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Your POV:

All the while of you being alone you feel like someone is watching you. If someone is watching you, you'll send a message through them to 'mister Peter Pan.' He wants a game you'll give him one.

You're not usually like this in any normal circumstance, but when someone does something like this to you, it unleashes the inner demon in you and you become very capable of giving that someone a piece of your mind and show them what you've got.

Something tells you if you don't follow the obvious paths, you'll find something.

After a few minutes you hear rustling of the leaves other than your own. You stop only to hear nothing. You continue walking and listen closely to try to determine where it's coming from. You don't hear anything until after another solid minute. They're closer now, but still a good distance to your left. Whoever is following you is doing the best they can to keep quiet because when you last heard it, it was further away. But now, after a long while of you walking, they seem to be closer.

If this is Peter Pan's game, you were more than willing to play. Fearless and ready, you charge straight to your left, still not on any path, and within a second you knock someone down. Seems your instincts were correct. Now on top of them, you search quickly for an obvious weapon. You find a nicely curved knife strapped to his waist and put it up to his throat. Not that you'd kill him. You just hated being underestimated. "Tell me where Peter Pan is," you demand. He just smiles and says, "We call him Pan." Using his hands and upper body strength, he shoves you off of him and stands. While you lie there, he tries to take his knife back, but you use your legs and kick at his knees. This knocks him back to the ground and you quickly stand so you can stop him before he gets back up. You kick his face, and with the knife still in your hand, you use all the strength you have to slice his arm. As you watch him yell in pain, you say, "Then tell me where Pan is," and you kick him in the balls.

He gives in and you follow him through the jungle. Just in case he tried anything, you took his knife sheath, put the blade in it, and stuffed it in the top of your dress. If he was the type, he wouldn't dare try and steal it back now.

As you went up a large tree just outside of the camp you told him to climb too. He hesitated, but seeing your glare, he obeyed. These branches were very firm since the tree is so large. It didn't take long before you were directly above a cabin, which could only be Pan's considering it was the only one compared to all the other tents. You went up further until you saw the boy behind you was directly above the front door of the cabin. You looked at him, thinking. "What?" he asks. To answer his question, you kick him off the branch and he lands on the ground in front of the cabin door. You wait to see Pan before continuing going along the branch.

As you watched Pan challenge you, you smiled and obliged.

Not knowing how this was going to turn out, you did it anyway, hoping you didn't embarrass yourself.

Pan said he rules this island, right? And that anyone who defies him will painfully regret it? 'Let's test that and see how he feels about me 'defying' him in front of all these other boys.'

Needless to say, you didn't embarrass yourself and he seems to be surprised. And that's what you were aiming for. He tries to appear as if he was choking you, but he was doing a very poor job. Out of nowhere you feel a sharp pain in your shoulder. Your muscles begin to feel like jelly. 'Is this what happens when you get stabbed?' You hear him let the boy who stabbed you have it and then you're both surrounded in dark smoke.

You take it that you're somewhere different. He guides you to a tall rock. You watch as he hurries with his movements and you smile. You figure that he does care but he doesn't know it yet. You decide to test him one more time when he offers you the spring water. And his response says it all. You got him.

You drink the water and you instantly feel healed. You look at his handsome face. If he instantly made you fall for his charm on purpose, you decided to try to give him a taste of his own medicine. Not that you're confident that it'll work.

You take a step closer to look deep into his eyes, searching for his heart, and say softly with a gentle smile, "Thank you."

And again, you're surrounded in dark smoke. You didn't even have time to enjoy the view from the other place you were poofed to. Now, it looks like... Pan's cabin? You see him sit on his bed and look down. Did your seduction test really work or is he just thinking? "How did you do it?" he asks, not looking at you. "Do what?" you respond with a question. "With the tree," he says, "With Felix." "Oh, I don't know," you answer, "I just did." He finally looks at you, but in disbelief. You say, "Honest. I do reckless things when someone does something like that to me like you did. And in some cases it might make me dangerous." You were honest, but you chose your words like this to play with him.

He rests his elbow on his thigh, rubs his forehead, and sighs. He looks frustrated. "You're so amazingly confusing. How did you do that? No one has ever outsmarted me," he says. "Oh," you say, realizing what he means, "Well I don't know how I outsmarted you either, since I never even tried. I guess by some instinct, I knew not to just walk into your camp. When I get like that, I act without thinking. I saw it as a challenge, and I took the challenge." "Fearlessly it seems like," he adds. You giggle and lean against the bed post.

You think for a second and say, "Pan?" He looks at you, almost surprised to hear his name from you, and you continue, "You said whoever defies you will painfully regret it, right? Did you mean something along the lines of...maybe... death?" He sits up straight with his mouth opening to say something, but hesitates, "N-No." He fakes innocence in his voice. You hum, "Well that would make sense as to why I'm not dead." You laugh, knowing he just lied through his teeth. You look at his facial expressions. 'Is the big bad wolf nervous?' "Yeah Pan," you continue, "Why am I not dead?"

He stands up angrily, "I could just as well lock you up." You smirk and say, "Okay." Ever since Pan started this game, he thought he would be the one who was gonna have fun. Oh, how the tables have turned. All you had to do was show him you weren't afraid of him. Guys like Pan have never seen that before, and it's always so rewarding to see the looks on their faces after you show no fear. But there is fear. It's just shoved into the back of the mind where it can't be seen, unless you crack. You're not going to let that happen yet.

He turns, not saying a thing. Until he finally says, "Get out. Introduce yourself to the boys and tell them you're the new lost girl." There's silence for a few seconds, then you call him quietly, "Pan?" He turns his head in your direction, but doesn't turn around, "Go." You suspect he needs to think, so you respect that. "Okay," you say, smiling gently.

You leave his cabin and all the boys stare at you. You walk to them and they stand rather close to you looking all tensed up. "I'm Y/N, and I'm the new lost girl?" They all seem to relax and shuffle away, mumbling. You hear a bored "cool." Then someone says, "Man, all that dreamshade I got - wasted." "Shut up Luke," another says.

A voice behind you startles you, "Are you fucking kidding me? A girl?" You turn to see the owner of the voice is the boy you beat up, Felix. He continues to yell, "Let alone this girl. She's supposed to be the enemy! Someone for us to hunt. Why would Pan recruit you?" He gets way too close, trying to look scary. Any closer and you'd smack him.

"Felix!" You hear Pan shout from outside his doorway and you both look his way. His shoulder propped up against the doorframe, he says to Felix, "Be nice." Felix gives one final glare at you before walking away.

Everyone seems to be getting comfy in their tents. You look at Pan, sending the question through your eye contact. He rolls his eyes and approaches you, receiving the message. Then he points his head toward a path and walks that way. Assuming that's his pouty way of saying "follow me," you do just that.

He leads you to a treehouse and stops, "This is your bedroom. Goodnight." And just like that, he walks off. You watch him and think, 'He's adorable.' Then you climb up the treehouse to find a cozy bed, and you fall asleep like a log.

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