chapter twelve • breathtaking

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For the next couple hours we walked around town, window shopping mostly, but we ended up buying a few random things and taking a million pictures.

"Oh we should probably check the time" satori said as he pulled out his phone

I leaned in closer to him, looking at the time which read 5:51

"Shit" he laughed "we've gotta get going"

We headed the direction towards the school and I took out my phone and went to my camera roll.

"So which picture of us should I make my wallpaper" I asked him

I scrolled through them all slowly so he could examine each one

"That one" he said grinning

It was the one of us at the ice cream parlor where the sides of our faces were pretty much pressed together and we were both smiling like idiots at the camera while holding our ice cream up.

"I like that one" I told him smiling

"Me too"

I made it my wallpaper then held his hand

"So what exactly are we doing tonight?"

"To be honest I have no clue"

We both chuckled

We continued talking about random shit like we always do but that random shit is always so interesting.

We arrived at the school where the team was waiting for us

"Took you guys long enough" shirabu said

"So we're gonna stop at a convenience store on the way there to get some food" goshiki added

"Okay" Satori said

We all continued walking and naturally they all started talking about volleyball. I stayed silent most of the time but chimed in every now and then.

We got to the convenience store and we all decided to just get a bunch of meat buns. Ushijima payed for them which was really nice of him.

He took them out of the bag and handed everybody one.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome l/n"

We kept walking as they all kept talking about volleyball.

When I found a time where no one was really talking I asked where we were going

"Umm...I actually have no idea" semi said

"I was thinking we could go to like a huge store and play hide n seek" goshiki said and laughed "that probably sounded stupid"

"Wait that actually sounds really fun" Satori said

"Yeah" reon added

"So should we do that?" I asked

Everybody agreed so we headed out to the closest store.

We walked through the doors and went to the least busiest part of the store we could find

"Okay so we should have teams of two and last team to be found wins" someone said

It ended up being Satori and I, Shirabu and Semi, Goshiki and Ushijima, Reon and Yamagata, and Soekawa and Kawanishi.

Reon and Yamagata were the seekers this round.

"Okay we'll give you guys 5 minutes" said Yamagata

Reon took out his phone and set a timer for five minutes

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