Chapter 8

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AN: sorry for the long wait again and thank you all for the votes and reads on this fic I honestly didn't think it would get any attention when I posted it but I was proven wrong!

Loki Pov

It has been 2 month since my beloved has been taken by Hydra I cannot sleep, I do not eat... how could I she is not with me, we finally have a trace of her whereabouts Hydra have been doing a good job of hiding my Love from be, but now I can finally slaughter those insignificant fools for ever daring to take what is mine!

"Brother, are you ready to go?" Thor says as he places his hand on my shoulder trying to get my attention, breaking me from my dark thoughts, we are currently en route to the compound they had her in. I can not wait to get her back in my arms.

"We're almost there guys you know the plan" Captain said making sure we were all on the same page. "Don't worry Cap we know the plan, Lover boy over there made sure it was drilled in to our heads, we all want it to go as smoothly as possible we all miss Eir as well!" Stark said, trying to joke his way through even when the concern for my wife was obvious.

'At least I can trust them to do their jobs properly and get my love back to me' I think as we arrive at the compound the quinjet lands further away so that Hydra doesn't see us coming, the whole plan stems on the fact that they think we do not know where they have my beloved it has taken far too long to find there moving schedule for her and plan it so that when they are moving her we attack and intercept them before she is put into any transport.

"Alright we have movement at the entrance there bringing a vehicle to the front '' Barton announced I can't wait any longer killing those fools will bring me great pleasure. "Brother I think it's best you stay here until we are done getting your wife back" Thor said to me clearly as I was swept away with my thoughts they had discovered something that they did not want me to see, "what are you talking about Brother I will not sand back and not go to my wife!" I seethed in a tone that was dripping with rage. What could have possessed him to say that to me?

"Don't take this the wrong way reindeer games but, we just saw Eir... she's not looking too good and we don't want you to go on a rampage before we can get her back to the jet," Stark said in a oddly gentle manner trying to sooth me I was trying to process what he said 'My darling what have they done to you..' I could feel myself go pale.


It hurts...

They're moving me again today. I know this because they put a power inhibitor on me and a blindfold so that I cannot do anything to get away or try to harm any of them. 'I can't take it anymore... my love where are you? It hurts' I don't want to be this way anymore away from my love, away from my freedom.

My thoughts are panicked and jumbled I can't seem to find a single thought that would calm me down or focus my them in to anything useful, I was helpless my Husband would always be there to protect me... keep me safe now they had taken that from me the feeling of being safe Hydra told me that even if managed to get away they would always know where I was.

That thought scared me.

I don't have much time to keep spiralling as they drag me by my arms towards what I'm guessing is the entrance to this hellhole 'when will my love find me! Loki!' They continued dragging me towards the vehicle with little care for my injuries or if I may gain anymore from the ground scraping against my fragile skin.

Just as I felt them lifting me into the van they suddenly dropped me, loud noises could be heard not long after; yelling, explosions and more started happening. It was such a sudden change from the stagnant silence that was before, I couldn't process it all.

For what felt like ages I layed where they had dropped me unable to gather the strength to move I couldn't even take off my blindfold to see what was going on or who was even here, I could only hope that it was the Avengers here to save me and bring me back with them to the tower, but that was only the hope left in me speaking everything else was saying it was just another part of Hydra that they where just cleaning shop, that they were finally done with me.

Until I heard a voice it was muffled, I knew this voice it was someone that I had grown quite fond of over the time I had spent on earth, the man with the shield but before I could hear what he said relief washed over me and the world faded to black...

3rd POV

"EIR can you hear me! EIR it's me Steve we're here to save you! Can you move?" The Captain said in a rather panicked tone he didn't know if she was even breathing at this point he didn't think she was that bad until he got close. She was malnourished and covered in bandages, most were covered in blood and looked old like they hadn't been changed since they were put on.

"Guys I have Eir but she's not responding, Bruce you're going to need to look at her Immediately!" He yelled over the com making sure they knew he had her and that he was heading towards their jet where both Bruce and Loki awaited him.

Running through the chaos of the battlefield trying his best to avoid any leftover Hydra soldiers that they had yet to deal with, it was troublesome, but the quickest way to get Eir to safety without risking anyway they could possibly lose her again.

Loki waited with baited breath as Steve came into sight carrying his wife in his arms from this distance he could finally see the extent of the damage that Hydra had done to Eir, he was in shock more then before his wife who had never hurt anyone was left in this state of pain and neglect.

He was mad!

'How dare they' Loki thought he wanted nothing more then to tear each limb from limb, but he could not stand to leave his wife again she was just about to reach the jet, that was the only thing keeping him there she was so close to safety if he left who would protect her then?So he stayed put and simmered in both relief and anger as his wife had finally been returned to him.

"Banner has set up a place for her this way captain" Loki yelled to the man making sure he followed him through the jet as quickly as possible towards Banner.

As they reached their destination Steve placed Eir down on the table that Bruce had prepared expecting that she would be injured from her 'stay' with Hydra so he went to work straight away, by giving her a drip of antibiotics to treat any infection from the dirty old bandages and then sorting out her external injuries by cleaning them and stitching a few that where too big to heal without help, but he could not tell what damage they had done to her mentally.

But she was finally back with them after months of waiting and planning they had finally done it she was going home!

"It's time to go everyone back to the jet, we're heading home." 


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