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Your POV:

As you begin to leave the spring, in your dress, you try to look around the corner of the entrance to see who's there before coming out. You see that it's Felix, but he's not waiting to talk. In his hidden position, it seems as if he was looking to surprise you. Your guard rises. Felix showed that he never liked you from the start. It is no surprise to you that he's doing this.

You slowly creep your way out to watch his movements intently. When he sees you, he swings his arm at you, knife in hand, but you reflexively grab his wrist and now his knife is only inches from your throat. You dig your fingers in the soft part of his wrist and he yells in pain, dropping the knife. He tries to remove your hand with his other free hand, and in that moment, still gripping at his wrist, you rush to pick up his knife. You went to cut at his other wrist, but you feel a foot connect with your stomach and you fall to the ground.

Still gripping the knife tight, he approaches you to say something. He crouches down to you and puts his hands around your neck. Before he can say anything, you take that time to stab him in his gut. As he lets go of you to look at the wound, you remove the knife, keeping it. When he stumbles back, you stand and back away a safe distance, pointing the knife at him.

He holds his bleeding abdomen and says, "Pan's gonna be so pissed that you fucking bathed in the spring, our only source of freshwater." "Is that what this was all about?" you ask. He laughs, obviously in pain, "No." He takes a step forward, and you take a step back in turn. He continues, "I'm here because Pan ordered me to attack you." Your eyebrows furrow, and you say, "What?" "Did you really think Pan actually cared about you?" he laughs, "He only cares about us. You're just another toy for his game." "And you're just another pawn in all his games," you retort back. He's silent. If he's shocked, he certainly didn't show it.

"If Pan is gonna be so pissed about me bathing my filth off in the spring, he can just clean it with his magic," you say, "I'm pretty sure all it takes is one wave of his hand. Poof." Felix does not look amused. "I'll kill you for mocking Pan," he growls. "Come at me then," you say, challenging him.

He launches himself forward, but with his injury he's slower, giving you an advantage. In one swift movement, you slice his throat, now beside him. As he face-plants to the ground, choking, you take his knife sheath again and put it back in the top of your dress. You look at him as he's struggling to breathe. You've never taken another person's life and the thought did scare you. You never knew what you would be capable of once the opportunity of self-defense arose. You guessed you were looking at the result.

Then you had an idea. You grab Felix by his hood and pull it over his head. You roll him over and start dragging him, by his hood, down the mountain.

You drag him all the way back to the camp. When the lost boys spot you dragging an unconscious Felix, they stand, holding their poison weapons at you. It's only now that you realize you could've tried the spring water, but then you think it might've lost its effect once you bathed in it. You see Pan standing near a tree at the far side of the camp. He sees you with damp hair, bloody hands, and a bleeding unconscious Felix connected to your hand. His eyes go large, like he's seeing the most beautiful yet shocking landscape in the world. The first thing that escapes his lips is, "You killed him." You respond with, "Maybe." He swallows. "You can heal him right?" you ask, "He may not be dead yet." He looks confused, and he asks, "Why?" You glance at Felix, "I... I was only defending myself. I don't like killing."

One second he was by the tree, and the other he was at Felix's side. "Then maybe you shouldn't have went for his throat," he adds, looking at you like you were the biggest idiot in the world. You set down Felix's head gently. You hear Pan whisper under his breath while looking at Felix, "I shouldn't have sent him. I should've sent one of the others."

He holds his hand over Felix's body. His palm starts to glow a deep red with a hint of purple. You watch as Felix's wounds heal, and look for any hint that he might be alive on his face. It takes a moment before Felix takes a deep breath of air like it was his first one. He sits up and sees Pan and they take each others arms. They both stand and look at you. Pan says to Felix, "She killed you." You make a face at him. Felix responds while looking at you, "Well she also bathed in the spring." 'Teachers pet,' you say in your head. Pan gives you a weirded-out look and says, "I'll deal with it." Felix just gives you another glare before walking away... again.

Pan motions his head toward his cabin then walks in that direction. You timidly follow, for the first time you've been here.

He shuts the door when you enter and walks past you. He stands the farthest he can from you, back facing you. He crosses his arms and says, "Well it looks like I got magical water to clean." You suck your lips in, keeping yourself from smiling, and whisper, "Looks like." He turns to face you with an angry look. You stay there, watching as he begins to approach you. "You may be tough, but I can kill you in an instant," he says. "Which is why I haven't tried to physically attack you," you say, nervous he might actually try. "Really?" he laughs, "So that slap was just little love tap?" "I-I was just angry," you laugh nervously. He's in your personal space now, and your back is against the door. "Hmm. Where's your fearlessness now?" "I don't know," you answer, "Maybe I think I've pissed you off too many times that you might be bored of me so... you would be fine with killing me." He chuckles, "But that's exactly why I'm not bored of you." You look into his eyes and whisper, "Huh?"

Your heart is racing. He's so close to you. Then he only gets closer, closing the space between your faces. He breathes on your lips like a tease, and you close your eyes. When nothing happens, you open your eyes again to see that devilish grin that you found so attractive.

You never got the chance to get to know him. But even when you don't know anything, like if he's killed a ton of people, you stop caring at this very moment.

"You're stuck here ya know," he says, not moving away, "Once you drank that water, you became bound to the island." You never thought going home was an option anyways. "Good," you say, and grab his shirt with both hands, and kiss him. He doesn't move for a second, but then he kisses you back while smiling a bit. His arms go around your waist, pulling you against him, and one hand travels to the back of your head. He kisses you deeper, and you're enjoying every second of it.

You hear the door open, and you stop kissing him to see Felix. Pan didn't remove his hands. He gave Felix a bored look. "Wha..." Felix whispers. "Close. The door," Pan demands slowly. Felix grits his teeth and slams the door.

Like nothing had happened, Pan attacks your lips again. You are about to protest, but when he sticks his tongue in your mouth, you begin to melt, his touch quickly becoming addictive.

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