Dear Dear Happy Hogan

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Set after Far from home

Peter had had a long day at school, an algebra test, a chemistry and physics test along with a really boring assembly.  As soon as he got out of the school gates he texted Happy who usually picks him up from school:

Spiderling: Hey Happy, r u picking me up today

Happy :( : Sorry, slightly preoccupied right now.  See you tomorrow.

'Preoccupied, there's only one thing that could mean, oh god', Peter put his mask on and swung home, the long way just to make sure that Happy wasn't there when he got back.  

When he eventually decided it would be safe, he climbed through his window shouting "May, I'm Hoooooooommmmmeeeee".  He took off his mask and intentionally stomped over to his desk and knocked over a pile of books, saying way louder than usual, "Oooops, silly me, I sure do have some loud footsteps."

He walked up to his door and yelled, "Boy, I sure do hope I won't walk in on something that will scar me for the rest of my life."

May responded with "For God's sake Peter, Happy isn't here." and with that Peter emerged from his room to find may washing up the dishes so he got an apple and sat down at the table.  "May what's for dinner tonight?" Peter asked as he ate his apply.

"I don't know, we had Pasta yesterday so do you want to go out for some Thai?" May answered, sitting on the worksurface.

"Sure, that's good with me, I had a really bor-" he was about to tell her about the assembly when he noticed that May's lipstick was ever so slightly smudged and he hair had been brushed but was still knotty, meaning that she did it in a rush.

"Hey Pete you were saying?" May said hoping Peter hadn't worked out what had happened a mere 30 minutes earlier.

"It doesn't matter," I said with an evil glint in my voice, "but something else does, Happy was here, wasn't he."


330 words

Happy Hogan and May Parker???

Thanks to marvel-lous-things' instagram post for the idea

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