chapter eight • it kinda stung

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tw: self harm , panic attack


I heard a knock on my door.
As I opened it, I saw Tendou looking at me . He looked nervous almost. I've never seen him look this way.

"H-hi y/n"

"Hi Satori"

"So um I just wanted to know how your date went" he smiled sheeply

"Ten I already told you it wasn't a date."

"So you guys aren't dating?"

"No Satori. We're just friends and nothing more. I made that clear. Don't worry " I smiled

"Okay" he looked a little less tense than before now "so you had fun?"

"Yeah. We just went to the movies"

"Well....I was wondering if you would like to see a second movie. But just in your room. Or mine if you want but I have a roommate"

"Yeah Satori that sounds fun. We can watch it in here"

"Okay" he walked inside

"So what movie do you want to watch?"

"I don't care you can just turn one on" he replied

So I ended up turning this movie on that I found on Netflix and we both laid down next to each other on my bed.

I noticed that he kept gradually scooting closer to me so I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes. He seemed pretty calm on the outside but I heard his heart beating rapidly against my eardrum. Aww.

Eventually my eyelids grew heavy and the room around me blurred to darkness.


"Mom what about this one?" I held up a pretty purple shirt

"Its cute! Go ahead and try it on honey"

Why am I dreaming about this

I don't want to relive this memory

I walked into the dressing room and locked the door behind me.

I remember this so vividly. I was about 12 years old. This was the start of it all.

I replaced the shirt I was wearing with the purple one.

From my point of view I liked how it looked

I stepped in front of the mirror

This was a mistake

It was too tight

It hugged me at all the wrong spots

My body is so ugly

I'm so ugly

"Hun do you have it on yet? Can I see?"

"Uh- yeah okay"

I unlocked the door and stepped out.

An almost unaudible 'oh' escaped my moms mouth

"Hun that looks terrible on you" she looked at me disgusted "god you look like a pig. And that's the biggest size they have."

It wasn't the biggest size.

"Yeah we're not getting that. Let's just go ahead and leave. none of these clothes are gonna fit you anyways."

We Met On A Ledge | Satori Tendou X Fem Reader | Haikyuu!Where stories live. Discover now