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Eddie pov
I was looking through my closet for a jacket or something to wear at work that would keep me warm. A hoodie dropped down and I look at it, I soon pick it up and realized this was my ex buck hoodie

I hug the hoodie missing him, the hoodie makes me feel closer to him. I then put the hoodie on, it was still a bit big for me just the way I like it. I walk over to my car since Christopher was already at school and drive to the 118

As I was driving I was thinking of all our memories just gone. No love, no kiss no nothing. The only thing I got from us dating is this hoodie.

I walk inside and everyone sees me wearing the hoodie. I go into the meeting room and sit in the very back while Bobby gives his speech for today. I didn't really pay attention because I was chewing on the strings

Buck looks at me then looks away. Once Bobby was done I go to the kitchen and make myself coffee. Bobby goes up to me "Eddie is everything alright?" He looks at me in a concern way. I took the hood off and look at him "yeah everything's fine why may you ask?"

He looks me up and down "because you're wearing bucks hoodie. You guys broke up 6 months ago." I take a sip of my coffee "I didn't have anything else to wear." I walk away with my coffee and sit down in the living room

I look at everyone who was staring at me then I just get up and go into the bedroom and sit on my bed staring at the walls. I put my knees to my chest and try not to cry because it's already hard enough for me to be at work with buck

I lay down and put my hand in the pockets thinking about when I used to put my hand in the pockets when buck would wear it.

Buck looks at me and then the hoodie before walking away he's probably going to his girlfriend Abby. Thats the reason we broke up. Because Abby came back crying because her ex fiancé broke up with her.
Buck felt bad and spend all his time with Abby and not me then one day I saw them kiss at the 118.

There was buck writing something I see as I sit up. He goes into the locker room and slips it in my locker I quickly got up and walk over too My locker to see

'Meet me in my house after shift.' I stare at the note wondering if I should go or not. Maybe he wants to tell me him and Abby broke up or a hookup or he thought to himself and looks at the hoodie. He wants the hoodie back for Abby

He sighs and holds the hoodie sleeves tightly. Throughout the day there wasn't any big emergency so shift got done quickly and we all got to go home

I dreaded going to bucks house as I get in my car and I park the car then get out and knock on his door. He lets me in and I quickly take off the hoodie and hold it out closing my eyes looking away

"If you want it back" I didn't feel any reaction or movement, Eddie starts to get nervous "Come take it back if that's what you want!" I raises his voice

Eddie felt Buck touch his hand and lower it, Eddie head turns and sees buck trying to direct him into his closet

"I'm confused."  Eddie walked to the closet. Buck looks at me with a smile  "pick a hoodie so you don't have to reused the same one."

"What about Abby she might want a hoodie" I stare at him if he serious. "We broke up she cheated on me" He sighs

I look through the closet and choose the biggest one and put it on. He watches me with the biggest smile on his face "choose another one or all of them I don't care it makes me happy to see you in my stuff" I choose another red hoodie and a yellow hoodie then I look at him

"This is all. Thank you." I was hesitated to hug him but he pulls me in the hug "I'm sorry she kiss me first but I wanna seriously apologize for being a shitty boyfriend." He whispers in my ear

"I forgive you" I said as he holds me we both get on the bed and start cuddling "Would you ever go on a date with me?" He said with a concern expression on his face

I nod "My place? Tomorrow?" I look at him he smiles and nods "I will see you then."

// If you have any request I'll do them!

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