True feelings.

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Y/n POV 

"About you liking Mafuyu." I was frozen, unable to move, how did he know? why did Akihiko tell him? 

"How did you.." My voice trailed off while I was staring into the eyes of Uenoyama.

"Akihiko told me.." With his reply I was disappointed and sad at the same time.
I trusted Akihiko to not tell anyone or...maybe he felt bad. I don't even know anymore, I just want to feel okay..


"Yes what?"

"I like- no- I loved Mafuyu with all my heart, but you came into our lives..if you didn't come to the staircase that day this wouldn't happen..." I said to him. He was only staring at me with wide eyes as I fall on my knees.

My hands were shaking, I had the urge to cry and scream at the same time.

Saki looked at me and sat infront of me.

"Nee-san?! what happened?"She panicked and placed her hands on both of my cheeks.

Everyone in the room looked at me, a few students who were preparing for lunch were also there.

Itaya rushed to us. (Awww so cute huhu)

"Eh? Y/n why are you crying?" He looked down at me and looked to Uenoyama.

He stood up and glared at him.

"What happened?"

"I was asking her if she-"

Before he completed his sentence I ran out the door from embarrassment.

2nd person POV

"We'll talk later." And with that Itaya ran after her.

Saki was sitting on the floor and looking up to Uenoyama..her face was with tears and her nose was runny.

" did you make Y/n nee-san cry?" She asked as she stood up to sit down on a chair.

"I was just asking her about something.." He said.

"You know..Y/n doesn't like talking about her feelings that I don't ask her about it cause she might get mad or sad...and I don't want that to happen.." The child said.

Ueki was sitting infront of Saki as the girl cried while explaining.

"Y/n...and..Itaya..saved me when I was lost and they also took me in with them..they are both kind people.." Saki, being a kind and caring child she was also worrying about them both, on how they managed to make her smile and laugh. It was like, they were the ones missing in her life.

"And..I think..they should be together..cause they both deserve love." And with what she said, they all realized for second..

Y/n and Itaya, they are just the same..

Y/n loved somebody that she couldn't have, while Itaya loved her and waited for her even though she did not have an answer.

Y/n deserves love, but not from the person she loves..but from a person that loves her.

They both deserve each other..

That's what they realized.

There was a moment of silence and then Mafuyu spoke up.

"I knew that Y/n liked me..she loved me.." He said quietly while they looked at him.

"Then why did you not tell her?" Saki said.

"Tell her what?" Mafuyu was confused with what the girl was telling him.

"Why did you not tell her that you knew all along..I think she was..sad that you didn't acknowledged her feelings.." The child replied. Saki was smart. She wasn't that 5 year old that always wanted to play or to study in school, but she was smart when it comes to feelings.

𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐃 (ɢɪᴠᴇɴ ғᴀɴғɪᴄ ɪɴsᴇʀᴛ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ)Where stories live. Discover now