Chapter 9

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   It was already Sunday evening and Jiang Cheng was running here to there to supervise if everything was going right with the arrangements. Wen Ning was supervising the decorations. The engagement party was held in the private garden of Wen groups. Xichen reached there soon to help out his boyfriend and so he took Wangji, Sizhui and Jingyi with him. Jingyi bought a couple set of special edition of French perfume. Wangji asked Sizhui in a low voice, "Have you written any greetings in the card?" Sizhui nodded and showed the writing.

    Wen Qing & Wei Ying

  We wish you all the best for your future. Take care of each other. Stay blessed and enjoy your every day with each other forever.
          With love
  Lan Wangji & Lan Sizhui."
   Wangji nodded as an approval. Wangji already made up his mind to be strong and to get over with this. But if heart listens to the brain then love should not be a complicated matter.
   Jiang Fengmin and Madam Yu greeted them. Madam Yu spoke, "My both sons are really pain in ass sometimes. But please understand him and I'm trusting my A-Cheng in your hands, Huan." Xichen nodded smilingly. Then she turned towards Wangji and held his hand,"Wangji, I missed you so much. You used to come often in our house, in the parties. It's been already six years since I saw you. You missed your shijie's wedding that's why I invited you for A-Ying's engagement earlier. After all you two are great friends. Thank you for always taking care of him." Wangji nodded.
   Xichen was looking towards Wangji worriedly. As Madam Yu went to meet her daughter Jingyi suddenly asked,"Madam Yu doesn't know that you two used to be lovers?" Wangji sighed,"No. Wei Ying and I planned to say that to his parents after getting into the college. I think it is good that they don't know anything about us. It would pain them." Sizhui nodded in affirmation.
   Soon they got joined by the Jin family, Nie brothers, the star couple of the day and their brothers. Yanli chirped towards Guangyao,"So this is my future sister-in-law?" Guangyao introduced the girl he was accompanying,"Guys, meet my girlfriend Qin Su. She is a fashion designer." Jiang Cheng smirked,"Where did you two first meet?" Qin Su smiled,"In my company. He came to collaborate in a project. So we first met there and he asked me out for dinner. So that's how it started." Jingyi asked,"How long?" Guangyao answered,"Not long much like Wei Ying and Wen Qing. It's going to be two years." Zixuan scoffed, "It's a long period too. Why didn't you tell us?" "Due to A-Ling", Guangyao replied sarcastically.
   Xichen asked,"Why?" Guangyao sighed,"He broke up with his boyfriend. So he was heartbroken. I didn't get any chance to tell you guys. But I certainly didn't know that he would be that much broken hearted that still now he threats me that if I have a girlfriend then he would break us apart." Sizhui was looking at Rulan as if he was struck by a lightning. Rulan blushed and lowered his head to think that he embarrassed himself infront of his crush but Sizhui was not at all bothered by the last part, he was shocked to hear that his new little crush dated a guy that meant he had a chance with Rulan. But then he remembered that he was acting already as Wangji's boyfriend and it would be for a while and being such a catch Rulan would be already taken by someone else.
   Though Wangji seemed to aloof from that conversation but he observed Sizhui's every single expression and he could understand what Sizhui was thinking and it really was painful to witness. As Wangji was deep in his thoughts, Sizhui held his hand,"Lan Zhan, everyone is giving presents to the couple. Let's give ours." Wei Ying clenched his fist as he thought,"Sizhui, you are such a shameless person that you hold his hands and talk in a sickening sweet voice infront of me." Sizhui and Wangji gave the present in Wen Qing's hand.
   To the see the present, Wen Qing's heart sank but still she kept up with the acting,"Wow! Couple bracelets. It's so beautiful Wangji." Wangji smiled,"All credit goes to Sizhui. He gave ideas and he chose the design too. I just accompanied him." Wei Ying smiled mockingly,"Thank you so much for this present. Suddenly I remembered that I received a couple bracelet too." But before Wei Ying could continue an unknown man came and introduced himself, "Hi! I'm Wen Chao the owner of 'Today' news channel. I'm here to cover today's story personally."
   Wei Ying asked,"Yes, one of your reporters called my fiancee and asked for an interview few days ago." Wen Chao asked,"Our reporter? Sorry sir, there must be some misunderstanding, no one had the permission to ask interviews from you two as per Mr and Mrs Jiang asked us." Wen Qing laughed to take the situation under control, "No, no, no. I forgot to tell Wei Ying that it was one of my facebook friends. She called me to prank me. Don't worry Mr Wen. Your workers are well behaved." Wen Chao smiled and excused himself as it was already the time for the engagement.
   Everyone gathered infront of the podium made for the couple. In the front row all of their friends were standing. Sizhui was standing right beside Wangji,"Lan Zhan, you don't have to watch this if you don't want to." Lan Zhan sadly smiled,"I have to Sizhui. It's the punishment of loving him. There will be a lot more situations when I could get hurt but still I'll face everything to see that just how much Wei Ying can break me."
   As Wen Qing was putting the ring on Wei Ying's finger neither Wei Ying or Lan Zhan bothered to smile not even a fake one. Suddenly Wei Ying saw that Sizhui held Wangji's hand softly and massaging in a gentle calming way. Wei Ying froze in his spot as if he was in a staring competition with Wangji. None of them were averting their eyes. Their expression was as if they will kill each other then and there. Wen Qing understood everything and she was waiting for Wei Ying to cancel the engagement and ran to his Lan Zhan but luck wasn't on her side. Yanli shook Wei Ying's hand softly, "A-Xian! A-Xian! Put the ring on your fiance. Everyone is waiting."
   And as if the devil again possessed Wei Ying, he took the ring and put it on Wen Qing's ring finger with a forced smile. Everyone started to congratulate them. The photo session started soon after the engagement. From family to friends everyone took photo with the couple. Suddenly Sizhui couldn't find Wangji anywhere. He went to Xichen who was talking to Mingjue, "Big brother! Have you seen Lan Zhan?" Xichen got worried,"No! Where is he? Let's look around." Huaisung came to them,"Xichen xiong, Wangji... Wangji is drinking in the mini bar. If he gets drunk..." But before he could finish his sentence Sizhui already ran towards the minibar. He already knew if Wangji got drunk then it would be real fuss to take care of him alone. After all Xichen was going to stay with his boyfriend at night, and Jingyi had a date with his old friend.
   Xichen ran after Sizhui too. As they reached the minibar, Wangji already was on his eighth shot. He was totally drunk by that time. On the other hand Wei Ying was finding Wangji too from his place. He also couldn't find Wangji. As his eyes were roaming all over the garden suddenly he heard someone talking,"Senior. Congratulations! But you surprised me for real. I never thought that you would marry someone which is not that person whom you are looking for right now."
   Wei Ying turned towards the voice,"Xue Yang! What a surprise! You told me that you would not be able to make it back by the time of my engagement." Xue Yang hugged Wei Ying,"How can I live without my A-Qing? She called me like thousand times a day made me come back home quickly." Wei Ying laughed, "Serves you right. A playboy like you got the perfect girlfriend." Xue Yang shrugged,"I don't know. But I know something for sure that you are still in love with Wangji. Why are you hiding it from him?"
   Wei Ying sighed,"There is nothing to hide and I don't love him. I was just looking for Jiang Cheng." Xue Yang laughed,"Whatever you say. By the way Senior now I am back. So if you want any help with anything just let me know. I'll do everything in my power to help you out." In the school days Wei Ying helped Xue Yang in a lot of ways that's why Xue Yang loved and respected Wei Ying so much. And then both the Junior and the senior saw Xichen and Sizhui were supporting a very drunk Wangji who was stiff like a log.
   Wen Qing was worried,"How much he drank? He is completely wasted.'' Xichen sighed,"It's ok. Sizhui can handle it. I told him that I will be back in home early morning to help him." Xichen was looking real guilty for picking up boyfriend over brother but he should let go of of Wangji in some cases. Xichen helped Sizhui to put Wangji in the car. But Xue Yang thought that something was off in that relationship. Though he wanted to tell this to his senior but he didn't want to give Wei Ying false hope.
   Xue Yang thought,"I have to think of a way to solve this. I really need to help Wei Ying after all he helped me with my confession to A-Qing. I can't see him getting hurt." Wei Ying thought to see Wangji,"The first rule of dating Lan Zhan is not to let him drink. He already gets drunk after two shots. Sizhui is dating him but don't know a lot of things. Is he even his real boyfriend or..." Wei Ying turned towards Xue Yang, "A-Yang, can you do me a favor?"
   Xue Yang smiled,"Anytime. If you are thinking about the same thing like me about testing their relationship if it is real or not... Then I have already a plan." Xue Yang explained his whole plan and Wei Ying confirmed that in a moment. Wei Ying also wanted to see how Wangji really felt about Sizhui. By that time, Xichen had already settled Wangji in the front seat and fastened his seat belt. Xichen patted Sizhui's head,"I'm so sorry A-Yuan for doing this to you but I really can't help it today. Please take care of yourself and Wangji." Sizhui smiled, "I told you already. It's absolutely fine. You don't have to apologize for that. After all it was my fault that I didn't pay attention to him. Don't worry about us. I'll take care of everything. Bye." With that Sizhui took off.
   Xichen was worried but he believed in Sizhui. Suddenly he came across a memory of drunk Wangji. It was the week of their mother's death anniversary. Wangji drank a lot and he was out of control. Xichen couldn't handle him anymore so he asked,"Wangji! Please stop smashing things around. Tell me what do you want I'll give it to you." Wangji said,"Wei Ying." But it was impossible for Wei Ying to come that day. He was attending a office party. But with a lot of hesitation Xichen gave Wei Ying a call and told him everything. Within half an hour Wei Ying was in the Lan mansion. He calmed down Wangji and went to sleep with him. Xichen sighed,"Why? A-Ying, why? Why on earth you became like that?" Then Xichen went back to his boyfriend with a heavy heart.


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