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Gaege's POV

I woke up to Eddie sitting up on his side od the bed. "Baby what are you doing?" "Scrolling through Twitter"he replied. "Okay I'm going to get dressed." "Kay baby boy" after I got dressed I went downstairs when Eddie told me "Baby get in the car were going somewhere." "Uh..okay lets go then" I answered smiling.

Eddie's POV

Little does Gaege know we are going to adopt a little girl. "Babe where are we going?" "Its a surprise" I say winking at him.

Gaege's POV

When Eddie winked at me I blushed hard. I turned away from Eddie. He grabbed my chin and kissed me deeply I melted into the kiss. Once we broke away i asked "so you gonna tell me where we're going?" "Nope you gotta find out baby boy~" "hmph meanie" I say turning away and pouting like a kid. After about 10 minutes we arive at an orphanage. I gasp "really!?" I ask almost shouting. "Yeah are you happy" "of course I'm happy dup shit!" I yell as I kiss him.

Eddie's POV

As we walk in the lady asked why we where here so I said "we're here to pick up Amelia." "Ah yes right over there which one of you's is Eddie?" She asked "that would be me" I answered "babe can you go over with Amelia?" "Of course" he answered smiling.

Gaege's POV

I walk over to Amelia "hey there precious" I say "daddy?" "Of course" she runs over to hug me. My heart melted. How could no one want her shes so precious. "Are you guys ready to go home?" I hear from behind me. "I dont know Amelia are you ready to go home?" "Yes yes yes!" She yells. I chuckle and kiss Eddie"papa and daddy." She smiles we get in the car and Amelia fell asleep "how old is she" I ask turning to Eddie. "She's 6" Eddie said. "How come she was put up for adoption?" "She uh she..." He stuttered. "Tell me when we get home" I said and turned to the window and fell asleep.

Eddie's POV

Amelia and Gaege fell asleep so i was in the car in silence. Once we got home i took Amelia and Gaege inside I set Amelia in the guest room and Gaege in bed. I left the room to go take a shower. When I got out of the shower it was storming and Gaege in a ball on the bed crying. "Gaege baby what's wrong?" I asked "th-the t-thund-der" he said "Gaege baby there's nothing to be afraid of I'm here" "I love you Eddie" "I love you too Gaege" I said as I layed down next to him.

Gaege's POV

When Eddie layed down I cuddled into his chest breathing in his sent. I couldn't help but smile. Just knowing the I had Eddie was enough. Now that we had a kid we had to be extra careful doing what we usually do. We havent seen the boys in a while so i think we should invite them over. 'I'll tell Eddie in the morning' I think to myself and I let sleep find me. In the morning I woke up to Eddie he looked like he didn't sleep much so i tried my best to be quiet. I went to Amelia's room and saw she was sleeping. 'I'll let her sleep and I'll make breakfast' I think. I go to the kitchen and make eggs, bacon, and waffles. When I finish putting them on plates Eddie came downstairs holding Amelia. "Oooo breakfast" she says i chuckle "mornin baby boy~" Eddie says kissing me on the cheek. "Morning love~" I say back smirking" after breakfast were sitting watching Amelia play. "Hey babe" I ask Eddie. "Yeah what's up?" "So I was thinking we haven't seen the boys and they haven't met Amelia so why don't they come over. I mean oy if you want them to of course." "Of course they can come over I'll text em right now" he says "Great" i kiss him and head over to Amelia to play with her.

                  The Boys Group Chat

E-Hey boys want to come over?

J-sure me and Mully arent busy

Gr-hell yeah man I'll be there

E-great see you dawg

Gr-yeah sew ya man

J-see ya


Ut took me so long tko write this honestly I just have had school and not a lot of free time. I'll update soon as possible. Also I think this is the most I've written so far.

787 words
Hope you all enjoyed🍪
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I'll update soon

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