Chapter 2

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   Everyone was so excited to meet Xichen. Again there was one person missing, Wei Ying. It was okay because Xichen was not in a mood to see the cause of his brother's exile in London. Everyone was chatting. Jin Zixuan has succeeded his company and his half brother Guangyao was the Executive Director of the company. Jin Rulan, Zixuan's own brother was the head of accounts of the company. Yanli was already married to Zixuan for 2 months. On the other hand Nie Mingjue succeeded his company and his half brother Huaisang was the director of the art museum 'Eclipse' which was under the supervision of Nie Industry. Jiang Cheng was the Vice Chairman of the Jiang Industry and Wei Ying was the Director of Jiang Industry. And lastly Wen Qing became the vice chairman of her own Hospital and her brother Wen Ning was the head of the psychology department. Everyone was doing what they supposed to do.
Between the dinner Rulan asked,"Xichen ge, are you dating?" Everyone knew about Jiang Cheng's feelings for Xichen. Xichen smiled,"I did date but broke up with her a month ago." Jiang Cheng was heart broken. Noticing that Wen Qing asked,"Why?" Xichen said coldly,"She was cheating on me." Mingjue patted his left shoulder,"Bro, don't worry. You will find your love soon." Guangyao smiled, "If we are talking about love life then there is another pair of love birds in our friends group. Wei Ying and Wen Qing are dating." Xichen was shocked but just congratulated Wen Qing.
   Wei Ying started to drink uncontrollably and went to parties, clubs, flirted with anyone, had sex with a lot of men and women after his breakup. He was going astray in his personal life, at that time Wen Qing came to help her childhood crush Wei Ying. After seeing Wei Ying with Lan Zhan, she thought that there would not be any perfect couple if it's not them. She got rid of her crush and became Wei Ying's best friend. She treated Wei Ying mentally. She made Wei Ying stable. Wei Ying told his every darkest feeling about himself or others but he never opened up about Lan Zhan to anyone, even not to his brother. It was at that time all of a sudden Wei Ying proposed Wen Qing to date him. Wen Qing didn't feel anything more than friendly love and concern towards him but still she accepted the proposal. She made Wei Ying stop everything though she failed to get rid of alcohol but other habits were gone. Because both of them were famous that's why they came under the lime light. On the other hand Wei Ying was not sure what he felt about Wen Qing actually but he knew that only Wen Qing could give him all support he wanted to live.
   After the dinner Xichen went back to his house. His car was broken so he ordered a new car which was still on its way. So Guangyao dropped him infront of his house. He went to his bedroom and thought,"I never thought Wei Ying would be that much of a shameless person. He is already over of my brother while my brother is still into him. While Wangji is still crying every night, then Wei Ying is dating someone for two freaking years already." As Xichen was going to take a shower Wangji called him, "Brother! How are you doing? Is everything okay there?" Xichen laughed,"Yes! Yes! Everything is fine. Employees were happy to having me and they are missing you for real." Wangji said sleepily, "Take care. I'm going to sleep again." As Xichen was going to put down his mobile suddenly Wen Qing called. With a dilemma Xichen received the call,"Hello! What happened Qing?" Qing said hurriedly,"I can't tell you why but I want to have a dinner with you tomorrow. Same hotel at 7.30 PM. I have already made a reservation for us on my name. Please don't cancel it. See you tomorrow." Before Xichen could tell anything else Wen Qing cut her call. Xichen was really dumbfounded.
   On the other hand Wen Qing called Jiang Cheng,"Hi." Jiang Cheng said,"What happened? Has Wei Ying made another trouble? Is he going to come back at our apartment or not?" Wen Qing sighed, "Don't worry. He didn't do anything. He is drunk and asleep. Jiang Cheng I want a favor from you. Can we talk over dinner?" Jiang Cheng seemed worried,"Yes! Of course! Tell me when and where?" Wen Qing smiled on the phone,"At 7.20 PM at 'Amor'. I have already made a reservation on my name. Please come on time. Bye." Wen Qing smiled. Wen Ning asked,"Is it going to work? Do you think Xichen would accept his feelings?" Wen Qing patted her brother's head,"Not only them. I'll make Wei Ying and Lan Zhan fall in love for each other again. After all Lan Zhan still loves him though I don't know how will he react after knowing our engagement. Oh God!"
   Wen Qing was not only protecting her best friend but also trying to figure out how to make her best friend realize his true feelings. After all she loves her best friend and wants him to be happy. The next day Jiang Cheng reached the hotel at time and led to a private room. After ten minutes he heard the sound of opening the door and someone stepped in. That person asked,"Wen Qing?" Jiang Cheng turned around and saw the person was none other than Lan Huan. Their eyes widened as they got a text message from Wen Qing at the same time,"That's my serious talk. Now enjoy. Without having dinner none of you can leave the room."
   Jiang Cheng sighed,"I'm really sorry Xichen. I didn't know she would play a trick on us. If I knew that then I shouldn't come here." Xichen smiled a little,"It's ok. Let's catch up." They sat face to face and ordered the food they want. Though at first it was awkward but they became friendly again. Xichen laughed,"And if you see those little bunnies with Wangji, you would not believe that they actually are so fond of Wangji. I mean every one is afraid of him but those bunnies always snuggle with him." Jiang Cheng gasped,"I really can't imagine Wangji with bunnies." Xichen showed him quite a lot of pictures of Wangji with bunnies all over his lap, one on his head and Wangji was looking at them warmly.
   They exchanged some more information about the business world and talked about their past reckless selves. All of a sudden when both of them going to take the chicken, unconsciously they touched each other's hand and retrieved quickly then Xichen suddenly asked,"Wanyin! What about you? Your sister is married with her long term lover, your brother is dating Wen Qing, what about you? Aren't you dating someone?" That question broke his heart again. He wanted to scream and let this person know that he is still in love with him. But he wasn't able to. So he changed the topic immediately. After finishing the dinner when Xichen was about to get up from the chair suddenly Jiang Cheng grabbed his hand and thought, "Now or never."
   Being surprised Xichen asked,"What happened Cheng? Are you okay?" Jiang Cheng nodded,"It's always been you." Xichen asked,"About what?" Jiang Cheng took a deep breath,"In my heart it's always been you. That's why I couldn't date anyone. I'm not over you. I still love you so much. I know that you didn't accept me. I know that you had a girlfriend but I love you. You are still in my heart, in my everyday life but neither I can touch you nor tell you about my feelings. I tried to conceal it but seeing you infront of me I can't hold it back anymore. I'm in love with you Xichen." When Jiang Cheng finally looked at Xichen he saw Xichen smiled a little and told him,"Let's go. I have to hail a cab."
   Jiang Cheng came to the parking lot and said,"Xichen. You don't have to call a cab. I can drop you. Don't deny it. If you do it'd be awkward." Xichen nodded slightly and went to the front seat beside Jiang Cheng. The whole ride was awkward and full of silence. Though they were listening to pop music but still it was awkward. Jiang Cheng parked his car infront of the Lan mansion,"Here we are." Xichen thanked him. As he was going to get off the car suddenly Jiang Cheng spoke,"I know that you declined me because of our brothers' devastating break up. But we are not them. You are not Wangji, I'm not Wuxian. We are our own selves. We both deserve love. Then why can't you give us a chance? Why can't you give me chance? Why can't you give yourself a chance? It's been already four years, going to be five. Why can't we move on and grasp our own love?"
Xichen didn't say anything and got off the car. He walked towards his house. Jiang Cheng saw that and got lost in his own thoughts that he didn't notice Xichen had already came back and knocking on his window. Jiang Cheng snapped out of his thoughts and rolled down his window to hear what Xichen had to say but he got welcome by a soft pair of lips.    Xichen kissed him passionately and said,"I love you too. I was being selfish and tried to judge you by judging Wuxian. I'm sorry. Will you be my boyfriend?" Jiang Cheng nodded so hard and came out of the car and hugged Xichen,"Thank you. Thank you so much." Xichen wiped away Jiang Cheng's tears,"Don't cry. But promise me one thing. Wangji shouldn't know about us till I tell him and obviously about your brother's new love life. He is broken completely. I don't want to see him more broken." Jiang Cheng raised his brows,"Huh? Wangji is still in love with Ying?" Xichen nodded,"But promise me that you are not going to tell it to anyone at any cost." Jiang Cheng promised and he promised that if it was needed then he would help Xichen to teach his brother a lesson.
   In a week the whole group got to know about them and they congratulated them. But they had to promise that no matter what Wangji would not know about them and Wei Ying from any of their friends in any cost.

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