Demon Hero

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He's the demon hero that I was looking for?

*The host is in luck which is quite unusual. Anyways, the host should grab this opportunity and enslave the demon hero.*

The system, show me the task information of that task.

*Task information will be displayed... Task information is displayed.*


Impossible Y Rank Task
Completed 0/1
-Show the demon hero who's boss! Enslave him and make him your servant! Use an enslavement spell to force the demon hero to become your loyal slave!
Reward: The system will receive a level up. You will have a powerful loyal servant.
Failure: You will become the slave instead.
The reward for accepting the task: [Enslavement Lvl-1]

Oh, right. I forgot that I had the [Enslavement] skill after I accepted the task.

At least the system wasn't planning on ripping me off but the failure was indeed risky.

Wait... If I finish this task, then wouldn't the system receive a system level-up? Then wouldn't that make the system a level 4 system?

*The host is indeed right. If the host can accomplish this task then the host will be able to obtain the system upgrades after the system level-up into level 4.*

The rewards were tempting and I'm in an advantageous position so I chose the right choice to accept this task before.

"When are you going to attack or you want me to assault you with my magic while defending? You're quite the masochist."

As Pedonar said that, he continued to create multiple ginormous gray-colored balls of fire while directing it towards me yet he still didn't launch it.

I swear I'm going to beat him up after I enslave him for calling me a masochist.

I cast multiple [Ruthless Sun] and it even almost outnumbered Pedonar's grey-colored balls of fire but even I couldn't outnumber it since his power was multiplied ten times after he cast [Limit Break].

"I see... You could also cast [Magnific Ball Of Fire]? Did you also received the title known as [Fireball Maniac]?"

Pedonar spoke after he examined the [Ruthless Sun] that I had cast.

"How did you know? Wait, why would I be surprised? After all, I could cast [Ruthless Sun] so I guess that you also like to cast fireballs as much as I do?"

"Ah, yes. We demons mostly used fire-based skills since it is much more destructive compared to other elements and much easier to comprehend. The name of that skill you are using is known as [Magnific Ball Of Fire] but it seems that you made a name for it even though it sounds arrogant to even call it a 'Sun'."

"It's my skill so I can name it however I want."

As I said that, I merged the ginormous balls of fire that I had cast into a much bigger ball of fire.

The ball of fire turned into a purple-colored fire and was much more condensed and hot compared to the previous ball of fire that I had cast.

"So you also could cast [Grand Ball Of Fire]!"

Pedonar exclaimed while he merged his gray-colored ball of fire into the same size as the ball of fire that I had merged.

The grey-colored ball of fire that Pedonar had cast had turned into a much darker shade of color than gray but it still didn't become dark enough to call it black.

"Can you cast the stronger version of [Sun's Wrath] or you called as [Grand Ball Of Fire]?"

"Unfortunately, I could not. The mana needed to cast it was several times more than [Grand Ball Of Fire] and even by casting [Limit Break] I could not fulfill the mana requirement."

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