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Your POV:

You jolt upright in your bed with a deep gasp. 'Wait, my bed?' Your brain begins to panic as you realize these are your bed sheets from your room back home. Looking around, you realize that this is your room. You're home. Almost as if Neverland, Pan, Tink, and Felix, everyone, was all a...


All the pain you felt for and because of Pan, the effort it took to make Felix your friend even after killing him, Tink helping you find out that Pan is your soulmate, was all a dream? But that's impossible, Pan told you were bound to the island after drinking the spring water.

You grab fistfuls of your hair on both sides of your head and hyperventilate. Tears start to form as your heart begins to break, all because reality decided it wanted to fuck you over. And you physically felt the pain in your chest. It hurt so bad, it made you cry out, screaming and wailing.

You knew magic wasn't real. You knew you weren't a girl with superhuman survival abilities. You knew there wasn't a such thing as a soulmate. You knew Neverland and Peter Pan was just a children's fairy tale.


Your cries became louder. As a result, your mom came in your room to see what was wrong. Not in a caring way, more annoyed than anything. You ignored her, just how she ignores how you feel, and kept crying and screaming. There is nothing more on this Earth that will ever hurt you more than this.

It was more than just waking up from a really good dream and wishing it was real. You lived in it. You never wanted to return home. To spend the rest of your days in Neverland. You would fight to make Pan capable of love for an eternity. You would pick that life over this reality without hesitation.

So why did it have to be this way, where you can't even choose?

Days of this mediocre life you didn't miss go by. You have driven yourself mad trying to find a way back to Neverland.

You refuse to believe it was all a dream. Even if it was something you deeply desired to be real, you refuse to think everything you went through to be something your brain cooked up while you were sleeping.

You were researching stars, searching for possibilities of people with otherworldly abilities, asking people if they've experienced the same type of dream. You were learning everything you could. Determined to find your way back.

Peers were looking worriedly in your direction, thinking you were slowly going crazy. But you aren't going to let yourself become broken so easily. This search may take a lifetime. It didn't matter to you. You were going to find your way back to Neverland.

Back to your Peter Pan.

Pan's POV:

I lied her carefully on her bed, and as I looked at her peaceful face, I knew I was going to miss her. Her attitude, how brave she is, and her smile I only saw very little of. But she was weakening me.

I desperately wished she would tell me she loved me. But I didn't want her saying it in front of all the lost boys. Because then I'd have to show that I'm not going soft. I'm evil. Merciless. Tyrant.

A monster.

I'm not made for love. This is the fate I've chosen for myself and I can't change it by trying to be happily in love. Plus, it would be unfair to the guy who will be able to make her truly happy. Even if she can never meet him now.

Why did that idiot stab her? Now I can't take her home or she'll die. Keeping her under this dreaming spell should help me decide what I should do next.

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