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Late in the evening, the bar is filled with the loud laughter and drunken curses of its patrons. Pirates, barmaids, and various others all enjoy the bustle of the lively scene as the darkness begins to sink in. This is the time of day The Shoreside truly comes alive. It's always been my favorite, even as a child.

My father has run this business far longer than I have been alive. He is the real reason the patrons of the bar return again and again. It is a welcoming place, a safe place, for all that wish to come. It is one of the few places where it does not matter what species you are, for once you step foot past the door, you are only considered a friend.

I grew up listening to tales from world-weary ship captains and adventurers from far off places. My father often threw in his own stories as well, from the days when he was second hand to the captain on his ship. He regaled us with sword fights, beautiful people, and the treasures they found. He swears that above all, his best treasure was me. I tell him he is foolish, but it never fails to make me smile.

Tonight, he is once again telling the story of how he met my mother on the shore 20 years ago, and how their whirlwind romance resulted in me. I half listen as I wipe a nearby table off. I already know how it goes and I already know he'll leave out the part where as soon as she dumps me off on him, she leaves. Mermaids are not the type to feel tied to one mate apparently.

"(Y/n), darlin', bring me another ale, eh?" Old Tom yells from his spot in the corner.

I teasingly remind him that he should say please, but I set the drink in front of him anyways. My father yells to ask if I would clean off a newly free table, so I wander over and wish the customers a nice night. While I retrieve dishes, the door suddenly blows open dramatically. Every eye in the room is instantly trained on the door frame, waiting to see who would walk through.

A second later, in a flurry of grey robes and wind for added affect, Gandalf struts in with a grin on his face. He is a familiar face here, and every time he comes, I am certain he tries to outdo his last entrance. I'm certain it's some weird competition between him and father, or it could just honestly be him.

"Gandalf!" My father greets his friend excitedly, and immediately offers him a drink. Gandalf accepts and they begin catching up. I finish what I'm doing before making my way over to them.

Gandalf's smile gets bigger when he sees me. He pulls me into a hug, patting my back gently, "Ah! (Y/n) dear! Just who I wanted to see!"

I hug him back, but find myself confused as to why Gandalf came for me. "Really? Is everything okay?" I ask when he releases me.

He nods, "Indeed. I have come to ask you to join a quest."

"I'm sorry, a quest?" I repeat, tilting my head. Gandalf is a wizard and very well known for traveling to different places to help where he can. I'm not surprised that he is on a quest again, but I cannot see how that would involve me.

With that Gandalf launches into his explanation of the dwarves looking to reclaim their mountain home. Thorin, the dwarf king, would be leading his Company across the land to the mountain to face the dragon, Smaug. "I believe your particular talents could be quite useful on this quest. If you would join," Gandalf finishes.

"That sounds interesting," I begin softly. "But there's no way I could leave father here alone. Who else would help him with the bar?"

"Nonsense," My father interrupts. His voice is stern, his eyes determined in a way I have not seen in years. He takes my hand and squeezes it, "Few people get opportunities for adventure such as this. This could be your chance to see the world, my girl. I may be old, but I ran this bar before you were old enough and I will do fine now. You are young, with a long exciting life ahead of you. You deserve to live it to the fullest."

With that, my things were packed and we were off to Bag End.

Above Water (The Hobbit x Curvy!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now