Chapter 1

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I dragged my legs on the street and my head hung down. Each step felt heavy, I didn't want to arrive at the place I was headed to.

I purposely walked slower to make the time I spend on this walk longer. I knew there was no point to this, but I wanted to cherish the time I had before going to the hell hole I'm about to enter.

I looked at the tall building in front of me. No matter how much I wished that place to have been burned down or gotten swept away by an alien attack or something, that building still stood intact on the ground.

I hate school.

School had always been the source of my pain and problems. There were so many people I didn't want to meet there, and I haven't been studying well lately.

Before I knew it, I was already standing in front of my classroom. I opened the door a little and peek inside. Ugh, he was here.

Sitting by my desk, an arctos dressed like a punk was chatting out loud with his gang. He was the reason why I chose to almost come to school late on purpose. If I enter the classroom just as class starts then I don't have to face him in the mor-

"Oi!" Someone shouted behind me which startled me. A hyaenidae which was also one of his gang stood towering over me menacingly. "What are you doing standing in the way like that? Do you want to enter or not?"

"S-sorry. I-I-I..." I stuttered as I hugged my backpack nervously. Damn, why did I have to be spotted by him?

"Heh, coward. Just enter, dammit!" He shoved me into the classroom, making me fall onto the floor.

"Hey Bronte, look what I found!" The hyena spoke loudly, gaining the attention of the whole class. "This twat has been standing in front of the class door since earlier. It seems he is afraid of something. I wonder what he is afraid of?"

The bear and his gang started laughing while I hung my head shamefully. I hurriedly stood up and went to my desk at the corner back beside the window, not before someone tried to trip me with their leg.

"Yo, loser. It's unusual for you to come up this early." The acrtos sneered at me. I just stared at my table in silence.

"Say something, dummy!" He spat as he kicked my desk.

"Y-yes! I'm... here..." I answered quickly while defending myself with my arms, afraid that he would start to hit me.

"Stop being a pussy, loser! Get your ass up and bring me the usual shit!"

"...I understand." I stood up and made my way to the cafeteria while being watched by the whole class. Some were looking at me with sympathy, while some just ignored me on purpose.

This was why I didn't want to arrive early in the morning. I basically became an errand boy for his breakfast.


The class had already started, yet I couldn't focus. The teacher's words seemed to go into my right ear and out of my left ear. I couldn't understand what he said.

One time, I tried to understand the lecture, but then when it became slightly harder I gave up completely. It's not that I was a person who gave up easily in the first place. It was mainly because I have more important things to be worried about.

I glanced slightly at the person who sat beside me. He just casually placed his legs on his desk while playing with his mohawk.

Bronte Petterson, the classmate who sat beside me and literally the boss in this school. His family owned the biggest company in the city, making them wealthy and influential. He basically controlled the whole school, it was also owned by his family. He could do anything he wanted, and no one could stop him.

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