oh dear here we go again' "excuse me, may I ask why you have come" I say softly trying to get their attention.

Succeeding in getting their attention I replied who they were "oh sorry about that ma'am, we've come up to apologise for what happened down stairs" the captain said bowing after "yeah we were just really surprised that reindeer games had a wife" the man of iron said... 'his name was Tony?' with a sarcastic tone to his voice.

"It is fine, but you did give me a scare when you all started asking so many questions all at once" I signed out remembering earlier and how they freaked out about something as little as me being Loki's wife.

"I would very much appreciate if you didn't do that again to my wife she was very distraught" Loki said appearing from inside the room and gently wrapping a arm around my waist pulling me into his chest "hey reindeer games we were just here apologising to your lovely lady that we recognise we upset earlier" Tony said slightly annoyed by Loki's presence suddenly appearing from behind me.

"Loki loves I am fine and Mr. Stark please do not speak to my husband like that he is just worried about me" I huff out, pouting slightly at them not wanting a fight to start because of Mr. Stark's feelings towards Loki.

Loki tightens his arm around my waist pulling me closer " I'm sorry my love" he whispers in my ear " it is not me you have to apologise to Loki love," "okay my love, Mr. Stark I am sorry for my previous behaviour 'it was uncalled for' as you would say "Loki grumbles out the last part reluctantly, "ha..." Tony huffs out not quite believing what just happened did Loki apologise to him because his wife told him to.

" It's fine my behaviour was uncalled for as well" Tony relents feeling Steve's glare drilling into him, " well then if this moment is done, shall we head downstairs for a proper introductions" Steve announced before the silence set in.

*TIME SKIP*(trying my best don't kill me)

Loki's POV

I followed my lovely lady downstairs making sure she was fine with everyone after earlier. I know she said she was fine, but I cannot help but feel that the Avengers will do something to upset my love again. Eir is everything to me and I regret ever leaving her, even after everything she forgave me, even after everything she came back to help me, watch over me. Eir could have given up on me, but yet she still loves this silly old trickster.

I was broken from my thoughts of my love by that insufferable Tony Stark shouting that my love had come downstairs "alright everyone let's be civil this time when asking questions, one per person... okay" the captain announced to the room just as we sat down on the sofa, after hearing this I pulled Eir onto my lap waiting for them to start, but to my surprise the only thing we heard was silence.

"I think we all agree that we have asked enough questions, Eir welcome to the tower and we all look forward to seeing what you can do" lady Natasha said in a calm manner with a slight smirk appearing on her face at the last few words," thank you for the welcome lady Natasha, I also look forward to living here and 'seeing what you can do' as well" my love replayed in a amused tone that made a smile worm it's way onto my face.

"Well if that's all sorted what do you guys want for dinner?" Stark said, making my smile disappear "let's order pizza, it's been awhile since we ordered it?" Dr. Banner suggested making everyone nod in agreement," what is pizza?" my wife asked, not knowing what the Midgardan food was, "my love 'pizza' is a Midgardian food, it is tasty." I say having tried the cheesy treat before.


Narrators POV

After Loki explained to Eir shortly summarising what pizza was and how it tasted they ordered enough pizza to feed an army and then some, it all arrived just 20 minutes later set nicely in the pizza boxes on the table as everyone filed into their seats Eir and Loki came in last.

Loki being a gentleman he pulled out Eir's seat and tucked her in before going to his seat, but before he started eating he waited for his wife to taste the Midgarden food to see if she liked it or not.

Everyone at the table, though not noticeable by some, waited to see the Asgardians verdict on the pizza. After a couple of seconds, Eir picked up a slice of pizza and bit into it only knowing that the others told her that is how you should approach this type of food.

Eir really couldn't understand the messy way of eating, but she did enjoy the taste of the food saying her compliments to whoever made this food, only to hear a sigh of relief from everyone at the table, with a giggle they all continued this pleasant mealtime filled with laughter and jokes.

*TIME SKIP* (I'm sorry for so many of these I promise there won't be this many in the next chapter)


'This place though loud and messy is peaceful' I thought as me and Loki left the dining room walking back to the lift to go back to our room to retire for the night, as we waited for the lift I looked at my husband his handsome face always held in a stern look, but when we are alone it is only holds a peaceful look like all he needs is that moment, I can't help but feel he loves me so much more then he will willingly admit, but that is fine.

After these thoughts we entered the lift and as the doors closed I leaned onto his chest pushing onto my tippy toes to reach his height, he seemed to catch onto what I was doing wrapping his arms around my waist and gently pushing our lips together in a sweet embrace, after a few sweet moments of our lips dancing together we parted and stared into each others eyes seemingly to both share one thought ' you are my everything.'

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