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Your POV:

There are voices screaming at you in your head, telling you to stop him. But, somehow, you can't bring yourself to. It wouldn't be right to anyways because you were the one who kissed him first. Telling him to stop would be contradicting yourself. But if he goes too far, now that's different.

He pulls his lips away and smiles at you to say, "I've waited so long for you to do that." He pecks you on the lips once more before trailing kisses down your jaw to your neck. You wanted him to continue oh, so badly, but he's going to far for now. "Peter," you whisper. But he only got turned on by you saying his first name. "I like that, say that again," he says into your neck. "No, seriously, Peter," you strain as you try to push him away forcefully. His grip got real tight. But he lets you go, catching on that you don't want him to go further, only to have an annoyed look on his face. Before he can say anything, you rush to open the door and run away, not wanting to hear whatever harsh thing that was going to come out of his mouth.

He chases you, but he's not fast enough. You climb a tree midway and swing across branches like a monkey, going deeper into the jungle. Things like this, you're just now figuring out you can do them with ease. It kinda freaks you out, but the faster you can get away from Pan, the better.

He could just poof next to you and catch you before you go too far, but since he's not it looks like he might try to respect your space. Which is unlike him.

You keep running as far as you can. You run, and run, and run. But you don't know why you're running because nothing is chasing you. You think, and you realize it's because you're emotional. You slow down and place your hands on your knees to take a breath. 'Calm down,' you tell yourself. Then you place your hand on your forehead in disappointment. "Why did I kiss him?" you ask aloud.

"Kiss who?" a voice asks. You look up in shock to see another girl, a few years older than you, with a short, dark green (almost black) dress, blonde hair up in a messy bun, and a doll-like face. 'No way,' you say in your head. "U-Um," you stutter, remembering she asked you a question referring to your personal business that you accidentally let her hear.

She walks up to you and asks your name as you straighten yourself back up. "Y/N," you say. She smiles gently, "Nice to meet you Y/N. I'm Tinker Bell." Then her smile fades, "You ran out here pretty fast. Is everything okay?" She watched you intently as you spoke, "Yeah, I just... needed space to think." That's when you saw the treehouse behind her. "Oh, I ran straight to your treehouse?" you ask, realizing the situation, "That's why you seemed to pop out of nowhere. I thought you might have magic like Pan." "I wish," she said as she crossed her arms, "Then, maybe I'd be able to defeat him." You furrow your eyebrows in confusion.

She looks around the area as if to see if anyone is listening. Then she points her head in the direction of her treehouse and says, "Come on," she turns and heads towards it, "It's dangerous to talk out in the open. You should come inside," she stops right next to her ladder, "That is if you're up for some friendly advice."

You begin to wonder if you can trust Tinker Bell. She seems like a good person like in the children's stories. Then again, that's what you assumed about Pan. But she did say that she wanted to "defeat" Pan, so she couldn't be as twisted as he is.

You hesitantly make your way to the ladder and into the treehouse, Tinker Bell following.

You stand aside, when you make your way up the ladder, so she can enter as well. When she does, she throws herself down on her hammock with a comfortable sigh. She gestures for you to sit on the stump behind you, made as a makeshift stool.

As you sit, she says, "So," seeming interested, "Who'd you kiss?" You immediately blush and turn your attention to the wooden floor. She giggles and continues, "That is what you were freaking out about right?" You nod, still staring at the floor. "So, who was it?" she asks again. You look at her, hoping she'll get her answer through silent words. Her smile fades, "Oh, honey, no. Don't tell me." She leans forward, now sitting directly in front of you, and whispers, with a concerned look on her face, "You kissed Pan?" You cover your face with your hands, hoping to hide your escalating blush. "How'd you manage that without getting your head chopped off?" she asks.

You take a breath, removing your hands from your face, and hide your embarrassment, "I guess you could say he thinks I'm interesting. I've beat him at his own games and showed him up a few times." "Beat him at his own games?" she stops you, "No one can do that." She has that face of shock mixed with thinking real hard. You shrug and say, "I don't know either. It just happens. Like, if my survival skills are challenged, my senses are heightened almost abnormally and I do dangerous things that I would never normally do. I scare myself sometimes, but I also think it's kinda cool." "That is interesting," she says, "I see where he's coming from. Not killing you or locking you up. But you were the one that kissed him. So why?"

You bite your lip, about to come clean with everything you've been keeping to yourself. "I've been attracted to him when he first introduced himself to me. I didn't know he was evil back then. But that attraction never disappeared," you say, disappointed in yourself. "It only grew," she finishes for you. You smile sadly at her and she smiles the same way back to you.

She looks down, "So..." then she looks back up at you, "Did he kiss back?" You blush a little and nod, saying, "That's kinda why I ran..." "You were scared of your feelings," she points out, "I get it." Now she's smiling sympathetically.

"It's strange, though," she says. "What is?" you ask. She responds, "That someone could actually love a boy who's killed hundreds of people." You freeze. 'I knew it.' In the back of your head, you knew. You just chose not to accept it. "Yeah," you say, "I think it's strange, too." She has that look like she definitely expected a different reaction. "He hasn't stopped," she goes on, "I saw him crush a boy's heart when you were brought here." "Crushed his heart? How?" you ask. "It's difficult to explain," she says, "It's with magic. Something that I don't have."

There's silence between you two. She watches you before saying, "Don't believe for a second that you can tame him. He's too far gone." You stand, suddenly feeling attacked, "Even if I can't, I'd still want him."

She only stares at you. You sigh and sit back down with one hand on your forehead, "I can't help it. I hate myself for it, but I can't help it." She sighs as well, lying back again. She stares at the ceiling, holding a vial, saying, "If I could make my pixie dust work then I'd be able to tell you if he was your soul mate. But... I can't." You think for a second before asking, "Could I try?" She looks at you questionably. "How do I check to see if he's my soul mate with it? Can you show me?" you continue. She looks at it like it's precious to her. Like she doesn't want to let it go. Then she looks back at you.

She closes her eyes as if she hates that she's about to do this, and rips the string holding the vial from her neck. She sits back up, takes your wrist, and places the vial in your hand. "Just think about true love. It'll show you," she says. You look at her and ask, "Is this the last of your pixie dust?" "Yes, now do you want it or not? Cause I'll gladly change my mind and take it back," she sasses. "Okay," you say, smiling. You close your eyes to focus on what she told you. You pop off the top and focus on true emotion. You bury yourself in it and you ask inside your head, 'Where is my true love?'

You don't want to open your eyes in doubt so you stay focused. But Tinker Bell interrupts your zen by saying, "Look." You open your eyes to see the vial empty and a green cloud of sparkling dust leading out of the treehouse. You look back at her worriedly. "Go," she tells you, "You're not still scared are you?" You smile and stand. "Thank you," you say to her and she smiles back.

You rush to climb down the treehouse ladder and follow the pixie dust.

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