Chapter 19

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   SORRY! I didn't give any update on the previous Wednesday. But I am updating two chapters today. So after reading this chapter, you can read the next chapter,  CHAPTER 20.

   Wei Ying had already admitted Wangji in that very hospital. Xichen came there as soon as possible and saw Wei Ying was crying while hugging Jiang Cheng. On the other hand Wen Qing was pacing in front of Wangji's room. Xichen asked worriedly,''What happened? Why Wangji was admitted again?'' Wen Qing sighed,''It's completely my fault. I left the box in Wen Ning's chamber, where Wangji kept all of Wei Ying's stuff and as he came across the box, specifically the couple rings, he remembered everything and blacked out. Dr. Mo has confirmed that Wangji slipped into coma again and this time he really doesn't have any idea, when Wangji is gonna wake up.''
   Xichen sighed,''Oh God! What's going on? Why all of this things are  happening to us?'' Then he went beside Wei Ying and hugged him, as a big brother should do. When Mo Xuanyu came out from the VIP room, he told everyone,''I'm really sorry. But even I don't know when he is gonna wake up from this coma. He got a really big shock. But let's hope for the best. We will observe his every moment and Dr Wen Ning will start music therapy to regain his conscious. And Wei Ying, this time I don't think you'll be able to help. That's why I'm advising you to take care of yourself, don't stay here, come to visit him from time to time. Now I wish you guys to go back home. Visiting hours is already over and anyway there will be no change even if you come often. Because if he wants then he can shut down his conscious forever.''
   Wei Ying couldn't even utter a single word against this doctor. Without any further conversation, Wei Ying went back to home. It's been two and half months already, still there was no sign of improvement in Wangji's condition. As if the time of Wangji had stopped. In those past days, Wei Ying didn't behave like human anymore. Due to Wangji's absence, Wei Ying was managing both his work and Wangji's work. He drowned himself in work, couldn't sleep anymore without drinking, started to eat lesser and lesser as if he wasn't feeling the urge to eat. He started to spend his nights at hospital, in Wangji's room. His hair was long enough to touch his hips. He didn't cut his hair anymore, he started to grow that as sort of prayer. Though he always tied his hair up but still it wasn't neat enough. Anyone could tell from outside the sufferings of Wei Ying.
   After three months, Xichen got a call from Dr Mo Xuanyu, yes, after that long waiting Wangji had opened his eyes, he had regained his conscious, not only that, he had remembered everything. Wei Ying was returning from a business trip, as he got the news that Wangji woke up, without thinking anything, he asked his driver to take him to the hospital. When he reached in front of the VIP room, everyone was already there waiting for him eagerly. They have already met Wangji and Dr. Mo had completed the thorough checkup. Xichen hugged Wei Ying and smiled brightly,''It seems like he is in a great mood now, probably waiting for you eagerly. Go and meet him.'' Wei Ying composed his hair a little bit and entered the room with a lot of anticipation.
   As Wei Ying went closer to Wangji's bed, Wangji looked at him without any kind of expression, his eyes were dark, as if they were dead. Wei Ying felt uncomfortable,''Lan Zhan! What happened? I'm here to meet you. Are you not happy see me.'' As Wei Ying was about to touch Wangji's arm, Wangji spoke out,''Stop it! Don't you dare to touch me. Happy? Why should I be happy to see my ex boyfriend? Who just broke up with me because I wasn't fun anymore to play with. How could I be happy to see a person who didn't sympathize with me when I lost my father, who was just busy to have parties all night. We had already finished our relationship 6 years before but when I lost my memory, when I craved for you, you came to me. Probably you were laughing at me to see my fate, you were pitying me by giving me company. I still get horrified whenever I think that you knew everything, but still you lied to me that we were together for all the time. How? Just how could you kiss me, go to bed with me every night? How could you had sex with me while there was nothing between us? The Wei Ying I knew, he at least had a sense of self pride but you became that much shameless that you did all those things? Now I think my uncle was right. You are nothing but a gold digger, a whore. I really get ashamed to even think that once I dated you, I loved you, I treasured you more than anything. I was arrogant, and that's why I resent myself enough already. I hate you, I hate you more than anything in this world. Can't you just disappear? Like disappear from the whole world? You know what this world will be better place without a person like you. Just disappear.''
   Wangji never expressed his hatred towards Wei Ying after their break-up. He suppressed everything in his heart, probably he was angry on his uncle too. Because before his uncle appeared in his life, it was peaceful, Wei Ying was perfect, they were happy, but why on earth, Wei Ying just became like that? When Wangji was complaining all his heart out, he tried to stop himself from spouting nonsense but his heart stopped listening to his brain, he told everything he thought about Wei Ying. When ultimately Wangji looked at Wei Ying, he was shocked to see the mess Wei Ying became. Wei Ying had lost a large amount of weight, he was skinny enough to be thrown out by a gush of wind. Wei Ying had dark circles and his eyes were lifeless. He was pale enough to be compared to a corpse and his beautiful red lips had lost it's colour. On top of that Wei Ying had grown his hair? What? Wangji remembered that he nagged Wei Ying for a month to grow his hair but Wei Ying denied every time, Wei Ying hated long hair because he didn't want to take care of it  thoroughly. But Wei Ying grew his hair when Wangji was in coma? Why? And he didn't even tie it up properly!
   Then Wangji noticed that Wei Ying's expression became darker,''I'm sorry for whatever you have gone through. I am really sorry. But thank you for reminding me of my place. I hope you lead a great healthy life. I have always done everything for you and now whatever you want, I'll do it. I am just happy that you are awake. I am bidding my farewell for the last time, Mr. Lan Wangji!'' With that Wei Ying exited the room and went towards the elevator like a storm startling everyone, even Wangji's uncle was shocked. As everyone was about to ask Wei Ying what happened in the room, Wei Ying turned towards them and forced himself to smile,''Thank you, everyone! Thanks for everything you have done for me and goodbye!'' With that Wei Ying entered the elevator leaving a shocked crowd.
   Jiang Cheng asked with a shaky voice, ''What just happened? Did he just say 'Goodbye'? What's going on?'' As all of them rushed into Wangji's room, Wangji looked at them questioningly. Xichen asked in a tense voice,''What did you say to Wei Ying?'' Wangji said, ''Nothing much! I just said whatever I wanted to say him after our break up.'' Jiang Cheng lost his calm already, ''Just what on earth have you said to him? Say it already.'' Wangji lost his cool too, ''I said him to disappear from this world because I fucking hate him. I don't want to see him anymore.''
   Jiang Cheng grabbed Wangji by his collar,''Do you even know anything? Do you even know what kind of sacrifice he did for you? Do you even know how much he suffered for all these years? Do you even have any idea of what, how is he living while you were unconscious? Without knowing anything, without thinking, without judging, you just asked my brother to die? How could you?'' Wangji exactly knew deep in his heart that what he had done but he was trying to deny it, but he couldn't deny it anymore, so he shouted,''What do you mean that I don't know anything? I know everything, I'm not a fool.''
   Qiren sighed,''No, Wangji! This time you and I, both of us are fools. We couldn't recognize the true self of the same person. I'm really sorry to all of you, specially to you Wangji, and to Wei Ying.'' And with that Qiren told Wangji everything along with the help of Xichen. Listening to everything, Wangji felt like the worst person in the world, his heart was hurting like it's going to be the death of him. Wangji cried out, ''Uncle! How could you? Oh God! What have I done? I hurted him. How could I? He didn't even call me Lan Zhan while leaving me. He has probably lost all of his faith in me. I have to go. I can't let him die when I am the one who is wrong.''
   With that Wangji pulled out all the syringes of the iv drips and everything was connecting him with the monitoring machines. He stood up and started to get dressed,''Brother! Fetch the car and drive me to Wei Ying.'' Xichen smiled,''That will be my pleasure! But where can we find him?'' Wangji sadly smiled,''I have an idea of where he can go now.''
   On the other hand Wei Ying was already in his late parents' house. He entered his parents' room and finally broke down in grief,''Ahhh! It hurts so much. Why? Mom, Dad, why? What have I done to deserve such treatment from the man I loved the most. Before that I was even afraid of taking my own life. But now I'm not afraid anymore. Lan Zhan told me to disappear. I'll do everything he wants me to do. Mom, Dad, get ready! I'm coming to you. I'll annoy you to death there.''
   With that Wei Ying locked at Wangji's picture for one last time,''In this lifetime, we weren't probably meant to be. But I really pray that in the next life, I could be yours and you could be mine. Lan Zhan, I love you.'' In the mean time Xichen reached Wei Ying's parental home with Wangji. Wangji and Xichen both were shocked when they found out that the main door wasn't locked properly. They entered the home silently and heard some noise was coming from the room in the corner. As they entered the room,  they saw, Wei Ying was sitting in front of his parents' portrait and was about to slice his wrist with a knife.
   ''Lan Zhan, I love you.'' With that Wei Ying was about to slice his wrist, Wangji rushed to Wei Ying and took away the knife from Wei Ying's hand,''What are you doing, you idiot! Are you trying to leave me alone here? In this cold world? How could you be such a fool? I was angry with you and spouted some nonsense, and you came here to comply those? From when did you become such an obedient person? Why didn't you confront me? Why didn't you shout at me and tell me the truth? Why were you the only one shouldering all the pain alone? Was I that unworthy, that you even didn't want to share anything? I love you so much, I love you Wei Ying. There is no way I can ever hate you.'' Wei Ying hugged Wangji with all of his might,''I'm sorry! I hurted you so much. I had no choice. I love you, Lan Zhan! I love you the most.''

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