Practice with the band.

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I was walking to the area that Uenoyama said we would we meet up. My thoughts were lingering again. Thinking if I should quit. I agreed in the first place. Yabaii. Why did I agree ? Was it because of Mafuyu? Or did I do it for myself? Ughhh I don't even know.

Yuki..did I do this for myself?

Or did I do it for Mafuyu?

I bet you're sleeping there right now..

I bet it's peaceful..

I sighed.

I was walking and I realized that I was already in front of a building. Is this it?

I went up to the door and opened it. Walking up the stairs, I hear music playing.

It must be them.

I started walking carefully through the hallway and arrived at the door. I was about to open it when someone else opened it for me. Great. I fell, face first on the floor. I hear someone's giggle and I glared at that person. Uenoyama.

A man with a ponytail helped me up. I was confused for a minute then I dusted off my skirt and looked at the person who helped me.

"thank you..uhmm.." I said while looking at the man.

"Haruki." He replied.

"Oh it's nice to meet you." I bowed.

"yo! so is this the girl Uenoyama?" A blonde haired man with a piercing asked.

"Yeah it's her." While Uenoyama was talking I saw Mafuyu walking up to me.

My smile was brightened. Mafuyu looked at me shocked. I wonder why he is looking at me like that. I wondered, I was about to ask when..

"Y/n come here and I'll introduce you to my friends." Uenoyama

"uhm more like seniors." The man- Haruki said. I should really ask people their names instead of naming them on how they look. (you don't really ask people's name when you don't know them.)

Both of them were in a line facing me. Wow they are tall...I'm so short compared to them.

"I'm Y/n L/n..just call me whatever you want." I started.

"Akihiko Kaiji, nice to meet you too guitar girl." wow nice nickname I guess. Haruki, the man with the ponytail nudged his should and he yelped in pain.

"Sorry for him..I'm Haruki Nakayama, nice to meet you Y/n-chan!" He said.

There was a lttile bit of silence.

"So with what you are bringing with you..I'm guessing you play right?" Akihiko walked up to me and looks at my case that was on my back.

"Yea I do, I was also in a band before." I said.

"oh why did you stop playing? did something happened?" Haruki asked.

I stopped and looked at the ground. Silence was the answer that they received. I can't say will make me regret will make me feel alone.

For them I looked lost in thought and they realized that is was not a nice topic.

"Uhh that's okay if you don't want to answer, we understand." The kind hearted Haruki said sweetly.

There was silence again. (omg I can't write anything good *sighs*)



𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐃 (ɢɪᴠᴇɴ ғᴀɴғɪᴄ ɪɴsᴇʀᴛ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ)Where stories live. Discover now