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Pan's POV:

"Let's play."

I smiled, practically laughing at how feisty she was but then going back on it as soon as she saw my face. Such a waste.

I disappeared before her eyes and reappeared in a tree above her. I watched her reaction to my disappearance expecting her to call my name out of desperation or fear. But she didn't. She just stood there, clenching her fists and lowering her head. Was she upset? Angry? Then she shot her head upward, unclenched her fists, and walked into the jungle moving plants out of the way forcefully. That seems to be something someone angry would do. So that answers that. I have to say, I'm a bit shocked. This is new. But another smirk only grew on my face. This could be fun.

I poof myself back to my and the lost boys camp. They all stop what they're doing after seeing me and Felix, my right hand, comes up to me, "Pan. Did it work?" "Of course it worked, what do you take me for?" I say, rather offended that he would doubt me. But I still give off a playful attitude. Sensing it, he smirks. I lower my voice and ask him, "How were they?" gesturing to the other boys. He answers, "No one stepped out of line. Everyone is still in order. Everyone except Lucas. His loyalties are rather questionable." "Yes, I've been suspecting it too," I say, thinking for a second and then I tell him, "Go find the new one and keep an eye on them. Report back to me where they've been and how they're getting around." He nods, and off he went.

"Boys," I say a little louder, getting their attention, "Give it to me." I approach my group of boys and Kenny spoke, "I set new traps in the north, northwest, and west of the island with help from Josh and Ben." "I made 31 new arrows, working on 32," says Ryan. "I've gathered enough dreamshade to last a week of hunting the new one if necessary," says Luke. "We only had 2 days worth of food left so I got more to last the week," says Nathan. That seems to be everyone... except Lucas with the firewood. "Good job, boys," I praise them, "I'll be just around the camp if I'm needed. Lucas," I call him and he stands, "Care to join me?" I enter the path that encircles the camp, expecting Lucas to follow.

I lead Lucas out of earshot and turn to face him. When he's close to me, I plunge my hand into his chest, gripping his heart, threatening to rip it out. He gasps in pain and tears sting at his eyes. "You spend an entire week refusing to do the work I give you and you think I won't get suspicious?" I speak through my teeth and squeeze his heart in anger and he grunts in pain. I shout, "Huh? I have to give someone else the task of getting the firewood because you don't want to. Don't you have anything to say?" I wait for him to speak, but he doesn't, so I continue, "Why don't you tell me who you're really loyal to here." He lifts his head slowly and looks me in the eye with determination, "Not you."

In that instant, I rip out his heart. I watch him as he looks at his glowing heart in my hand and I smile, "This is what happens to boys who defy me." I watch him fall while I crush his heart into dust with a satisfied smirk on my face. Watching the light fade from his eyes, I throw the rest of the dust in my hand to the ground.

With my hands behind my back, I walk over him and strut to my cabin.

It was so quiet until I heard shuffling and whispering. They know I'm trying to sleep so they know to whisper if they're going to talk. But then I hear a loud thud followed by an "oof" right outside my door. I rush to pull open my door to see Felix lying face-down in front of my doorway. He starts to get up and I pinch the bridge of my nose, "What's happened now, Felix?" Sounding like he's in pain he stands and croaks, "It's the girl. She-agh!" He clutches his arm revealing blood coming from a deep gash. My eyes light up and I smile.

I run out in the middle of the camp and shout, "Come on, stop playing hide and seek, come out! Let's play a different game!" I gesture to the boys and say, "Up." They grab their dreamshade spears and arrows and circle the camp. I continue to shout with my arms out gesturing "come at me", "Come ooooonnn!"

I hear a line of snapping branches in the trees above the camp and I look up. There's Y/N holding onto a branch with just her hands, and the branch lowers from her weight. From the look on her face, she's meaning for it to happen. She lets go just in time before the branch could even snap and she falls a good distance, right in front of me, landing on her feet.

She stands and sighs in relief. She hugs herself with one arm and her other looks like she's classily holding out an imaginary purse. "Looking for me?" she asks sweetly.

She just outsmarted the master of this island. I would be angry that she embarrassed me in front of the boys, but... I bite my lip at her. 'Shit, did I just do that? Shit!' I shove my obvious arousal down deep.

"That was quite an entrance," I say. She curtsies and says, "Why thank you. From the looks of it, it seems like it was far greater than expected." My eye twitches. She's really testing me. "Why hurt Felix?" I ask. "Felix?" she questions, "Oh, him?" she points to Felix, "He attacked me so it was clearly self-defense." Felix yells, "That's a lie! She came at me first!" I hold up my hand gesturing to silence him. "You attacked my right hand," I tell her. "You left me stranded just to watch me struggle by myself. So this is how I repay you. You're welcome," she retorts back at me as if my words mean nothing. I grab her by the throat and squeeze, "You think I won't kill you for embarrassing me in front of my lost boys?" She's still smiling. 'The bitch!' "If you wanted to kill me you would've done it already," she says, "You're not even squeezing my neck tight enough to choke me." 'Fuck, she's really got me.'

I feel her jerk forward and see her face contort in pain. I look behind her and see John holding a dreamshade spear in her shoulder. "Did I say "stab her"?!" I scream. I let go of her neck and she falls on my shoulder. I pull out the spear and yell, "Boys! Show John to the cages!" I glare at him, "You're lucky I know you're loyal. Felix!" I call him, "Check around the camp, I want it cleaned up."

Without another word, I poof myself and Y/N to the magical spring at Dead Man's Peak. She seems to still be standing on her own so I lead her to a tall rock to lean against. I leave her and rush to make a makeshift cup with leaves and scoop up some water from the spring. I get back to her and hold it in front of her, "Those spears are laced with deadly poison. But this will heal you." She smiles...again, "What if I don't want it? You'll just continue to laugh at my misery once I'm healed." "You stubborn brat! Just drink it!" I yell, annoyed, "Look, fine. You're right. I don't want you to die just, please, drink." She just looks at me for a bit, and then leans forward to drink it, and I help her drink.

After a few seconds, she begins to stand up straight. She looks at me with those eyes staring into the deepest parts of my soul and says, "Thank you."

Now I'm the one caught in a trance. Something inside me has been set aflame and I suddenly feel the urge to do what's best for this girl. I don't want her to be without me. And I most certainly do not want her with anyone else. I want to see her happy, so I don't think laughing at her misery would be fun anymore. In this one second, she's become my top priority.

I poof us into my cabin and I sit on my bed staring at the floor. This couldn't be love, could it?

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