chapter seven • practice

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My last period was finally over so I stood up out of my chair and put all of my stuff back in my bag.

As I walked out of the classroom I felt a hand slip into mine. I already knew who it was so I didn't need to look up.

I squeezed his hand "hey satori!"

"hello darlinggg" he replied in a sing-songy tone

"So are you positive your coach is alright with me going to practice??"

"Nope!" he laughed "But he's gonna have to deal with it!"

I didn't find it that funny. Coach Washijo scared me and I don't like being put in situations where I have to talk to people I don't want to. Hopefully Satori will deal with the talking part.

We started swinging our arms and somehow we both started skipping as well. I really like this goof.

We walked through the doors and I saw a few people from our lunch table. Including Semi. I like Semi but I don't know.....he gave off a weird vibe this morning.

Goshiki came up to us and asked where we were today at lunch

Me and Tendou looked at each other.

"Ohhh never mind you don't need to explain" Goshiki said after noticing our action

"No No No its not that" I said realizing what he meant "We just decided to watch a movie instead."

"Oh okay. What movie?"

"Uhhh" I looked at Ten

"Cloud Atlas" He blurted out "We didn't get to finish it though"

(🎶Inn Anotheerrr Liifffee🎶 get the reference? Okay I'm sorry guys I'll stop now)

"I like that movie. It is kinda long though"


"I've gotta get back and uh good luck with Coach y/n" he said laughing

I smiled nervously

We started walking towards the bench and I saw coach with his half circle bushy ass eyebrows while hunched over like fucking Igor.

"Hey washy!" Tendou blurted out "This is my..." He looked over at me "very good friend" he added with a chuckle

"Okay? Why is she here?" He asked in a rude tone

"Well...she was wondering if she could watch us practice." He squeezed my hand "AND I don't think the other boys would mind. She's already met all of them and they really like her too"

Coach looked me dead in the eyes

"What is your name" it sounded like more of a command than a question

"L/n y/n"

"Well l/n I suppose you could watch them practice. But you have to make yourself useful. Go ahead and go fill up all of the water bottles."

"Okay" I replied. I slipped my hand out of Ten's. I went and picked up the crate of bottles and walked toward the door.

I turned my head over my shoulder and smiled at Satori as he winked at me.

We Met On A Ledge | Satori Tendou X Fem Reader | Haikyuu!Where stories live. Discover now