F.I.N.E. (Fucked Up. Insecure. Neurotic. Emotional.)

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A-N- Merry Christmas!!!

As your CHristmas present- Here is another Aerosmith chapter for you!

It's dedicated to  KissingTheSunlight because she made the amazing cover and I cant remember if I already dedicated to her for it or not O.o

If not, it's dedicated to her just because she's awesome anyway.

lol I hope everyone enjoys their Christmas :)

Enjoy! xxx

A thrumming sound was yanking me from sleep. What the heck is that sound? I can't hear that stuff this loud all the way up in my apartment. And this sound is nonexistant at the lake. 

I groaned and rolled over onto my stomach. Hugging my pillow, and letting a tear escape. 

It had been such an amazing, life-like dream that I wish I hadn't been woken up from it. 

"Stephanie?" A voice called, it sounded too far away to be able to tell whose it was. 

"Mom," I sniffeled, "Can you make me chocolate chip pancakes? I had such a great dream and now I'm depressed cause it isn't real." 

I was still half asleep as I dragged my feet over the soft carpeting. 

Soft? This isn't my rug! I forced my eyes open, sending away any chance that I had of maybe going back to sleep. I looked at my plain toes in the zebra print carpet and then dragged my eyes up to see five guys sitting around a table. One of them, the one with shaggy blonde hair, had my name on his lips while the one with brown hair and full lips stared at me curiously. 


"It wasn't a dream?" I gasped out in awe. 

They all break out into laughter and Joey launches himself over the back of the booth to pull me into a hug. My bangs shield my face as he squeezes my shoulders and lifts me off the floor. 

"Can't. Breathe." I gasp out. 

His body shakes as he chuckles and rubs my arm, "You're fine, kid. Just fine." 

Wearing my black PJ pants with the lobsters on them, I shuffle closer to the guys and sit next to Tom, pulling my leg against my chest. 

"Where's breakfast?" I squeak out upon seeing the messy table. 

"Here." Steven shoves a burrito at me. 

"A burrito? That's not breakfast!" 

"Sure it is. The box says 'Breakfast Burrito'," Joe defends. Joey nods along and even Tom does too. 

"Want a bite, Stephanie Joy?" Steven waves his in front of my face. Honestly, it smells good but it looks kind of gross- kind of like it could be alive if left alone for a few hours. 

"Errr- uhh," I stammer, "not hungry." Of course my stomach then rumbled loudly. 

Steven shook his head and scolded me, "Just give the burrito a chance, babe. We all know just how hungry you really are- you're trapped on this bus with us so there are no secrets, Steph. Just try a bite and if you don't like it I'll make them pull over and we'll stop at a diner for pancakes." 

I bite my lip and eye the mysterious substance. 

"How come you don't pull over to diners for me, Steven?" Brad jokes while batting his eyelashes like a girl. 

I can tell that Brad doesn't like me very much since he's kind of making fun of me. 

" Cause I got a back seat lover 

1...2...3...4! Steven Tyler Just Walked Through My DoorWhere stories live. Discover now