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Your POV:

You wake from your deep slumber, the sun's rays greeting you through the window. You haven't slept that well in a long time. Sure there were times when you slept all night, but you've never woken up feeling so great very often. It was a rare thing.

Then you remember: you're in Neverland. Could that be why? You're not sure, so you leave that to be something you'd ask later.

You begin to reel over everything that happened yesterday while staring out the window. You giggle at yourself because you know that you impressed Pan with, not only your skills, but your attitude. But what about when he saved you? You tried to see if he really cared in that moment, yes. But why did he save you? Why did he care? You feel as if he doesn't even know himself. You never imagined Peter Pan being evil after learning about the fairy tales when you were a kid. Pan, the bad guy? It's so weird, yet so intriguing. Not to mention, attractive. Damn him.

You sit straight up. You want to get to know him. You want to ask him endless questions. You even want to know every inch of this island. You are determined to know.

You rush out of your treehouse and follow the long path Pan led you through to get to this treehouse from the camp. Once you get there, it's empty. Everything is gone, including Pan's cabin. Like no one was here to begin with. You know you're not dreaming, he must've used some sort of magic to move it.

You growl with a high pitch voice and kick at the dirt, angry. You look up at the trees, as if you're looking for Pan in them, and scream, "I will find you!" Then you close your eyes and take a deep breath, like your senses had nobs and you were turning them up. When you open your eyes, you walk north of the camp and walk straight through the leaves.

You walk straight for about an hour until you stop. Listening, smelling, feeling. Left. You move northwest for about another hour. Your throat is getting dry and your legs are almost ready to fail you. But you push forward. You stop, doing the same thing again. The camp has to be straight ahead. You start to jog and you eventually push past the last leaf.

The lost boys stop to look at you. Felix shouts, "Pan!" "What is it now?!" Pan shouts from inside his cabin, then opens his door to see you, full of rage and out of breath. "Y/N!" he exclaims as he walks in your direction, "So good of you to join us!" Still angry, you scoop up some dirt in your hand and throw it at his face, but he catches it with magic. You grab some more dirt and walk up to him and backhand him, right across his face, and while he's stunned, you throw the dirt in his face again. The lost boys stand with frightened looks on their faces. You scream in his face, "And to think I wanted to get to know you! I should've known! You're just a monster!" Everything is quiet and he doesn't even look at you. You say one last thing, "You want me to be your toy?!" You speak through your teeth with a growl, "Well let's play."

"Pan," Felix says, as if waiting for a command. Pan doesn't say anything for a good seven seconds until... he laughs. He clutches his stomach and laughs so much that he's making his eyes water. He looks at you, still laughing, wipes an eye, and says, "Oh, Y/N. At least you don't cheat. You play the game so well, it's almost impossible," He laughs again, but it's dying down, "I can't even have the fun I expect to have because you're too good," he puts a hand on your back and makes you follow him, "Come with me, you have got to tell me your secret." You nearly shove him away, but something inside you stops you from doing so. So he leads you into his cabin and shuts the door, leaving the lost boys literally lost.

From a table across from the bed, with a map of Neverland and other nonmagical places, he pulls up a chair for you both. He sits in front of you and gestures for you to sit in the chair in front of him, and says, "You said you wanted to get to know me." You stand there, dumbfounded.

The only thing that's scarier than a guy who wants to be scary, is a guy who's friendly after you have insulted him, and not to mention, slapped him. You don't know how to react, so you slowly sit down like you were told. He seems to notice, so one corner of his mouth turns upward.

You speak first, "If you're going to ask how I'm so good at 'playing your game,' the answer is: I don't know. It's like something embedded in my system that I seem to be able to control, but I don't know how or why." He hums in response, then says, "Well, whatever it is, I like it. Every time I challenge you, you seem to exceed my expectations. But if you can't tell me how..."

He stands up and puts his palm on your forehead. Suddenly you see yourself reliving everything from your past. Good and bad. Mostly bad. All the backstabbing, the heartbreak, and being ignored when you needed someone most. All the faces appeared before you like you were in a trance-like state. When Pan let go, it all stopped. "I don't understand," he says, "How do you have these abilities and you didn't have anything happen to you that could've made you this way." Did he just go through all your memories? You blush. How much did he see? "All I could see was a normal life with pain and happiness," he continues and sits back down, "I don't understand."

Just then you felt your brain light up and you say, "Maybe that's just it. Everything that I've been through, maybe that's what built it up over time." He just looks at you, and you avoid his eyes, saying, "That didn't make sense. That's just the only way I know of putting it." "I understand what you mean," he responds, "It is a bit difficult to wrap my head around at the moment, since it's not the result of something magical or scientific, but mental. But it would seem to be the only explanation. Unless... I'm missing something. Like someone put a guard on that memory." You tense up, "But it's dangerous to forcefully unlock it, right?" He quizzically nods, not looking at you. Then you relax.

As he's thinking, it becomes awkwardly quiet for a while. It makes you think about how you went from slapping him and throwing dirt in his face to talking about your unique survival abilities. Wasn't he upset about it? As you look at his focused face, you guess not. He's a weird one.

His voice startles you, "I need to talk to Felix. Go get him and leave us." No questions, you do as he says. You walk out and tell Felix, Pan wants to talk to him. You take this time to wander. You see a tall mountain peak and decide that's where you'll go first. Nothing else to do since no one else here likes you.

As you walk, you feel Felix's knife in your dress disappear. You look around, thinking Pan might be watching you. But you don't sense anything, so you think Felix might have told Pan about it and gave it back by magic.

You eventually arrive at the mountain and find your way up. With much effort you finally reach the top. What are these thorn vines? They have this weird black sap dripping from them. Then you notice the spring. This is where Pan took you to heal you of the poison. It certainly does have a beautiful view.

When you look back at the spring, it makes you think, 'Do these boys even take baths?' And you notice your greasy hair and dirty clothes. May as well. There doesn't seem to be any bathtubs in Neverland so... what other option do you have? You may not have soap, but it's better than nothing.

While your bathing, you could've sworn you heard someone whisper, "Oh, shit!" from the entrance. You look but see no one. But your senses have never failed you. If you heard it, someone is definitely there. You smile. Whoever it is didn't expect this.

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