If you had one day left

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This is set in the Avenger's 'common room'.  I can't be asked to write proper scenes so here is a meme/text style but it is happening in real life.

Bruce: Right, Tony, your up, next question.

Tony: If you have one day left to live what would you do?

Steve: Say goodbye and mend the relationships I have broken or harmed over the years.

Natasha: I would probably do something illegal followed by a hearty last meal, and a training session where I could kick America's Ass then after all that not die.

Sam: Sit around, except my fate and eat a tonne of ice-cream.

Peter P: I would message ten people on facebook saying that if they do not forward this message to at least ten people I would die tomorrow I would die tomorrow.

Rohdy: Jesus Kid that's deep

Bucky: No, that's awesome


136 words

Thanks to instagram again >-<

I need more ideas : (

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