Russia x Reader - I Don't Need Your Help

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a/n: sorry if russia is ooc, i tried


The first disaster of the week was when you slept in a little bit too late.

The snow was flurrying down at a gentle rate, and you stretched and glanced at the clock.

10:00 AM.

You were so screwed.

As if on cue, your boss practically kicked the door down and yelled at you for not waking up quickly enough, and you were forced to get ready as fast as possible. You were stuck in a pair of white sweatpants and an old T-shirt with your country's flag on it, and you would have shoveled the driveway if you weren't forced to do so much paperwork.

Cue the second disaster.

By the time you finished, the snow had piled up on your driveway. It was already 5 PM, but you weren't hungry for dinner. You were tired, but you brushed it off as normal. It was still going, too. So you bundled up and began to shovel.

Here's the thing about you: you were a very economically independent nation. You didn't trade with anyone, because you had all the resources you needed. Your country had large oil deposits and excellent farmland, and your mines were chock full of all sorts of resources. Were they the best on planet Earth? No. Not by a long shot. But they were enough to keep you alive and well, and that's what mattered to you.

You were stubborn, and had a strong desire to be self-sufficient. You were so passionate in this dream that you'd made sure to never cross paths with any other nation, which means you'd definitely never been to a World Meeting. You didn't know they existed, and you boss didn't care either. You shared the need to be able to survive on your own.

So, whenever you were offered help, no matter who was giving it, you turned it down. You had to learn to do everything yourself, you thought. After all, what was the point of being a nation if you were stuck to the mere confines of human strength?


You were also a country in the far north.

This was not something that General Winter had forgotten. He remembered the days that he would attack Russia year after year, helping him to defend himself. The only downside was that he took the brunt of the damage. He knew how Russia hated him, and it was a cruel reminder that winter can never warm hearts. It only freezes them.

He saw you, refusing to ask for help, and inducing the state of loneliness that Russia was forced through by the cruel hands of circumstance. He was determined to break your will to be alone, or as you would always say, independent. He knew you needed to learn this lesson, and since you wouldn't listen to the easy way, he had to teach it the hard way.

He may not have been able to warm your heart, but he could freeze it until it cracked and broke.


When your boss told you that this was becoming the worst snowstorm on your country's record, you knew it was getting bad. You normally had pretty sucky winters, but this was getting insane. After a while, you gave up with the shovel and switched to your (tiny) snowblower.

By the time you were done with your driveway, six more inches had already accumulated, meaning you had to start all over again. Temperatures were insanely low, meaning that you were slowly getting colder and colder, even through your coat, scarf, gloves, and boots.

At midnight, your boss forced you to come inside, and you had to stop moving snow for the night. You grumbled at her insistence, but listened anyways.

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