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Your POV:

The second you get even a few feet into the camp, the lost boys come out of the bushes and behind trees and grab you. You try to fight against them but there are too many. "Stop it!" you scream, "What are you doing?! Let me go!" They drag you away and you scream at them to let you go.

Where the path goes into a crossroads, before they continue to drag you to the north path, for a split second you see Pan in the left path standing there, watching. And in that moment you stop struggling.

You think as the boys continue to drag you away. These boys only obey Pan. If he didn't want them to do this, he'd kill them.

They finally stop in front of a bamboo cage. One of them opens it and the rest throw you in. As they close it, you look through the gaps and plead with your eyes. Not to any of them, but to Pan. Even if he wasn't there.

Eventually they all leave you alone to your thoughts. And then you realize. Pan told them to do this to you. And you were so confident he wouldn't, too.

For the first time you've been here, you let your tears fall. You hated crying, it makes you feel so pathetic. Better to use anger to burn it off. But this time you actually felt helpless. You don't have the energy to be angry. Especially since you notice that even after this, you still have feelings for him.

There's a reason he's pushing you away. And you can't be mad at him for it. Isn't that what you'd call 'love?' You never thought this would be the situation that would finally make you realize that you might love him. Either way, you realize it now.

Is that why you're crying? Because he was actually able to hurt you because you love him?

You laugh lightly to yourself. What has that boy done to you?

You spend days, maybe weeks in the cage, only getting meals from a random lost boy. You accepted your fate in this cage the second they put you in. Maybe you could break out, but you didn't want to. Now you know what solitary confinement feels like.

You haven't seen Pan since. The look on his face when they were dragging you to the cage is almost the only thing you thought of. He looked determined that he thought he was doing the right thing, but he also looked like he hated seeing you locked up. You begin to think that he couldn't do it himself so that's why he had to get the boys to do it.

It lets you know that he feels something for you. And it makes you smile.

While you're trying to sleep, you hear tapping on the outside of the cage. You wake up and try to look through the cage. "Hey," the voice says. You squint and try to see him. "It's me," he says. It takes you a second and then you say, "Felix?" "Hi," he says as if to confirm it's him. "What are you doing here?" you ask. "I was nearby and heard the others talking about you and how you're in this cage," he responds. You furrow your eyebrows at him, confused. "So I came to rescue you," he says. Your eyebrows went back to normal and you stared at him, "What?" "Don't act so surprised," he says, "I feel like I owe you for when you tried to comfort me instead of hating me when you found out my true feelings for Pan." You smiled softly at him. He says, "Luckily I still have the key for this thing." He pulls out a key for the serious padlock that they put on your cage especially for you.

When you're out of the cage you see he brought a friend. You turn to hug her, exclaiming, "Tink!" Although, you keep your voice down. "Seems you two have met," Felix says, smiling.

After you let Tink go, she says, "Come on. It won't be long until they realize you're gone." You nod and follow them.

While you're all jogging with quiet feet, Tink whispers, "I'm taking you back to my treehouse. I'll keep you safe there." You stay silent and look at Felix. You ask, "How did you get her to come with you?" Tink answers, "A lot of him convincing. He just happened to say the right things." You blink rapidly. You sense tension.

"Why were you in that cage anyway?" Felix asks, "I thought Pan..." he trails off. "He put me in there Felix," you tell him, "Pan told the boys to do it." "But why? What did you do?" he asks. "As far as I know, nothing," you answer, "It happened right after I finished talking to you. They came out of nowhere and with no reason."

You see complex emotions in Felix's facial expression. He obviously didn't expect it.

As you near Tink's treehouse, you hear the lost boys whoops and hollers back from where you came. They're coming. And with that, you all pick up the pace.

They sound like they're getting closer by the second and you've been running for a while. You begin to wonder if you're going to make it.

You see Tink's treehouse emerging in the distance and a feeling of safety washes over you. Until...


The lost boys have spotted you. That's when you pick up so much speed like the Flash as you hear the boys hollering from behind you. You hear Tink and Felix shout after you and you realize you left them behind. But there is no way you were spending another second in that cage. Not after being out.

You get up Tink's ladder and press yourself against a wall, catching your breath. A few seconds later, Tink and Felix are up the ladder and a few lost boys soon after.

You beat them up and threw them back down the hole with help from Tink and Felix. After about only a minute a familiar voice shouts, "Enough!" And your whole body froze.

The lost boys go silent and Pan continues calmly, "Hand over Y/N." "Never!" Tink shouts. "C'mooon Tink! You haven't went up against me in centuries! Don't tell me you decided to go and grow wings now," Pan jokes, which offends Tink by the look on her face.

Even though you can't see him, you can still see the smug look on his face.

"I'll set you free Tink," he speaks lowly, "I know that's what you want." She stares at nothing, letting him get into her head. She fights tears and says, "No." "Have it your way," he says.

You hear shuffling and see more lost boys try to get up the ladder and shout, "Wait!" Everything stops and Tink and Felix look at you. "I'm coming," you announce. Felix grabs your arm and they both protest.

You were scared when you were running. But somehow, with just the sound of his voice, you wanted nothing more than to be at his side. But this time, you're going to make Pan want to stay by yours too. Make him throw away the thought that no one can love him.

"You can't do this," Felix says, "You'll be locked in that cage for decades." "From the looks of things our plans didn't work," Tink says, "He's beyond saving. He's a monster." You shake Felix off of you and look Tink straight in the eyes and say, "He's my monster."

You climb down the ladder and face Pan. It hurts to look at him. But you can't help but feel like he's hurting too and hiding behind a mask. His smug smile doesn't fool you. You're about to prove Tink wrong.

With the lost boys surrounding you, you walk up to him with sadness on your face. You stare at him and then grab the sides of his head softly and kiss him. He flinches but doesn't pull back. You hear the lost boys whispering. You pull away and whisper, "I love you."

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