God Rank Skill And System Shop

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We pack our belongings and some food and clothes that are enough for a week.

I told the human king that I can cast [Gate] and he was surprised but I also told him that I can only use it on places that I have been to before and I must picture the place in my mind whenever I cast it.

We were told that the task will behold tomorrow morning instead of today so that we can prepare our stuff and rest for a day.

Even though the king said that we will rest but since we don't know about the danger that will occur when we travel to meet the demon hero then I suggested my teammate's train and now we are at the dragon mountain.

I leave the dragon mountain and head to the kingdom of Sylmys to fight the Mystic Forest Guardian.

After I am near the entrance of the elven kingdom, a huge guardian made out of stones, soil, trees, and anything that is from the forest except for the living beings are fused and the Mystic Forest Guardian is made.

I see the guardian as my exp capsule since it gives me a lot of exp thanks to it being a level 3000.

Contradicting to my expectations, the guardian is level 7,500 and even the power of its attack is tripled than before.

"What is that? Did the elves modified the guardian since it was too easy to defeat?", I ask myself.

I didn't expect any reply but a voice of a child answers my question.

"This is the Mystic Guardian Form 2 and is much more powerful than the previous one. It is a tradition that we change the guardian whenever it is defeated and since you defeated it, then we made it much more powerful than before.", ???

"I see, interesting! A new toy for me to play with! This kingdom starts to pique my interest! Can I have a reward if I defeated this monstrosity?", I say to the one who replied to me.

"I can give you anything as long as it is within my reach!", The one who has a child-like voice says to me.

"Are you someone with high authority to say something like that? Ah! Then you must be the thousand-year-old freak of the elven race!", I say to the one who has a child-like voice.

"How rude! I am quite young compared to the old freaks from the other races!", The one with child-like voice pouts which kinda sounds cute.

"So my guess is right!", I say.

The huge level 7,500 guardian starts to head to me, running at full speed while preparing its fist for me.

I cast [Mana Shield] and blue light with a shape of a shield appears in front of me which blocks the fist that is supposed to hit me.

A strong impact and a violent gust of wind head to me which is generated by the shockwave of the fist of the Mystic Forest Guardian.

I cast [Mana Shield] to defend myself from the impact of the fist.

I cast [Restriction] to restrict the guardian's movement and I am also restricted since it is the backslash of the skill.

'Description on [Restriction]'


Legendary Active Skill- Lvl-1
-Restricts the one who is cast with the spell.
Warning: The caster will also be restricted by the same restriction that is cast on the target.


I can't also move but since I don't need to attack the guardian using my fist, I cast my magic spell [Black Hole] and a dark hole appears and starts to suck the guardian.

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