chapter five • a monster & a freak

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*beep beep beep beep*
God that alarm is so annoying. I've only been listening to it for the last 3 years. I'm just glad it's Friday.

Yay today I get to watch satori practice! It makes me sad though that I don't get to see him until lunch. It sucks not having classes with him.

Satori: good morning sunshine!

Y/n: good morning satori!!

Satori: hey so you're still going to practice today right?

Y/n: Of course I am! I'm really excited!!

Satori: bet you're excited to see how good I am huh

I giggled at this. I love his flirty personality and I know I've said that a lot but its true.

Y/n: you know I am

Satori: haha I've got to get ready y/n so I'll see you at lunch!!

Y/n- okay! See ya!

I set my phone down and put on my uniform. Brushed my hair and teeth then grabbed my bag and headed out the door.

I was walking down the halls when I heard someone say my name

"Hey l/n" I turned around to see a familiar face

"My names semi" he stuck his hand out "we met yesterday"

"Oh yeah" I shook his hand smiling "nice to see you"

"Anyways I just wanted to tell you that I think you're really pretty and maybe sometime do you want to hang out?"

um I was not expecting this

"I- uh I'm not sure Semi..we just met and I don't really know you that well but maybe sometime in the future"

His smile dropped

"Oh okay then" he turned around and started walking off "see ya later then"

"O-Okay" I said but I don't think he heard me

"Well that was awkward" I heard a familiar voice say behind me while laughing

I turned around and saw Tendou

"You heard us?" I said embarrassed

"Yeah I was gonna see if you were still close by so I could walk you to class" he chuckled "didn't expect to walk in on a confession"

"Aw you wanted to walk to class with me Satori?" I giggled and we started walking

He grabbed my hand and started swinging our arms

"Of course y/n I love spending time with you!" I blushed a little bit

"I like spending time with you too Satori" I smiled

He looked at me out of the corner of his eyes and smiled more the started humming

We walked in silence but like before, it was comfortable.

When we arrived at my classroom he gave me a hug. I was a little surprised at this action but to be honest I love hugs so I almost immediately hugged back.

"See you at lunch y/n" he said as he started to walk away

"See ya!" He looked behind him as reassurance he heard me. I walked in the classroom then went and sat in my seat.

I heard some girls whispering but didn't pay any attention to it

"Hey l/n"

I looked up and saw Nekota. She has made my life a living hell and always tries to make me feel bad about myself. I really don't feel like dealing with her today and I was in such a good mood because of Satori too.

We Met On A Ledge | Satori Tendou X Fem Reader | Haikyuu!Where stories live. Discover now