So tell me that you love me ~ swoni

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Toni sighs as she looks at sweet pea in her trailer, He looks at her nervously

"Pea.. we need to break up." Toni looks at him in the eye, in a serious tone

Pea eyes widen and looks at her in a questioning matter "why?! What happen?"  He gulps

"We're spreading apart, You're hanging out with Josie more than you do with me and I don't want any fights from this. I just think we're better as friends." Toni shrugs as rubs her arm

Sweet pea gets up and walks out her trailer, both sad and mad. Toni watches him leave feeling terrible

A week later, Toni goes up to sweet pea trying to be nice to him and flirting with him, secretly she's been missing him ever since they broke up.

Sweet pea sighs annoyed and looks at Toni "Can you stop flirting and playing nicey nice with me? I'm dating someone and honestly it's awkward."

"Who are you dating?" Toni felt her heart breaking inside and fighting the tears inside, to not make a full of herself

Josie goes behind him and hugs him from behind, Toni nods seeing Josie and walks away in a sad matter.

Fangs sees Toni upset in her trailer and looks at her "yo Tiny. What's wrong? You're crying" He saids aw goes inside her trailer

"Okay first of all how the hell did you get in my trailer." Toni wipes her tears "second I'm not crying."

Fangs sits next to her "I got a key from when I have to take you home and you're drunk. And second don't lie to me it's okay to cry." Fangs looks at her

"Sweet pea rejected me.. and he dating Hoesie out of everyone he chose HOESIE!" Toni said getting mad, knowing that's she not the right girl for sweet pea

"Why don't you.." fangs looks around and grabs the keyboard on the floor and puts it on the table
"Write a song?"

Toni looks at him with a questioning look "I haven't written a song since pea and I first started dating."

"But how did you two start dating?" Fangs smirks and Toni eyes widen

"With a song.. Fangs call Veronica tell her I'm Using her La bonne Nuit on Friday." Toni smiles and grabs a piece of paper writing down her ideas while fangs calls Veronica.

Friday night, Toni was nervous by the crowd she sees sweet pea, alone ,and smiles nervously hoping her plan will work.

"and now! Toni topaz singing A song she wrote called 'Tell me that you love me'" Veronica saids and she soon hops off the stage, Sweet pea eyes widen realizing why fangs kept telling him to go to the la bonne nuit after him and Josie broke up

"The situation turn around, enough figuring out." Toni sings softly into the mic as she plays the piano

"That someone else has let you down. So many times I don't know I why." Fangs looks at sweet pea who was focusing on Toni singing

"But I know we can make it, as long as you say it." Toni looks at sweet pea who was drinking his beer enjoying the song

"So tell me that you love me, yeah, and tell me that I take you're breath away." Toni sings her heart out pressing the piano keys

"Maybe if you take one more than I would know for sure, there nothing left to say."

"So tell me that you love me anyway." Toni tears up a bit hoping she isn't making a full of herself as she finishes the song, people started clapping loudly

Sweet pea gets up and goes over to Toni, he bends down to her level and grabs her chin and kisses her gently

"I- I love you SweetPea do you love me the way I do?" Toni says as they pull back

Sweet pea nods "who said I stopped loving you?" Toni face lights up and kisses him again

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