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I own nothing all the characters are owned by marvel. The story line and the character Eir who is from Norse mythology as the goddess of healing and peace are mine. (Edited)

Narrator POV

It was quiet, silent and that's how they both liked it peaceful no interruptions from what they both were doing reading together, one a tall, sleek and handsome raven headed God the other a petite, curvy and gentle silver headed Goddess.

Both where quietly enjoying each others company like they had many times before this it was the most natural thing for them both as husband and wife to share a comfortable silence with each other, but like many times before this a sudden loud and cheerful blond had to come and ruin the perfect moments they would spend with each other in their chambers.


It was a perfect afternoon me and my husband Loki where quietly enjoying each other presences while indulging ourselves in reading midgardian literature that Odin had in his library when suddenly, but not to surprisingly Thor barges in with a smile on his face yelling about the glories of battle he had brought back from the battle field yet again I knew this was done with only good intentions but when Thor does this it just spurs annoyance from my husband.

Loki sighs and looks at me to do something about his brother giggling I begin to Speak "Thor it is wonderful to see you back from your adventure and hearing it has gone so well is quit the relief for both of us, but you forget to knock again we have talked about this me and Loki do not want you to barge in at the wrong time one day" I say in a gentle but all to sweet tone.

"I'm sorry lady Eir but it was pressing that you should know that it is to be my crowing soon and this battle has brought us all glory" he states in a loud confident tone ignoring what I had said about me and my husband activities, Loki was still sitting in the background reading or trying to while also trying to pull me closer away from his brother Loki did not like it when Thor would do this and then proceed to drag one of us out the room.

He knew if one of us went the other would follow shouting at Thor to stop and to let go, this was more a case of me getting picked up by Thor and Loki yelling for him to put me down trying so hard not to stab his brother over it knowing that though his brother would not react, there was a possibility of him dropping me on the floor and Loki would not let that stand.

As I got pulled closer to Loki he almost had his arms wrapped around me when Thor noticed this and grabbed my elbow effectively pulling me from my husband grasp throwing me over his shoulder " Brother you and Lady Eir should come to the hall for some Ale and enjoy this a wonderful day" Thor stated proudly as he walked away with me, even though I could escape from his grasp I choose not to every time it does my husband some good getting out even though he doesn't like it.

Loki huffing and following after us " Brother could you not treat my Lady so roughly and do put her down I am not in the mood for your idiotic friends and their banter" he speaks huffing in exasperation knowing he would not win, as our eyes meet he pleads for me to let him go back to what we where doing me not being able to say no to his puppy eyes finally (using magic) get out of Thor's arms by transforming and jumping in to Loki's knowing he really did not want to go this time.

"Thor I do believe this time we will not join you in your merry making, my husband is tired and I do not want to push him" I say all too calmly as Thor stands in front of us looking disappointed he had lost this round, but still understanding and with a nod turns around walking away.

Finally hearing Loki relaxed sigh as he starts petting me gently on the head this is not weird as I did transform into a creature known as a cat, the petting was usual for Loki to do if he wanted to calm down if ever something stressful happens.

Loki with pace darts back to our chambers so he could resume our peaceful reading time without another interference from his brother, quickly settling down on the bed with me still in his arms relaxing as he continues to pet me slowly while picking up his book resume his reading, me not bothering to transform back allowing myself to relax into my husband and to slowly drift into slumber.

This was one of the many, many enjoyable times that I had spent with Loki, but this was all before Thor's banishment and Loki's attempt to rule Asgard and earth unfortunately for Loki he failed both times and is now sentenced to help those he tried to rule.

He is currently on earth helping the avengers, but it is early days and I know he doesn't love the idea of having to spend time with them, but if he stays on good behaviour I am allowed to visit or if he is to much for Thor to handle these are the only two exception to his sentence that he has no idea about all he knows is that I cannot see him until he helps the humans out. Here is where the story starts with Loki being Loki.

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