Chapter 2

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The sky was cloudy this morning. Warm water washed my fur as I rubbed the shampoo over my body, the same shampoo I used every day. It was not like other shampoos were any different anyway.

After that, I wiped my head and body in front of the mirror with a towel. I looked at my reflection. A bohemian shepherd with blue eyes stared back at me.

I stared at my reflection blankly. I hate the gray spot around my right eye and ear. It made me look different and being different made you easily picked on. There are not many bohemian shepherds that have spots in the first place.

After I put on my clothes, I came down to the dining room to have breakfast. The dining room looked empty as always. Neither mom nor dad could be seen.

This had already become the usual routine. Every day my dad would go off to work in the early morning. Sometimes my mom would cook me breakfast, but mostly I just made a bowl of cereal for myself. I can't remember the last time we ate together at the same table.

"Kevin." A stern voice could be heard. My mother was standing in the door frame, folding her hands while glaring at me with a sharp gaze.

"I spotted your dinner was still in the fridge. Did you skip dinner yesterday?"

"...Yes, I did," I answered in uneasy. There was no use in lying where there was already evidence.

She walked towards me and slapped me in the face. "Haven't I told you to not throw away food? I worked hard to make it for you! Do you understand!?"

"Yes, mom. I'm sorry." I hug my head while holding my cheek. I didn't want to make more trouble.

She signed and shook her head. "This is already the third time you've skipped dinner this week. You hear? Three times! I hope I'll not see any leftovers again."

She walked away to her room and slammed the door, leaving me alone with a feeling of guilt.

It was my stupid mistake for forgetting the dinner yesterday. Mom always hates it when I skip dinner. She also hates it when I make small mistakes. It was not like she was always hitting me when she was angry, but she likes getting angry over small things.

She was not like this before. She started becoming more sensitive ever since dad stopped coming home on time. He often came home late as he loved his work.

I sighed and took the cereal box out of the shelf. Cold cereal and a scolding in the morning. What a way to start a day.


"So, as you may know, our class president here will be representing our school in the National High School Academic Science Championship. We will be praying for his success in this event."

Mrs. Morrison talked as she put her hand on the class president. Everyone applauded the vulpes who stood in front of the class. I just looked at the outside through the window without caring.

Troylen Roberson, class president and the favorite student among the teachers. He was literate and always followed the rules, making him become the model student for everyone. Every time there was an academic competition, he was always the one who became the representative.

Earning a C on my test paper was already a big achievement for me, let alone being someone who got first place in every subject.

He went back to his seat as the teacher started the class. I looked at him who was sitting quite far away.

Now that I think about it, he was always alone too wasn't he? He did have an aura that made him quite unapproachable. He always looked busy reading or studying on his own. Well, that was what you would expect from smart people.

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