chapter thirteen • the olive theory

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(hi guys! while reading this chapter please keep in mind that its still october in the story and it was october when I was almost finished with it so there is fall related activities, longer explanation at the end about hiatus :) thank you !!)

My eyes slowly opened as I saw tendous shoulder.

I looked up at him.

He's truly a work of art.

The way his nose slightly pointed upward at the end.

The curve of his lips at the edges.

His freckles that are lightly dusted across his cheeks, that you can only see up close.

His messy red hair framing the sides of his face.

I sat up and got out of the bed quietly, hoping I don't wake him.

I grabbed an outfit and my phone then walked to the bathroom.

I put it on, brushed my teeth and hair then I took out my phone and dialed his number.


im ready

kay I'll just meet you by the library


I hung up and grabbed my keys the went out and locked the door.

Lets hope he doesnt wake up while I'm gone.

I walked down the hall trying to be as quick as I can.

Turn a few corners

There he is

Standing in front of the library

I walked towards him and he looked my way

"Hey y/n" he smiled handing me the sack

"Hey kenji" I smiled back "thank you" I said as I took it from his hands

"No problem. I'll have to meet him sometime after I'm settled in"

"Yeah you guys will be good friends" I looked behind me

"Well I should be getting back" I said smiling

"Yeah me too I still have lots of unpacking to do."

We both chuckled and then I started to walk away

"Talk to you later"

"Yep" he said walking the opposite direction throwing his hand up in a half-assed wave

I looked down in the sack and saw the gifts I got for satori yesterday. That's a good thing I ran into kenji so satori wouldn't accidently see his presents.

I can't believe kenjis back, I feel like I havent seen him in forever and I'm so glad he's going to shiratorizawa again.

I took my keys and unlocked my door then went in. Good he was still asleep.

I went to my closet and found a birthday bag and put his stuff in there.

I got him all volumes of banana fish manga, some crocheting stuff I found, and a bracelet that was the same exact color as his hair.

I put all the things in a bag and got the card out and a pen.


I lifted it up slightly off the page and sat there for a few seconds.

Just write your thoughts

What the hell am i even supposed to write? I cant put into words how i feel when im with you. You hold such a valuable place in my life and im insanely lucky to have you in it. I just want to let you know that I care for you. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I hope you have an amazing birthday because you deserve it so fucking much.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2022 ⏰

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