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It's been 3 years now, me, Itaya and Saki are still in touch. I go to college now and I feel like a new person, having to leave all the negative emotions that happened in the past, I can't believe that all of that was the cause of my change, the change where I moved on and lived how I wanted to, being with my significant other and still being close with my friends. I just couldn't believe it. Being a adult now means that I have more challenges to face, meaning that there are more future events that might change me again, but for the better. Still being the Y/n that I am, I still play guitar and I keep in touch with the band. We did not continue meeting up in the studio, or practice, we just kept in touch. Akihiko and Haruki are together, I mean they were together the last time I saw them, looks like they got better with their relationship. Mafuyu and Uenoyama, both are happy with each other, I always can't forget how Mafuyu smiles at us, when we needed something to cheer us up. It was like when he cheered up Ugetsu, speaking of him, I found out that he is out of the basement house that he was staying in, he also found a new boyfriend, which makes me happy. I remember when I found him in streets walking and crying, then I also noticed that Akihiko was walking in the opposite direction, they broke up that time. At that time I knew what was going on, but atleast they are all happy. In the other hand, me and Itaya are still taking it slow, at first I thought he was going to leave me because I always look at myself as a boring person, but untill now he's still with me. I almost forgot about Shizu and Hiiragi, they're together now too, I knew that Hiiragi liked Shizu but he denies it when we hang out, we both forgave each other and moved on. Oh, and at last Saki, she is offically living with me, Me and Itaya later on found out that her mom died when she was young, and her Aunt had a child so she couldn't take care of Saki all the time, it was shocking for a her to experience that. I then decided to take her in, Itaya  still supports the idea of it, but I know he wanted her to live with him, I just laughed it off when we decided it. All I can say is, we all changed and we all moved on from our past mistakes, that's I've learned from all the evens that happened before. I really appreciate it.


2nd person POV

It was another morning for her, she woke up and got ready, as always she is greeted by the 8 year old girl that was sitting on the couch.

"Goodmorning nee-san!!" Saki says.

"Goodmorning Saki!!" She said cheerly as Y/n walk to fridge. While, walking she saw the clock that was ticking on the wall, it said "6:52" she then realized that it was late and she has to go to school.

"Saki!! Don't open the door for anyone except Itaya, okay?!" The older female screamed across the hall.

"Okay!!" The girl replied.

While Y/n is in the bathroom, Saki hears a familiar knock, which she knew who it is. She got up from the couch and opened the door.

"Sakiiiiiiiiiiii!!" An orange haired male suddenly hugged the small girl.

"Itayaaaaaaaaaaaa!!" The girl exclaimed back, and wrapped her arms around the older male.

Itaya sighs and comes inside the apartment. Saki sits down on the couch with the male following.

"Where's Y/n?" He asked.

"She's taking a bath." The little girl said.

"Wait. Isn't it a bit late to take a bath?"

"Yeah, well she woke up late, it took her some time to realize it." Saki laughs.

"So, does that mean I get to drop you to school?" Itaya questioned.

Saki stayed silent for a minute.

"I guess so." Saki's tone sadden.

"Don't you want me to go to school with you?!" Itaya puts a hand over his chest as he dramatically lies down on the couch.

"I prefer nee-san to drop me off." Saki puts her hands together and smiles.

"Eh? But she's late."

"Ah you're right..then let's go." They both stand up and Saki goes to the bathroom door and knocks on it.

"Nee-san! Itaya is here, we'll get going now so you won't be late!!" She shouted.

"Okay okay!! Be safe!! Love you!!" Y/n shouts from the bathroom.

"Love you too!!"

And with that Saki leaves with Itaya going to school.

1st person POV (Y/n POV)

I finally got out of the shower and prepares to go out. I got my keys, bag, phone, wallet, and that's it. I also checked the door if I locked it properly, then I walked to school.


While, walking I see Uenoyama and Hiiragi in the distance, I walk up to them.

2nd person POV

"Hey guys!! Morning!!" Y/n exclaimed.

"Morning!" They both said. Uenoyama and Hiiragi became close friends in the past years, it's good to see them like that.

"Are you a little late for your morning classes Y/n-chan?" Hiiragi said.

"Oh! OH NO I GOTTA GO NOW!! BYEEE!!" She runs as the two males sweat dropped and laughed at the girl.

"I'm late for the first timeeeeeee.." Y/n said as she was still running.


She arrived to her class and saw her professor looks at her.

"Ah Ms. L/n, it's your first time late." He said.

"Sorry!! I'll try my best not to be late again." She bowed and her teacher just laughed.

"It's fine L/n, as long as you still get high grades. Now sit down."


Saki was still in school, so Itaya and Y/n were stuck in her apartment.

"Haa..peace and quality time." Y/n said as she lays near Itaya.

"It is nice." They both faced each other and Itaya wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her to his chest.

"Hmmm..I'm hungry." Itaya laughs with what she said.

"Eh? But I'm sleepy." He said.

Y/n stares at Itaya and leans close to his face. She looks at him as he leans to her too, their faces were inches apart, then Y/n gave him a little peck on the lips.

They both stared at each other then Itaya sulked and pouted at her.

"That's it?" Itaya cries and goes to the corner, sulking.

"Yea." As Y/n walks out of the room and goes to the kitchen to eat.

"That's mean." Itaya pouts and follows Y/n.


They lived happy, even though they were both broken before.

Now, they have each other.

Now, we know that she was loved.



This is the end my friends, I hope you enjoyed reading this. I never thought that it would get alot of reads cause I only published it for fun. I really had no motivation to continue this, but I saw that alot of you liked it.

I am really grateful for all of you who supported me, voted and commented on my story.

I would've done it without you all.

Don't forget to follow me for more stories coming up!!

The last note for Never Loved.

Follow me for more!! 



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