Staying with him.

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Your pov:

It's been a year since he died, Yuki died. Mafuyu has been quiet ever since then. I don't know if he is handling this well. I have been staying with him since we were children and I have strong feelings for him but I know he will never love someone like me. He will find a person who he can see Yuki in and obviously that can never be me.

Me and Mafuyu are staying in the same building, his door is right beside mine so we always walk together to school. He talks, but not that much, it's either cause his thinking or he's tired for some reason.

We are starting another year of high school.
And I hope something beautiful might happen to him...yes only him.


Your pov:

"Where is he??" I've been running around the school to find Mafuyu but I can't.

"MAFUYU!" I slammed opened the school gym where the basketball players where at.
And they were looking at me like I'm sort of a crazy person.

"Oh!..I'm sorry for barging in like that..hehe"
I apologized. Maybe they thought that I'm a weirdo..omg that was embarassing.

"No it's okay..uhmm..what's your name miss??" Said a boy with orange hair, simillar with Mafuyu but taller.

"My name is Y/N L/N." I replied.

"Well miss Y/N my name is Shogo Itaya..but you can call me Shogo for short."

"Nice to meet you Shogo" We shook hands.

"Why are you here?? Are you looking for someone?" He asked.

"Oh..yeah! I was looking for a student that is this tall, orange hair and is bringing a guitar case/bag with him..have you seen him??" I described Mafuyu for him.

"No I don't think I've seen him walking in here, but I'll tell you if I did."

"Oh it's okay were in the same class and lunch is almost done so I can see him later anyways."

"Ohh..okay so are you new here or are you..??"

"I'm an old student here just a different class."

"That explains it."

"Explains wh-" I got cutted off by another boy talking.

"Shogo let's go! Class will be starting soon." Said a boy with blonde hair.

"Awww man..coming Ueki..I'm so sorry Y/N."

"No it's okay."

"How bout' we talk later on..after school??"

"Uh yeah sure! I'm down!"

"Sweet!! Okay then miss Y/n" he bows and started walking.

"We can make it as a date too!!" He shouts.

"W-wait-" a blush has been spread on her face and she fell on the floor.

And with that Shogo went running to Ueki leaving a flustered Y/N on the floor.

Is it a d-d-date?!?

No I can't..I can't go with a dude I just met.

Ehhhhhh?!?!?!! I even agreed. Oh my gosh.

Timeskip in class:

I was walking tired to my class and then the door opened to reveal a orange haired boy that I was looking for the whole time.


"Uhm Y/N I was at the staircase near the basketball court." He said.

"Oh okay- WAIT WHAT?!?"

"'re really loud Y/N."

"Oh sorry..cause I was just there a minute ago and I did not see you. Tell me next time where you're going..okay?"

"O-okay..sorry for making you look for me." He looked down.

"Aww it's okay but-" My stomach made a sound.

He looked up suprised.

"Did you not eat?"

"Uh I did!" I looked at the side avoiding eye contact.

"No. You're lying to me."

"Whaa?? Why would you say tha-" My stomach rumbled again.

"Okay I didn't...happy?"

"Y/N take care of yourself okay?? Eat now before teacher sees." He gives me a bun that was still warm.

"I bought two awhile ago but I got full when I ate the other one."

"Noo this is fine. ThhAngk YOouu!!" I saif while chewing my food.

He looks happy. Good. That's all I need.


"Hey! Mafuyu I have someone to meet today. Can you go home without me?" I asked.

He nods.

"Where are you going??" He asked.

"I'm meeting up with a friend." I stated.

"Oh okay..." He looks sad.

"Heyy!! Don't worry it's only for today.."

"Okay fine.." He looks at me in the eye.

"Make sure you come home with me all the time after today. Okay?" He told me.

"Uh..OF COURSE!! ANYTHING FOR YOU!" I exclaimed.

After that he walked home alone and I met up with Shogo in a cafe.

This is Shogo. He is a friend of Uenoyama.

 He is a friend of Uenoyama

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Stay tuned on the next chap!!

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