Mathew's Training Paid Off! I Got The Time Save Skill!

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I woke up and I summoned the system interface. I saw a timer on the system interface.

*Time left before the system reaches level 4: 05 days, 23 hours, 47 minutes, and 19 seconds.*

I glanced towards my side and saw Mathew on the ground, still sleeping.

I rummaged the skill scrolls and skill books. I found several skill scrolls and skill books that were legendary and mythical rank.

I even found 3 Deity rank skills and 1 God rank skill.

To think that Mathew could now use [Universal Steal] on another level means that his training paid off.

I examined and identified that the God rank skill scroll was the God rank skill that I was looking for. It was the God rank [Time Save] skill.

I no longer wasted my time as I hurriedly comprehend the skill scroll.

I was currently meditating since it helped me when I need to comprehend difficult things without getting distracted.


An hour had passed. I opened my eyes since I was finished comprehending the [Time Save] skill.

The usual 'ding’ sound that I always heard from the system whenever I acquired a new skill was no longer heard.

The system did say that the system will no longer be able to assist me but I will still be able to access the features of the system.

I could also use the system shop whenever I needed to buy skills using system coins but I wouldn't be able to find the skills that I needed in a short amount of time since the system would not be able to assist me anymore.

Whenever I had questions, the system would answer them and would tell me if the system level was too low for me to access high-tier information.

I found out after meditating and comprehending the [Time Save] skill that it was a passive skill that could be toggled on and off.

As the skill name implied, it could save time whenever I activated it. It would take me 1 billion mana per second that I wanted to save.

In other words, it was a skill that would make me cough out blood just from its absurd requirements. A God rank skill was something that shouldn't be taken lightly.

I searched the other skill books and skill scrolls that were laid on the floor. I found a skill book that was about plants and it would improve Aerin's understanding of plants and nature.

I also found a skill scroll that was a Deity rank skill known as [Death Touch].

It was best suited for Pedonar since he was currently studying death magic.

As the skill name implied, as long as both mana and death essence was applied on any part of the body, then the skill would be activated.

If the caster touched the enemy using the part of the body that was applied with [Death Touch], then the enemy would die.

The skill could be countered as long as the opponent had a higher amount of life force or life essence than the amount of death force or death essence that the caster had.

It was a powerful skill but it required a significant amount of death essence. It doesn't require any mana since death essence was used instead of mana.

I picked up another skill scroll that was Deity rank and it was known as [Ceres].

It was a magic skill that required a large amount of mana and an affinity with earth magic which best suited for Zale since he specializes in earth magic.

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