Chapter 7

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   It was Wen Qing's hobby to watch the news thoroughly before going to bed. Though Wei Ying stayed at her house often. But they never slept together. They slept in different rooms. They held hands, kissed infront of cameras but never really had some kind of romantic relationship. After all she knew that Wei Ying was confused and needed someone to lean on. So she became that person. Most importantly Wen Qing really didn't feel anything towards Wei Ying than friendly love. Having a lot of thoughts about Wangxian couple, she opened the news channel and eventually Wei Ying sat beside her along with Wen Ning. In a minute the news channel got filled with the news that Lan Wangji had declared that he was dating Sizhui officially. Wei Ying didn't say anything and went to his bedroom to sleep with a blank face. Wen Qing said,"A-Ning! It was not supposed to go in that way. I need to talk to Xichen before my engagement. I need to fix this."
   Wen Ning,"Then let's go tomorrow morning. In their office. We need to do something. I still am claiming that they love each other. We need to stop this madness." Wen Qing agreed with him and went to her room. The thoughts of Wangji dating others were making Wen siblings go crazy that both of them couldn't sleep at all. The very next morning Wei Ying went back to his and Jiang Cheng's apartment without saying anything to Wen Qing.
On the other hand Xichen already called Nie brothers to meet him in his office as soon as possible.
   It was around 10 in the morning when Mingjue was in Xichen's office with Huaisung. Wanyin, Guangyao and Jingyi was already in the office with Xichen. Xichen smiled,"Welcome. I really need both of yours help." Mingjue said hurriedly,"Is everything alright?" Xichen said,"Yes."
  "Then what do you want our help with? And why Guangyao is here too?"
  "Mingjue! What I'm going to say is very important and confidential. I hope both of you will keep this secret from others. I mean the rest of our friends."
  "What is it? You are making me worried."
  "I just want you to help us in the act of Wangji's fake relationship."
  "Fake relationship? Wangji is not dating Sizhui? Then what about the news?"
   After that Xichen explained everything about his whole plan to teach Wei Ying a lesson. At last Jiang Cheng asked,"So? Are you two in this plan?"
   Before Nie brothers could tell anything, suddenly the officer door got opened with a loud noise and they heard a female voice spoke,"Hell yeah!" With their surprise it was no one else but Wen Qing and Wen Ning was standing behind her smiling like idiots. Wen Qing entered the room with her brother and closed the door properly and took a seat on the couch. She smiled,"Thank God! I have some allies now."
   Guangyao asked,"What do you mean allies? How come we are allies? And did you hear everything?" Wen Qing,"Yes, I heard everything but you guys don't have to worry. It's just awesome to know that we are on the same page." Xichen asked in a serious tone,"What do you mean?" Wen Qing sighed,"For last four years I was trying to make Wei Ying realise what have he done. That he still loves Wangji. But I failed. When he broke up with Wangji I witnessed him going wasted. Everyday he drank, smoked, had one night stands with both men and women. I made him stop those though I failed to stop his drinking. I know pretty well that deep down he has some dark secrets but he never admitted that to anyone. Xichen he is my best friend. I don't love him romantically. Practically there is nothing between us, just nothing."
   Jiang Cheng asked confusedly,"Then, why on Earth, you two started dating?" Wen Qing smiled a little,"At that time he was broken, still now he is though. But he couldn't lean on to you Wanyin. Because he always accused himself for yours and Xichen's broken relationship. He was guilty in his heart. That's why he turned to me. And the only way he could confirm that was to propose me. He says that he loves me but I know it's not romantic. If it was then we should have done all the things normal couples would do."
   Mingjue asked,"So what were you doing for all those years?" Wen Qing smiled sadly,"Doing my best to make Wei Ying realise that he still loves Wangji. But it was having no improvement. That's why I made sure that Wangji got to know the news of our engagement. I made Madam Yu to send the invitation to him early. And as I expected it triggered Wangji and brought him here. Even Sizhui's presence is cherry on the top. But both of them are standing tightly on their points. I am helpless, that's why I came to you to talk. I don't want to get engaged to Wei Ying, or worst get married."
   Xichen smiled,"I can let you in. But I have only one condition." Wen Qing said eagerly,"Whatever it is. Just tell me. I'll do anything." Xichen,"Stop protecting Wei Ying. Let the things go on its own. I want Wei Ying to know that he broke Wangji and it's his fault. I want him to realize how much pain Wangji suffered from or still suffering." Wen Qing sighed, "OK. Wuxian deserves that. I promise I'll not protect him anymore." Jiang Cheng said cautiously,"And don't share it with anyone. Not even Wangji. We'll just create situations. Now it's all up to them that how they would handle it."
   Wen Qing nodded,"Then, what about my engagement?" Huaisung spoke up,"Oh! I think you didn't understand it properly. You are still going to get engaged and you are still going to be Wei Ying's lover until both Wangji and Wuxian become honest with their feelings." Xichen smiled,"You impressed me Huaisung. Good observation. So Wen Qing and Wen Ning, welcome to our group and I hope we can be successful in our mission. Let me treat you all to lunch and plan something for your engagement."
   Xichen got home around six in the evening but Wangji wasn't there. He was attending the meeting at his restaurants with Sizhui. And Jingyi went out to meet his old friend. This was the perfect time for Xichen to call his uncle. Though he already knew that what was the occasion of the phone call but still he needed to call him. His uncle picked up the phone and started to fire sentences,"What do you and Wangji think? Dating guys? Are you okay or got insane? How can the sons of Lan family get to involve in a romantic relationship with a guy?"
   Xichen got a little bit angry. After all when his uncle found out that Wangji was dating Wei Ying, he said a lot of hurtful things to Wangji, he didn't want Wangji to be in a same sex relationship. Though Wangji never said properly to Xichen that what exactly their uncle said to him but now Xichen could understand that how much of a homophobic Lan Qiren was. After listening to all kind of crap Xichen spoke out,"First of all uncle, we love them. It's not our choice to be gay. And whom to date or not, that's completely our decisions. Most importantly we are happy to be with them. Why are you being like this? Why can't you recognize our happiness? I know you raised us up but now we can make our own decisions. We are the head of our company."
   "We can take care of everything. We will take care of everything. Wangji is a responsible person. Not only he is managing his company but also managing a chain of restaurants. When you said a lot of things about Wei Ying and Wangji's relationship, I didn't say much but now we are grown ups. So let us handle this. Whatever happens in future, I'll never let go of my Jiang Cheng. So uncle please understand." Lan Qiren sighed heavily,"But still think about it properly without any emotions. Think rationally." Xichen huffed, "If love was rational then we would turn into robots. If love was rational then you would not be single still now. Uncle love doesn't discriminate against any gender, any age or religion. It's a beautiful feeling. So there is nothing to think about. We are very much sure about our choices."
   Qiren sounded defeated,"I don't know. I still can't accept it. Just don't let them break your heart. Take care of yourself and take care of Wangji. I'll talk to you guys later. Probably by next month I'll come to China for a meeting. Let's talk then. And I would like to talk to both Jiang Cheng and Lan Sizhui." Xichen said it was ok with him though he was worried about how Wangji would take that or how would Sizhui react. Then suddenly he remembered when he said to Qiren that Wangji didn't want to come back to China anymore because he didn't want to face Wei Ying, his uncle was kind of happy. Now he could understand why.
   On the other hand Qiren sighed as he ended his call. He thought on his own,"It's still okay as long as its not Wei Ying. I was relieved for a time being when Wangji broke up with that Wuxian. But now again he is dating a guy and Xichen also dating a guy. I have double headache now. I promised their parents that I will not let those two children suffer from anything. Let's see what can I do for them without breaking them apart. Probably I should threat their boyfriends by playing the family member card. If they make my nephews cry, I'm gonna kill them." Qiren called his secretary,"Su She, confirm our meeting with Wen Chao on next month, first week is the best choice."
   As he went to the nightstand he took one photo of his friends. In that picture all of his friends were looking at the direction of the camera while only two boys were looking at the same girl who was standing between them. One of them was none other than Qiren himself. She was his first and last love. She dated Qiren for a while but broke his heart by saying that she was carrying the baby of that another boy in the picture. She married that person and settled in China. She gave birth to a beautiful son. Qiren first thought that it wasn't possible. That's why he made her do the DNA test of the baby and with his utter shock, the baby son was not his. After that incident he never fell in love. He became a workaholic. When his sister-in-law died, she gave her two sons in his hands and told him to raise them as his own.
   Though Qiren never showed those children any kind of emotions but he cherished them with everything. He had already made a decision that his companies in London will go to his two nephews. He would do everything to give them the best future he have dreamt for.

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