Chapter 11

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   Two days went away in a blink of an eye. It was already the opening day of 'Looming Disaster'. Miss Qing was helping her boyfriend. Xue Yang was scrutinizing everything for one last time. He stood infront of A-Qing and kissed her gently,"Baby, I promised Senior Wei to help him with something." Qing smiled,"About his broken relationship with Senior Wangji?" Xue Yang was surprised,"How do you know?" His girlfriend smiled," Because I'm your girlfriend. And I know how much you care about Senior Wei. But most importantly how are you going to help him? Have you made any plan yet?" Xue Yang nodded negatively.
   Qing patted his head,"Its ok. Don't need to worry. I heard that Senior Wangji is coming late and I have a perfect plan for it. When Senior Wangji will enter the club at that very moment you will try to kinda harass Sizhui and when people are under pressure they intend to behave like they actually feel. You have to talk Wangji out. You have to ask him if his and Sizhui's relationship is just like what he is saying or fake. And don't worry I'll make sure to separate Sizhui from others before Senior Wangji will walk in." Xue Yang sighed,"Do you badly want to see me behind the bars? Harassing Lan Wangji's boyfriend will cause a big time. And why are you thinking that their relationship is fake?" Qing smirked,"I just never saw them kissing. Though they are infront of the cameras or getting followed secretly by reporters but still no one saw them kissing. I can be wrong but still it's the only way to help Senior Wei and I know that my baby is a great actor."
   When Lan Xichen came back home with Jingyi, he saw Wangji was making some light snacks with Sizhui. Xichen sat down on the couch,"Wangji I heard that two days ago Wei Ying went to your office and misbehaved." Wangji put the snacks on the center table,"Yes brother. You don't have to worry about it. But I'm really sorry to Sizhui. After all from the first day Sizhui is the one who is getting insulted by Wei Ying because of me." Sizhui sat beside Wangji,"Lan Zhan, big brother, you don't have to worry about me. Just have the snack already." Xichen smiled towards Sizhui and had the snacks.
   In the mean time Wangji came down fully dressed, "Brother, I have a meeting with Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen. I'll try to get there as soon as possible. Take Sizhui with you." It was seven in the evening when Wangji went to his meeting and by 8.40, Xichen reached the night club with Jingyi and Sizhui. They sat in the friends group. Guangyao asked,"Where is Wangji? Isn't he gonna come." Sizhui smiled,"Lan Zhan has a meeting. He will be here soon." Huaisung asked,"Then why aren't you accompanying him?" Jingyi chirped,"Sizhui doesn't have any time for me. That's why Wangji made him free from his job of the secretary for tonight."
   Everyone cheered that thought. On the other hand Wei Ying was getting impatient and drinking like there was no tomorrow. Everyone was chatting with each other and Rulan was observing Sizhui. It was going to be ten, suddenly Xichen got a call from Wangji that he was in the parking lot of the club and after hearing that without wasting a single moment Miss Qing came and told Sizhui,"I assume that you don't like drinking. Then we have nonalcoholic drinks too. Come with me, I'll take you to the bar." It was true that Sizhui was sober, he couldn't drink because he was waiting for Wangji. He assumed that Wangji would drink and again he had to take care of Wangji.
   Xichen also agreed with Qing. She led Sizhui to the bar and told the bartender to serve Sizhui something which contained zero alcohol. Then she excused herself and went to the other side to greet some other guests. Xue Yang approached Sizhui slowly and it caught attention of Wei Ying and his friends. Xue Yang had already introduced himself and his girlfriend to all at the very beginning, so Sizhui didn't think anything bad about him coming nearer.
   At this very moment Wangji opened the door and came inside. The club was filled with people, who were singing, dancing, flirting, drinking or worse making out with each other. Wangji really didn't feel comfortable at all. His eyes were finding his friends, specially Sizhui. Suddenly he saw that a man was flirting with Sizhui, not only that he was trying to kiss him. Blood boiled in Wangji's head.   
   Wangji went towards the bar and slapped away Xue Yang's hand and when he looked at Sizhui, he saw a very shocked, afraid Sizhui that made Wangji more aggressive.
   Wangji shouted,"Xue Yang! As far as I know that you already have a girlfriend. Then why are you approaching another person. And most importantly when the whole world knows that SIZHUI IS MY, LAN WANGJI'S BOYFRIEND." That made everyone stunned. But anger took the best of Wangji and in a rage he couldn't help but introducing Sizhui as his boyfriend to protect him. Xue Yang was speechless, he never thought that Sizhui was really Wangji's boyfriend. Xichen was worried to see his brother's reaction and when he looked at Wei Ying, to all of their surprise, they saw tears were rolling down from his eyes as he spoke, "Congratulations Mr Lan Wangji. Congratulations. Thank you for proving me wrong. I thought I know you well, I thought you are not like others. You know when I broke up with you, I thought you'd never get over me. You'd never give up on us. There is no one who can make you forget me. But I was wrong. It's been always me..."
   Before Wei Ying could continue further. Wangji thundered,"Listen, Wei Wuxian. It can't be only you, right? You have already settled your life, then why should I waste mine? And don't think that much highly of me. Sizhui, let's go. We are leaving." Wangji grabbed Sizhui's hand and dragged him to the parking lot. He opened the door and let Sizhui in and then went to the driver seat. Wangji started to drive without any word. As they reached home, Wangji sat beside Sizhui on the couch. He took away his tuxedo and sat in his pure white shirt. He took Sizhui's hand in his, "I'm sorry A-Yuan. For me all those things happened. Are you okay? Did Xue Yang did something bad?"
   Sizhui hugged Wangji tightly, "Nothing. He was just flirting with me but thank you for saving me from that situation. It was awkward. And Lan Zhan you are hurting me whenever you are saying sorry to me or something like everything is happening because of you. Nothing is happening because of you. Stop giving yourself that much credit." Wangji chuckled by hearing the last sentence. They didn't know how long they were hugging each other but suddenly Wangji's phone rang and it was Jiang Cheng. Wangji attended the call, "Hello! What happened Jiang Cheng?"
   "Hello! Wangji...*sob*... Wangji, please come... come quick. In Wen Qing's hospital... Your brother..."
"Hey! What happened? What happened to my brother? Why are you crying Wanyin? Why are you in the hospital?"
"I...I can't tell you now. Please...*sob*...please come quick."
"Okay. Wait there. I'm coming."
   Wangji told Sizhui everything in short on the way to the hospital. Wangji drove the car like he was in some kind of race. He ran to the hospital reception and asked about Lan Xichen and the receptionist told him that Xichen was in 24th floor at personal chamber of Wen Qing. When Wangji reached 24th floor with Sizhui, he saw every single friend was standing there. Jiang Cheng was sitting beside Huaisung. When he saw Wangji was standing infront of him, Wanyin stood up and hugged Wangji and it surprised everyone when Wangji returned the hug, "Wanyin, it's okay. I'm here. Now tell me what happened to brother "
   Wangji looked at Guangyao for an explanation while he saw Wei Ying's right hand was bandaged tightly. Guangyao started,"Don't get angry Wangji. Let me explain. After you left the club, Wei Ying was drinking heavily and suddenly he got angry due to the alcohol obviously. He broke a bottle and swinging it dangerously. Xichen tried to stop him but Wei Ying was not paying attention, while in that commotion the broken bottle cut Xichen's abdomen. But don't worry! Though Wen Qing is stitching the wound, it'll be alright. It's not that much of a deep cut and he can go home today."
   Before anyone could say anything more, Wangji slowly pulled out from Wanyin's hug and put him in Sizhui's care as he went to Wei Ying. Wangji pulled Wuxian by his collar,"What have you done? What have you taken me for? What ever you do, I will forgive you? How can you do that to Xichen?" No one dared to approach Wangji at that time. Wei Ying held Wangji's hand with his injured hand, "Lan Zhan, please listen to me. I didn't mean to hurt Huan ge." Wangji slapped away Wei Ying's hand. Wuxian's injury got ripped open again because Wuxian's hand got hurt by Lan Zhan's watch. But still with so much pain, with that bloody hand he again grabbed Wangji arm,"Lan Zhan. Please listen to me."
   As if Wei Ying was trying to survive by clinging to Wangji but this time Wangji bursted,"Don't you dare to call me by that name. You have lost all of your rights to call me that. Never again try to be friendly with me. I fucking hate you." It was known to the friends group that Lan brothers could do anything for each other, from sacrifice to punish someone. For Wangji, Xichen broke Wanyin's heart and then Wangji blew off his last chance with Wuxian. Even Wuxian would try to talk to him but Wangji finally closed all the doors for Wei Ying to come in. In the mean time Wen Qing came out from her chamber with Xichen in a wheelchair, "It's nothing serious Wangji. I have already given him blood and meds. Only three stitches needed. I have already written everything in the prescription. Take him to home and take care of him. He will be alright in an week. But don't give him rich or oily food for this week."
   Wangji knelt down infront of Xichen,"Brother! Are you okay?" Xichen smiled,"I'm fine. I can walk around. But this Wen Qing is overly concerned that's why she put me in this wheelchair." Wanyin hugged Xichen tightly, "Thank God. I was so afraid. Thank you so much Wen Qing." Wen Qing nodded. Wangji thanked both Wen Qing and Wen Ning for their efforts. When Wuxian was about to call Wangji again, Wangji spoke up,"Oh! Sorry! I am sorry. I forgot to tell you guys something. I'm going to get engaged to Sizhui on 29th. I know that it's not a good time to announce this but I just decided. So... That's why I am telling you guys. Make sure to have no work on that evening. Only ten days to go. So be prepared. You all have to come with your family. In two days invitations will be in your hands."
   With that Wangji left a hall full of shocked people. They knew that though Wuxian had a chance to patch all things up but hurting Xichen pushed Wangji on the edge to have his engagement that quickly. Wei Ying looked at his hand, blood was flowing down and he understood that his actions really cut off all his connections with his Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan put Xichen in the backseat and put Jingyi beside him. He asked Xichen, "Where is your car?" Xichen sighed,"Don't worry. Xue Yang will drive it to our house tomorrow." Wangji nodded and went to the front seat with Sizhui. He drove off to their house.

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