Enslaving The Demon Hero

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"Do you want to hasten your death? Ah, yes... Maybe I should spare you... As my slave of course!"

I spoke and an evil smile was present on my face.

"You know that you will offend my father if you enslave me, right?"

"Yes, but why would I be afraid to offend your father, the demon lord? I'm going to beat him up in the future so offending him today won't change anything."

"You will kill me anyway if I won't accept. I'll accept in becoming your slave but I already warned you about the consequences."

I ignored Pedonar's last sentence and prepared on activating [Enslave].

"You sure you won't regret this?"

Pedonar asked me another time.

"Of course I won't! Why would I?"

Who would? Offending the demon lord in exchange for a system level-up and a hero as a slave.

I would offend the demon lord in the future so why wouldn't I offend him now?

I cast [Enslave] towards Pedonar and a contract paper with a feather pen appeared out of thin air.

The conditions that I thought of were stated in the contract.

Pedonar and I both signed the contract using the feather pen.

The contract vanished in an instant and a blinding shining yellow light emanated when the contract vanished.

"Now it's done.", I muttered.

A transparent blue screen appeared in front of me.


*Host has completed the Impossible Y+ Rank Task. The task rewards have been received.*


*The system has received a level-up! The system will now be in a 7 days slumber before it will be upgraded.*

*The host will no longer be able to converse with the system but the host can still access the system features. The system will no longer be able to alert the host of any dangers. Goodbye, host. See you in 7 days. Hope you won't die especially from another banana peel!*

As the system said that, the transparent blue screen that was in front of me disappeared in an instant.

Wait... what?

As I was baffled by the sudden turn of events, Pedonar was slightly tugging my clothing, and a 'what will we do now face was present in Pedonar's face.

Wait... Did Pedonar saw the system? How about I ask him?

"Pedonar, did you see the 'thing' that was in front of me?"

"Oh! Do you mean the transparent blue screen which showed some texts that I couldn't read? Well, I did see it."

"How come? Let me take a look at the contract again."

After I mumbled that, I waved my hands and two contracts materialized in front of me. It was my contract with the dragon king and my contract with Pedonar.

I took ahold of my contract with Pedonar and then the other contract faded slowly.

I checked the contents of my contract with Pedonar and the part of it stated that both Pedonar and I will reveal our secrets and never disclosed them to anyone unless both of us agreed on it.

So it was stated in the contract? Did the dragon king also know about the system?

{Of course, I knew about it! When you sealed me inside your storage space which I later know was the system storage, the system revealed itself to me and we conversed for a while.}

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