chapter four • Pizza & Bowling Shoes

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Okay! Open in 3, 2," I'm getting excited "1!"

I open my eyes and see we are in front of a bowling alley.


"Aww Satori" I smiled "I love bowling!"

"I know!! You told me last night!"

That's right I did. But he actually remembered? It was just a small thing I mentioned though.

"Oh yeah!"

"Come on let's go get our shoes!"

We walked over to the guy and we told him what sizes we needed. We went to where the bowling balls were.

" A f/c one for you and a red one for me!"

"You remember my favorite color too?"

"Of course! How could I not y/n?You're an unforgettable girl" he smiled at me

I blushed a little

Its nice to have someone actually care about me for once. No one has ever said anything like that about me before. Im on the verge of tears.

I hug him and he is taken by surprise.  He's smells really nice. Like his jacket but stronger and more real.

"What was that for y/n?" He was blushing a little

"Everything" I smiled

"Now come on let's go!" I say

"Okay but just so you know I'm gonna win!!"

"No I am!!" We're laughing and being loud but I don't care. I'm happy.

"How about whoever loses buys pizza and shakes?" I add

"Deal!!" He says

He ends up winning but still wouldn't let me pay for the food.

"Come on Satori we made a dealll"

"No what kind of guy would I be if I had you pay for dinner?"

"I don't mind Satori and that was the deal!"

"Well too bad y/n" we started laughing. I really like this boy. Every time I'm around him I'm automatically ten times happier.

We sit down and eat our pizza and drink our shakes. We're talking about how this is our last year of highschool and our classes and stuff.

"So what's some of your hobbies y/n"

"Umm well I like to paint. Its really inspiring and I just love doing it. Ever since I was little I have. It was an escape from-" I stopped

"Sorry. I'm talking way too much"

"No you're not. I like hearing your voice"

He smiled and I blushed a little

"By the way you're gonna have to show me some of your paintings some time"

"Mm I don't know..."

"Come onnn"

"We'll see we'll see" we laughed lightly

"What about you Satori? Got any hobbies?"

"Well volleyball but you already know that one" he looked up trying to think

"This is a little embarrassing but...."

"TELL ME TELL ME TELL ME" I say laughing

"Okay so sometimes when I'm bored I like to crochet. Its really relaxing for me."

Omg this boy is so adorable

"Awwww that's so cute Satori" he blushed a little.

"Yeah yeah can we not talk about this anymore" he said laughing.

"Okay fine"

"How about we go play some arcade games!!"


We play games for like an hour and win little things with our tickets like bouncy balls and candy

"What time is it Satori?"

"Its 10:52"

"Aw they close in 8 minutes"

"Too bad y/n I was having a lot of fun"

"Yeah me to Satori"

We lock eyes. He leans in I close my eyes and do the same. But he stops

"I'm sorry" he says under his breath

I don't know if he's saying sorry for stopping or for leaning in

"Its okay" I smile

"Let's go y/n"


It was pouring outside and we didn't have an umbrella

"damn it I'm sorry y/n but thankfully the dorms aren't far from here"

"It's okay satori its not like you can control the weather" we both laughed

I noticed his hair was down from the rain.

"You look hot with your hair down"

Oh shit. I didn't mean to say that out loud. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

"I-I haha what?" He was blushing really hard and he was super flustered

I just started laughing. He joined.

As we were laughing he grabbed my hand and spun me around. Before I knew it we were dancing in the rain. It was amazing. He'd spin me around and dip me. This was the happiest I've ever been. I'm sure of it.

God I just met this boy yesterday and he's already had such a huge impact on me.

By the time we got to the school we were soaked. We didn't care though. He walked me to my dorm.



"I had a great time"

"You know Satori, so did I" I smiled "this was the most fun I think I've ever had"

"Let's do this again okay?" I say

"I would say tomorrow but I have volleyball practice." He paused "You should totally come to practice with me tomorrow and watch!"

"I'd love to but are you sure your coach wouldn't mind?

"He won't care....hopefully" we both laugh

I give him a kiss on the cheek

"Goodnight Satori" he was blushing


He turns and walks away as I go into my room. I jump in the shower real fast and wash my hair and body.

I got out and slipped on sweatpants and a T-shirt. I lay down on my bed and stare up at the ceiling.

We were about to kiss. Did I want us to kiss? I think so. I felt disappointed when he stopped but we're just friends. Right? Right. We're just friends. I haven't had friends for a long time so I don't remember what it feels like. Plus I just met this boy yesterday. He did save my life so maybe that's why I have these soft spots for him.

All I know is that I finally feel happy again. Thanks to that goofball.

Thank you Satori. Thank you for finally making me happy again.

I hope you guys like this story so far! Only one person has read this so far so...yeah hi and thank you for reading this

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