6 Days Left Before The System Reaches Level 4

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I taught Aerin about biology and my understanding and findings of nature and plants.

Using magic, I made a book about biology so that Aerin can study it whenever she needed some references on nature and plants.

I had written in that book about biology in simple yet elaborated topics and information.

After I gave Aerin the book about biology that I have made, she studied it in an instant.

She was completely immersed in studying biology so I left the room so that I wouldn't bother her in her studies.

Aerin might not need my assistance since I already added almost all the answers to her questions about nature and plants.

Pedonar and I left the small house.

Wait... Where will I sleep? Never mind, I'll just activate both [Stealth] and [Presence Concealment] so that I would not bother Aerin in her studies.

"Where will I sleep then, Axel?"

Where will Pedonar sleep? He can't sleep at the Holy Church's second-floor inn since he's a demon.

Should I upgrade the small house by making a second floor? But the sound of construction might hinder Aerin from her studies.

How about I make a soundproof array? Never mind, it took much mana for just a simple array to be constructed and I also needed to learn about it before I can construct it.

"Looks like you haven't decided on where I could stay at."

So you could read my mind?

"I can only read some insignificant thoughts of yours but not important ones like if it's a secret. I can also speak to you telepathically."

"What skills do you want to learn or you want to study so that you can improve your current skills?"

"I'm using demonic magic and I want to learn about death magic."

"Death magic? Wait, I'll see if there is a book about that..."

I searched the system inventory and found 3 books about death magic and 5 books about life magic. It seems that there were affinities needed for both life and death magic to be used.

I took out 1 book about death magic and handed it to Pedonar.

"This is for you so that you could learn about death magic. Study it well so that it won't be wasted and remember to take care of it. You can study the book at the small house but be sure to cast both [Stealth] and [Presence Concealment] so that you wouldn't bother Aerin. If you do anything to Aerin that will offend her then you will face a punishment from me that is worse than death."

"Thanks, Axel. I'll make sure to take care of the book and not bother Aerin. I'm off now."

Pedonar thanked me and went to the small house that was beside the Holy Church.

Pedonar activated both [Stealth] and [Presence Concealment] before he entered opened the door and entered the house.

Now, where was I? Oh, right. I needed to make a house for Pedonar to stay at.

Where would I build the house? How about I build a treehouse for Pedonar?

I glanced towards the tree that was beside the small house.

I examined the tree's durability and it looks like it was in bad shape as it was used before to trap Pedonar.

I cast [Nature Magic] to manipulate the tree and regrow it.

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